J. Henry Smith, M. D., Albion, was born in Canada in 1842, living there until 1860, when he came to the United States: He received his preliminary education at Clark Seminary, Aurora, Ill., where he lived for several years. For a time he engaged in the practice of dentistry at Aurora. He took one course of lectures at the Detroit Medical College, at Detroit, Mich., and two courses at Rush Medical College, Chicago, graduating from the latter in 1870. He then went to Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y., engaging there in the practice of his profession about ten years. He then moved to Albion, Neb., where he has since resided. He was married in October, 1871, at Kendall, N. Y., to Miss Mary C. Barnum, a native of Dutchess County, N. Y. They have four children–Carrie W., Louisa, James Barnum and Joseph Pomeroy. He is a member of the Masonic Order.
Joseph Henry Smith (1842-1925) and Mary Catherine Barnum (1845-1880) had five children. More information is available on the Barnum Family Genealogy website.