Treaty of July 14, 1876

Last Updated on June 13, 2013 by Dennis

To The Hon. Thos. Howard And J. Lestock Reid, Esq.

Dear sirs, –Under authority from the Minister of the Interior, I have to request you to proceed to Lake Winnipeg for the purpose of–on behalf of the Privy Council of Canada–securing the adhesion to Treaty Number Five of the Indians who have not yet been dealt with, and to make the necessary payments to the others.

1st. You will, if possible, together proceed to or meet at the following places, being there on the days named, viz.: Dog Head Point, 25th July, and Berens River on the 5th August.

2nd. Mr. Howard will then proceed to the mouth of the Saskatchewan, so as to reach there on the 25th of August, and then arrive at the Pas on the 5th of September.

3rd. Mr. Reid will proceed from Berens River to Norway House, to arrive there on or before the 25th of August.

4th. You or either of you will secure the adhesion of the Island Indians to the treaty after the form annexed, and will request them to select a Chief and three Councilors, and will be authorized to promise them a reserve of one hundred and sixty acres to each family of five, or that proportion for larger or smaller families, to be selected for them by the person chosen for that end by the Privy Council with their approval.

5th. You or either of you will obtain the adhesion of the Indians of the Grand Rapids of Berens River to the treaty according to the form annexed. You will ask them to select a Chief and three Councilors. A similar provision will be made as to a reserve, but if necessary you can fix the locality at the Sandy Narrows above the rapids on the Berens River, reserving free navigation and access to the shores to all Her Majesty’s subjects.

6th. Mr. Reid will pay the Norway House and Cross Lake Indians, and will ascertain the intentions of the Norway House Indians as to the time of their removal to Fisher River, of which I am unadvised.

7th. Mr. Howard will pay the Indians at the mouth of the Saskatchewan, and if the Indians have removed their houses, as agreed by the treaty, will pay them five hundred dollars, but if not and some have removed, will pay such their proportionate share of the five hundred dollars.

8th. You will distribute the implements, tools, etc. sent among the Indians, as also the ammunition and twine. Cattle cannot be given till the Indians are sufficiently settled on the reserves to make it seem that they will be cared for. You will report any cases where you find this to be the case, for future action.

9th. You will inform the Berens River Indians that their application for a hay reserve has been forwarded to the Privy Council by me, and that they will receive a reply hereafter.

10th. Mr. Howard will secure the adhesion of the Indians at the Pas to the treaty providing that reserves of one hundred and sixty acres to each family of five will be granted at places selected for them by an officer of the Privy Council, with their approval; but it will probably be necessary to give them a reserve at the Pas where they reside, reserving carefully free navigation and access to the shores. As the extent of land there is very narrow, it may be desirable to indicate localities where farming reserves will be granted subject to the approval of the Privy Council.

11th. The Moose Lake Indians are a distinct band, and will probably desire the recognition of two separate Chiefs and the allotment of separate reserves to them.

12th. The Cumberland House Indians are another band, but very much scattered; the question of a reserve will have to be considered, and, in connection with it, as in other cases, respect for actual, bona fide, substantial improvements, and for the rights of settlers.

13th. In all cases the places indicated for reserves to be subject to Her Majesty’s approval in Council, and free navigation and access to the shores to be reserved.

14th. In the case of new adhesions to the treaty, which are in fact new treaties, only five dollars is to be paid, but persons belonging to bands treated with last year are to receive last year’s payment, if then absent, if necessary.

15th. You will each take with you a suitable person, to be approved of by me, to assist you in the payment.

I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, Alexander Morris, Lieut. -Governor.

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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