This document contains genealogical statements regarding various individuals and families of Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Mississippi Choctaw descent who sought recognition and enrollment in tribal rolls. The records, primarily from 1909 reports, detail claimants’ ancestry, enrollment issues, and tribal affiliations. Many individuals were denied enrollment due to factional disputes, legal technicalities, or failure to apply within deadlines. The document includes references to official reports and affidavits, offering insights into the complexities of Native American citizenship and land rights during the early 20th century.
Da-nu-wa, John (minor).
Cherokee by blood. Files: Cherokee N. B. 3951, records in office of Commissioner for the Five Civilized Tribes. Application was made for the enrollment of this child under the act of April 26, 1906. It Is a full-blood Cherokee, of parents who belonged to the Knight Hawk Band, who opposed enrollment and refused to give any information in regard to the child or to apply for its enrollment. As the time for closing the rolls drew near the application of this child had to be rejected for lack of information. Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Davis, Hattie A.
Chickasaw by blood. Files: Part II, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909. This woman claims enrollment as a Chickasaw freedman. Her failure to secure enrollment was due to delay in making application. Her mother was a slave, and it is probable she was also. She claims that her sister, Rosie Lamey, is on the Chickasaw freedman roll.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Davis, John.
Creek by blood. Files: Records of Land Division, Indian Office; also records of Indian Territory Division, Secretary’s Office. This man was a full-blood Indian. He was living in the Creek Nation March 8, 1900, and was hence entitled to enrollment under section 29 of the Creek agreement, which was entered into with the Indians on said date. The words “now residing” must necessarily have had reference to the date of the writing because certain people were then being considered. Said section did not have reference to some undefined class who might qualify at a later date.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.
Indian Territory Division 7562-1902.
Case returned to Indian Office, with departmental letter. January 20, 1903 (96 press-copy book, I. T. D., 126).
Land No. (I. O.) 70980-1902. Indian Office letter, December 5, 1902, forwarding case to department.
Note. Application was made by Jeff Davis for enrollment of John, his minor child.
Davis, Wit. T.
Cherokee by intermarriage. Denied enrollment, although on 1880 confirmed roll. Adverse action taken because it was supposed he “married out” of the nation. It is claimed, however, that his second wife was one of the Delawares who were adopted by treaty into the Cherokee Nation.
Number of claimants, 1.
Doak, Mattie (7-2526) : post office, Muskogee. Okla.
Choctaw by marriage. File: Part 1 of report of March 3, 1909). “Applicant claims by virtue of marriage with Dennis James. Choctaw by blood, deceased, identified on 1893 Choctaw roll. She has three children, Allie. Melinda, and Eve James, on final Choctaw roll by blood, by this marriage. Applicant denied and decision affirmed March 4, 1907, because of being possessed of Negro blood. Otherwise case is perfect. We believe no authority of law for denying on this accountpurely prejudice. She was lawfully married and was United States citizen at the time, and lawfully became Choctaw citizen by the marriage.”
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Doctor, Jimmie.
Choctaw or Chickasaw by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. It is stated that this claimant lives at Ti, Okla.; that he was too much of a “backwoodsman” to look after his enrollment: that his children have been enrolled; and that he had the same mother as Turner Burris, whose case is the subject of a separate memorandum.
Note. From the memorandum in the Turner Burris case it appears that the applicant has a strong claim.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Downing, Ambrose.
Downing. Jesse.
Creeks by blood. Files: Part III, Report March 3, 1909. The statements which follow were furnished by Ambrose Downing, Jesse being his younger brother. He is the son of Burnett and the nephew of Marchie Thompson. The latter drew the $14.44 payment for him. His mother was a white woman. He lived with Marchie Thompson when a boy. He also has other relatives whose names are on the rolls. He was born In the Cherokee Nation and has lived in the Creek Nation for the past 15 years, being now 28 or 29 years old. He was allowed to attend the Creek schools. This claimant gives as reference Jack Thompson, of Checotah, and Sam Hayes, of Okmulgee, the latter being the official interpreter for the district agent at that point.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.
Downing. Laura.
Ellick, Buck.
Cherokees by blood. Files: Reports Acting Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. January 13 and 15, 1910, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Laura Downing, child of Amanda Downing, a Cherokee. No application of record. Buck Ellick, age 7 years; parents are dead and names can not be Identified on roll. He is, however, apparently a full blood.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.
Dunford (Christian name unknown.) (Minor child of Perry Dunford.)
Choctaw freedman. Files: Statement of R. L. Turnbull, ex-Indian policeman of Bokchito, made at Atoka, Okla.. November 10. 1908. (See part 1, Exhibit F, report March 3, 1909.) Mr. Turnbull’s statement Is as follows: “It seems that all of the children are enrolled with the exception of this one. The father and mother are on the roll as Choctaw freedmen. This child who is not enrolled is either the oldest or next to the oldest girl. The family resides 2 miles south of Bokchito, Okla.”
Note. This child is probably entitled to enrollment If the case could be taken up and disposed of on its merits. Very likely her failure to secure enrollment was due to some technical cause, such as lack of application or the like. Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.
Dunford, Lena.
Choctaw freedman. Files: Report of November 15. 1907, from Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. Application was received December 26, 1902, for the enrollment of Lena Dunford, born December 10,1895, and who was living September 25, 1902, as a Choctaw freedman. Lena Dunford is a child of Terry Dunford, whose name appears opposite No. 3405 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and Louisa Dunford, nee Hicks, to whom Terry Dunford was married about 1891 or 1892.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.