Personal Names of Indians of Pennsylvania

Last Updated on April 24, 2013 by

The following names of Delaware Indians are gleaned from the Pennsylvania Records, and the Pennsylvania Archives, First Series. Many of these Indians were formerly residents of New Jersey, and they all spoke the same language as the Indians living between the Delaware and the ocean.

Akalawhanind, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Aketawnikity, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Alemeon, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Hithquoquean.
Allummapees or Sassoonan, King of the Delawares, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Allummapis (alias Sassoonan), the Chief of the Delaware Indians, with divers of their Ancient men, as Owcawyekoman, Saykalm, Shapopaman, Naynachkeemand, Saymningoe, Opemanachum, Peeskeekond, Weytcholeching, Laylachtochoe, Old men, with others, old and Young, as Metaweykoman, Pokanjeechalan, &c.,” called on Thomas Penn, Proprietor of Pennsylvania, Lieut-Gover nor George Thomas, and the Council, at Philadel phia, October 3, 1738. Penn. Col. Records, IV., 307.
Alomipas, Chief of the Delawares, sick, 1744. Penn. Col. Rec. N., 742. Dies, 1748. Ib., V., 222.
Anondounoakom, son of the Chief of the Minisinks, 1760. Rec., IV., 742. Dies, 1748. Ib., V., 222.
Apiscawa, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Awahelah, Owehela, an “Indian King” (of the Delawares), on Christina, 1694. Penn. Col. Records, I, 448; II., 26. (Awé hellea a flying bird.)
Awawnoos, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Ayshataghoe, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Aysolickon, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Chepelunguenawnehink, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Chichaagheway, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Chillaway, Job, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Coallins, or Goatshank, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Otawopass.
Custologo, “a Delaware Indian, and a very Leading man,” 1753. Penn. Col. Rec… V., 660.
Essoweyowaltend, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyescung.
Gashatis, child of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent..
Goatshank, or Coallins, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Otawopass.
Gonassenook, child of Wewnlalinlent, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Gulyppenaa, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Hithquoquean, Hicquoqueen, Hetcoquehan, Kyanharro (a Susquehanna Indian). Shakhuppo, Oriteo (a Susquehanna Indian), Menanzes (Menangy, Chief of Schuylkill), Mohocksey, Tamanee, Alemeon, with several others of the Delaware Indians, were admitted to a conference with Lieutenant-Governor William Markham, of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, July 6, 1694. Penn. Col. Records, I., 447; see II., 26.
Hoarsnet, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Jandahass or Tauclakass, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Otawopass.
Keekeuscund, an Unamie Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Kellymacquan, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Kendaskond, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Ketamakelomen, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonari.
Kootahekund, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscimg.
Kootanickhos, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Kyanharro, a Delaware Indian, 1694. See Hocquoqueen.
Lappawinzoe, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Lawye-quohwon, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Laylachtochoe, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Linge-hanoa, a Delaware Chief, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Manangy, or Menanzes, a Delaware Indian Chief, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Manawkyhickon, Lappawinzoe, Teeschacomin, Nootamis, grantors, with consent of Tameckapa, Oochqueahgtoe, Wayshaghinichon, Nectotaylemet, Taar-lichigh, Neeshalinicka, Neepaheiloman, Ayshataghoe, Aysolickon, Chichaagheway, Shawtagh. Indian deed, Aug. 25, 1737, to John Penn, Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, for lands on Delaware River, Neshameney Creek, etc. Penn. Archives, I., 541.
Maseecheinen, a Delaware Sachem, 1755. See Tateuscung.
Mawmesoholind, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Menanzes, a Delaware Indian Chief, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Mesakeenan, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Metaweykoman, a Delaware Indian. 1738. See Allummapis.
Meteyikon, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Mettshish, child of Wewnlalinlent, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Migmaowickwa, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Mohocksey, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Musha Meelan, a Delaware Indian, accused of killing a white man, 1744. Penn. Col. Rec., IV., 745.
Nalehileehque (probably Nalehilochque), wife of Wewnlal Inlent, a Delaware Indian, 1756. See Wewnlal Inlent.
Nanatchies, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Nawhachulind, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Nawnachis, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Naynachkeemand, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Nectotaylemet, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Neepaheiloman, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Neeshalinicka, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Nenatcheehon, a Delaware Chief, at the treaty of Lan caster, Pa., July 20, 1748. Penn. Col. Rec., V.,
Nena-Chyhunt, a Delaware Indian, 1742 See Ollumapies.
Nichshompeyat, a Delaware Indian,. 1728. See Sassoonan.
Nootamis, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Nudimus, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Ollumapies, Linge-hanoa, Chiefs, Kellymacquan, Quittiequont, Pisquitton, Nena-Chyhunt, Delawares of Shamokin; Onutpe, Lawyequohwon alias Nudi mus, To-wegh-kapy, Delawares from the Forks present at the treaty at Philadelphia. July, 1742. Penn. Col. Rec., IV., 583.
Onape-assen, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Onutpe, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Oochqueahgtoe, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Opekasset, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Opemanachum, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Oriteo, a Susquehanna Indian, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Otawopass Benjamin, and Coallins or Goatshank, Mes sengers from the Minisink Indians; Taudakass (or Jandahass), a Delaware Indian who came with the Munsey Indians, Moses Tetamy, assistant at a conference with Gov. Francis Bernard, of New Jersey, at Burlington, Aug. 7, 1758. Smith’s N. J., 449; Penn. Col. Rec., VIII., 156.
Owcawyekoman, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Owehela, a Delaware King, 1694. See Awahelah. Papununk (Papunhack) and Toankakanan, two speakers of the Minisink Indians; Nanatchies, Job Chillaway, Delawares; Pelaweach, Sepeank, Tataukaing, Mesakeenan, Penacheewees, Onapeassen, Minisinks, from an Indian town above Wiomink; Kendaskond and Wochkaasa, Minisinks from At-sinksink at a conference with Lieut-Gov. James Hamilton, of Pennsylvania, and his Council, at Philadelphia, July 11, 1760. Perm. Col. Rec., VIII., 484.
Paxinosa, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Peeskeekond, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Pelawe-ach, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Pelesch, child of Wewnlalinlent, a Delaware Indian, 1756. See Wewnlalinlent.
Penacheewees, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Petachtghowechive. child of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Pisquitton, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Pokanjeechalan, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Pokonshegly, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Potshalagees, child of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Pullaky (a “young buck), child of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Quidahicqunt, a Delaware Indian and interpreter, 1744. Penn. Col. Rec., IV., 742.
Quittiequont, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Saagochque, wife of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.
Sassoonan or Allummapees, King of the Delawares, with Opekasset, Shakatawlin, Gulyppenaa, Hoarsnet, Meteyikon, Nichshompeyat, Tossweychimon, Aketawnikity, Ketamakelomen and Wetchywalikon, with others of the Delawares, present at a conference with Lieutenant-Governor Patrick Gordon, his Council, and others, at Philadelphia, June 4, 1728. Penn. Col. Rec., III., 316, 330.
Saykalm, a Delaware Indian. 1738. See Allummapis.
Saymningoe, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Sepeank, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Sesounan, Sassoonan, a Delaware Indian. Penn. Col. Rec., IV., 432, 443. See Allummapis.
Shakatawlin, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Shakhuppo, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Shapopaman, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Shawtagh, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawky-hickon.
Taarlichigh, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Tamanee, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Hithquoqueen.
Tameckapa, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Taquakawhannah, Teedyuscung s son, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Tataukaing, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Tateuscung, or Honest John, Maseecheinen, Tepeschawaunk, Sachems of the Delawares, in conference with the Council of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, April 14, 1755. Penn. Col. Rec., VI., 360.
Taudakass or Jandahass, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Otawopass.
Teedeuscung, made King of the Delawares, by the Six Nations. 1755. Penn. Col. Rec., VII., 199. See Teedyescung, on page 64, ante.
Teedyuscung, Taquakawhannah (Teedyuscung s son), Kootanickhos, Tepiscahung, Mawmesoholind, Nawnachis, Nawhachulind, Migmaowickwa, Wi-wemuckwee, Chepelunguenawnehink, Essoweyowaltend, Welimeghyunk, Pokonshegly, Akalawhanind, Kootahekund, Pisquetund. Keekeuscund (an Unamie), Awawnoos (Paxinosa s son), Apis-cavva (a Minisink Indian). Indians present at a conference in Philadelphia, July 6, 1758, with Lieut. Gov. William Denny. Penn. Archives, HI., 456.
Teeschacomin, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Tepeschawaunk, a Delaware Sachem, 1755. See Tateuscung.
Tepiscahung, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Tetamy, Moses, a Minisink Indian, 1758. See Otawopass.
Titami, a Delaware Indian, 1742. Penn. Col. Rec., IV., 624.
Toan-kakanan, a Minisink 1 Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Tossweychimon, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
To-wegh-kapy, a Delaware Indian, 1742. See Ollumapies.
Wayshaghinichon, a Delaware Indian, 1737. See Manawkyhickon.
Welimeghyunk, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscung.
Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent
Wewnlalinlent and Nalehileehque his wife; Pelesch, Gonassenook, Mettshish, their children. Weshichage chive and Saagochque, his wife; Petachtghowe-chive, Pullaky, Wonspris, Potshalagees, Gashatis, their children. Two Delaware families at Bethlehem, Pa., 1756. Penn. Col. Rec., VII., 174.
Wetchywalikon, a Delaware Indian, 1728. See Sassoonan.
Weytcholeching, a Delaware Indian, 1738. See Allummapis.
Wiwemuckwee, a Delaware Indian, 1758. See Teedyuscnng.
Wochkaasa, a Minisink Indian, 1760. See Papununk.
Wonspris, child of Weshichagechive, a Delaware Indian, 1760. See Wewnlalinlent.


Personal Names Of Indians Of New Jersey, By William Nelson, 1904, The Paterson History Club, Paterson, N. J.

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