Native American

The list of items below have been tagged as part of the Native American historical collection here at AccessGenealogy.

Linguistic Families of American Indians North of Mexico

The Powell map of “Linguistic Families of American Indians North of Mexico,” first published in 1891, has been a valuable resource for understanding the diverse linguistic groups of Native American tribes. Despite its utility, there has been a need for a detailed map showing the specific locations of tribes within these families. This article addresses that gap by exploring the complexities of defining and mapping tribes, particularly given the non-uniform application of the term “tribe” and the varying levels of coherence among different groups. The article emphasizes the challenges in creating such a map, especially when considering the historical movements and interactions of these tribes.

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Major Boutelle’s Account of His Duel with Scar-faced Charley

In the latter part of November, 1872, Mr. Odeneal, Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the State of Oregon, appeared upon the scene and sent word to Captain Jack of the Indians that he was at Link ville and to meet him there. Jack not responding, he was informed that Odeneal would be at Lost River

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The Last Fight of the Campaign

From the Report of Brig.-Gen. H. C. Hasbrouck, United States Army (Retired) I marched from Redding, California, my Battery B, Fourth Artillery, being equipped as cavalry, under the command of Captain John Mendenhall, Fourth Artillery, April 19, 1873, and arrived at Promontory Point, April 28th. April 29th marched under Captain Mendenhall to Captain Jack’s old

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