1832 Creek Census – Euchee Town

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records.

This is the 1832 Creek census for the town of Euche (Euchee).

Euche1Yar har Har jo1304
Euche2Kolch ar Tustunnuckee6309
Euche3Har lock Yo ho lo2103
Euche4Tus tun nuck Har jo1102
Euche5Cus se na Barnard46616
Euche6Tus tun nuck ee chop ke1203
Euche7Tus tun nuck ee char tee2002
Euche8Mul li key3104
Euche9Yow we thlar (or Ben)2204
Euche10Yat ar sarlt hay1102
Euche11Koonk arlth har nay1203
Euche12At te lay2204
Euche13Eu lo ho tay2305
Euche14To u ho nay1304
Euche15Ak ko teel hay2103
Euche16Suck ke Quar har6208
Euche17San he har par Quar har (or Sam Brown)3104
Euche18Yat tar ko ho we4206
Euche19Te shar sarlt har nay2204
Euche20Kil le ko he thlar nay1203
Euche21Chark ko yar thlay2103
Euche22Yar te ko tar2204
Euche23Ak ko haint le tay2305
Euche24Song teel hay3205
Euche25Shoo Quar har1203
Euche26Eu far ko we1102
Euche27Ar tar ko he nay2103
Euche28Tar sarlt hay2103
Euche29Quar hay4206
Euche30Art ho2103
Euche31Kay har ta nay4105
Euche32Wi unk Quar har1102
Euche33Yus tar har tun ne2103
Euche34Kar tar hailth yo nay2204
Euche35Sar ko oont koonth le nay3205
Euche36Skar ke3205
Euche37Tar te kone shay3104
Euche38Hat ap pe far2103
Euche39Su yar nay1102
Euche40Shu shi ye2103
Euche41Shark ho with lar nay1304
Euche42Sharl te nay1102
Euche43Tayown stay nay2103
Euche44Ke le fas sa2002
Euche45Top pin la ar tin ney2103
Euche46Ke ko ko oonth lar nay (alias John)1304
Euche47Ko we tin nay1203
Euche48Ko u sho nay3205
Euche49Koath hench he nay1203
Euche50Shack un shar5106
Euche51Te ko hoon stoo nay3205
Euche52Yar ko e thlar1102
Euche53Sar ke hay3104
Euche54She ar ko a3407
Euche55Tuk kar ho we3205
Euche56She ats yar3205
Euche57Our che2406
Euche58Ko lay2507
Euche59Jim Barnard (or Ful lo ke)3339
Euche60To thle yar kar1203
Euche61Ke ko u por nay2002
Euche62Ko ho lay3003
Euche63Har lok ko ho ho nay1101
Euche64Ko ar tay1102
Euche65He tark o way1102
Euche66Shup par ke3205
Euche67Tar te far2305
Euche68Schar hoo ye2103
Euche69Ka har te nay1203
Euche70Litle Sims2125
Euche71Tar kar hoo tay1203
Euche72Yar lik ho we nay (or Nancy)1405
Euche73Kar tar lay1102
Euche74Ko oach yar2103
Euche75Kongse year2305
Euche76Tailthe your nay (or Margaret Barnard)0303
Euche77Scit tars harth le nay1102
Euche78Harriet Barnard0213
Euche79Kownt yo way nay1102
Euche80Tap pe nay1304
Euche81Es sa war ney2406
Euche82Yow with tan nay1304
Euche83Te tar ye2103
Euche84Ok ko a ho nay1102
Euche85Sa tark ho way1102
Euche86Tark ark out lar nay1304
Euche87Sark hay hay0202
Euche88Jenny Barnard1304
Euche89Tark har nay1203
Euche90Pak ho e thlar1102
Euche91Kitty Barnard0246
Euche92Kone le weth lar0303
Euche93Nanny Barnard24612
Euche94Ko tong1102
Euche95To by Brown1102
Euche96Milly Brown1102
Euche97Jack Barnard1203
Euche98Ko ar pay2103
Euche99Tats har wi ney2103
Euche100Un nar wil ley2002
Euche101A tor far0202
Euche102Em pe thle1102
Euche103Shou war ney0202
Euche104Tim poo che Barnard3137principal chief
Euche105William Barnard451120principal chief
Euche106Pon a ker Thlock o4509principal chief



Hall, Lance L. Parsons and Abbott Roll.

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