D- Kansas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Djestyedje (long lake). A former village of the Kansa on Kansas r., near Lawrence, Kans. Dorsey, Kansa MS. vocab., B. A. E., 1882.

D- Louisiana Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Doustioni. A tribe, formerly living on Red r. of Louisiana, that from its proximity to the Natchitoches and the Yatasi was probably kindred thereto and belonged to the Caddo confederacy. The people are mentioned by Joutel, in 1687, as allies of the Kadohadacho. Pénicaut, in 1712, met them with a party of Natchitoches, and remarks that for the 5 years previous they had been constantly wandering, and living by the chase (Margry, Dec., v, 488). Their warriors at that time … Read more

D- Florida Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Dest. A former village, probably Timuquanan, in Florida, lat. 28 30 7 , near a small lake. Bartram, Voy., i, map, 1799. Duharhe. A country on the coast of Florida, seen by Lucas Vazquez de Ayllon in 1520, whose people were light in color and had abundant hair. The chief who ruled over this and other provinces was said to have been nourished on a certain food that caused him to grow to a gigantic size. Barcia, Ensayo, 4, 1723.

D- Arizona Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Dueztumac. A former Maricopa rancheria about 45 leagues (120 m.) above the mouth of the Rio Gila in s. w. Arizona; visited by Father Sedelmair in 1744. Bancroft, Ariz, and N. Mex., 366, 1889.

D- California Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Dahnohabe (stone mountain) . A Pomo village said to have been on the w. side of Clear lake, Lake co., Cal., with 70 inhabitants in 1851. Danokha (Danoχo). A former Pomo village on the N. shore of Clear lake, Cal. Dapishul (Dá-pi-shūl, ‘high sun’). A former Pomo village in Redwood valley, Mendocino co., Cal. Powers in Cont. N. A. Ethnol., iii, 155, 1877. Daupom Wintun (sloping-ground Wintun). A Wintun tribe formerly living in Cotton wood valley, Shasta co., Cal. Djishtangading. … Read more

C- Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Chayopin. One of the tribes named by Garcia (Manual, title, 1760) as living at the missions about Rio San Antonio and Rio Grande in Texas, and identified by Mooney as a division of the Tonkawa. In 1785 there was a rancheria called Chayopin, with 8 inhabitants, near the presidio of La Bahia (the present Goliad) and the mission of Espiritu Santo de Zúñiga, on the lower San Antonio (Bancroft, No. Mex. States, i, 659, 1886). Chilano. A village or tribe, … Read more

C- Pennsylvania Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Catawaweshink. A former village, probably of the Delawares, on or near Susquehanna r., near Big Island, Pa. Post (1758) in Kauffman, West. Pa., app., 96, 1851. Catawissa. Probably a Conoy village, as Conyngham (Day, Perm., 243, 1843) says the Conoy “had a wigwam on the Catawese at Catawese, now Catawissa.” in Columbia co. , Pa. The name is probably derived from Piscatawese, a later designation for the Conoy. Catfish Village. A former settlement, probably of the Delawares, on Cattish run, … Read more

C- Rhode Island Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Cawasumseuck. Given by Williams in 1643 as the name by which some tribe, settlement, or band of New England Indians called themselves (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., 1st s., in, 205, 1794). To what Indians he refers is unknown, but it is possibly to some then living on Cawsumsett Neck, near Pawtucket r., R. I. Charlestown. A township in Washington co., R. I., where a few mixed bloods, the remnants of the Narraganset and Nehantic, still live. (J. M.) Chaubatick. A … Read more

C- Tennessee Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Chattanooga (Cherokee: Tsatănu′gĭ, meaning unknown. ) The Cherokee name for a point on the creek entering Tennessee r. at the city of Chattanooga, Tenn. The ancient name for the site of the present city of Chattanooga was A‘tlă′nuwă, from tlă′nuwă, (hawk) hole. So far as is known there was no Cherokee settlement at the place, although some prominent men of the tribe lived in the vicinity. Mooney in 19th Rep. B. A. E., 412, 413, 1900. Chagee. A former Cherokee … Read more

C- Oklahoma Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Chacacants. A village, possibly Caddoan, formerly on Red r., at the mouth of a N. affluent, in what is now Oklahoma. De l’Isle, map (1707) in French, Hist. Coll. La., in, 1851.

C- Oregon Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Cathlacomatup. A Chinookan tribe re siding in 1806, according to Lewis and Clark (Exped., II, 226, 1814), on the s. side of Sauvies id., in the present Multnomah co., Oreg., on a slough of Willamette r. Their estimated number was 170. Cathlacumup. A Chinookan tribe formerly living on the w. bank of the lower mouth of Willamette r., near the Columbia, claiming as their territory the bank of the latter stream from this point to Deer id., Oreg. Lewis and … Read more

C- New Jersey Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Cashiehtunk. A village, probably be longing to the Munsee, situated in 1738 on Delaware r., near the junction of the N. New Jersey state line. Golden (1738) in N. Y. Doc. Col. Hist., vi, 124, 1855. Chikohoki. A former village, said to be of the Manta division of the Delawares, on the site of Burlington, Burling ton co. , N. J. According to Heckewelder it was the oldest village on Delaware r. (J. M.) Communipaw (‘good fishing’. Jones, Ind. Bui., … Read more

C- New York Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico. Cahunghage. A former Iroquois village on the s. side of Oneida lake, N. Y. Canadasaga (Gă-nă-dă-se′-ge, ‘at the new town’). A former Seneca town near the present Geneva, N. Y. On account of its size it was for a time considered one of the chief towns of the tribe. In 1700 it was situated 1 m. s. E. of Geneva, but in 1732, on account of the ravages of smallpox, the inhabitants removed 2 or 3 m. s. w., to … Read more