C- Texas Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Chayopin. One of the tribes named by Garcia (Manual, title, 1760) as living at the missions about Rio San Antonio and Rio Grande in Texas, and identified by Mooney as a division of the Tonkawa. In 1785 there was a rancheria called Chayopin, with 8 inhabitants, near the presidio of La Bahia (the present Goliad) and the mission of Espiritu Santo de Zúñiga, on the lower San Antonio (Bancroft, No. Mex. States, i, 659, 1886).

Chilano. A village or tribe, probably Caddoan, visited by De Soto s troops under Moscoso toward the close of 1542, and at that time situated in N. E. Texas, near upper Sabine r. See Gentl. of Elvas (1557 ) in French, Hist. Coll. La., ii, 201, 1850.

Coapites. An unidentified tribe or band formerly living in the coast region of the present State of Texas. Rivera, Diario y Derrotero, leg. 2602, 1736.

Coayos. An unidentified tribe that lived near the Cutalchiches, Malicones, and Susolas, of whom Cabeza de Vaca (Smith trans., 72, 1851) heard during his stay with the Avavares in Texas in 1527-34.

Colete. One of the two principal villages of the Koasati on lower Trinity r., Tex. Bollaert in Jour. Ethnol. Soc. Lond., n, 282, 1850.

Como. An unidentified tribe that lived near the Susola, of whom Cabeza de Vaca (Smith trans., 84, 1851) heard while in Texas in 1527-34. The people seem to have been nearer the coast than the Susola, who, at the time Cabeza de Vaca heard of them, were at war with the Atayos (Adai).

Coyabegux. A village or tribe, now extinct, mentioned by Joutel as being N. or N. w. of Maligne (Colorado) r., Tex., in 1687. This region was controlled chiefly by Caddoan tribes. The name seems to have been given Joutel by Ebahamo Indians, who were closely affiliated with the Karankawa. See Gatschet, Karankawa Indians, 35, 1891; Charlevoix, New France, iv, 78, 1870.

Cuchendado. A Texan tribe, the last that Cabeza de Vaca met before he left the Gulf coast to continue inland. Cabeza de Vaca, Nar. (1542), Smith trans., 137, 1871.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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