D- Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Dadens (Da′dens). A Haida town on the s. coast of North id., fronting Parry passage, Queen Charlotte ids., British Columbia. It was the chief town of the Yakulanas previous to their migration to Prince of Wales id. ; afterward the site was used as a camp, but, it is said, was not reoccupied as a town. It figures prominently in accounts of early voyagers, from which it would appear either that it was still occupied in their time or that it had only recently been abandoned. (J. R. S.)

Dadjingits (Dadji′ñgits, ‘common-hat village’). A Haida town on the N. shore of Bearskin bay, Skidegate inlet, Queen Charlotte ids., Brit. Col. It was occupied for a brief time by part of the Gitins of Skidegate, afterward known as Nasagas-haidagai, during a temporary difference with the other branch of the group. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 279, 1905.

Dahua (Da′xua). A Haida town N. of Lawn hill, at the mouth of Skidegate inlet, Queen Charlotte id., Brit. Col. It belonged to the Djahui-skwahladagai, and was noted in legend as the place where arose the troubles which resulted in separating the later W. coast Indians from those of Skidegate inlet. It was also the scene of a great battle between the inlet people and those of the w. coast, in which the latter were defeated. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 279, 1905.

Daiyu (Daiyū′, giving-food-to-others town’). A Haida town on Shingle bay, E. of Welcome point, Moresby id., w. Brit. Col. It was owned by a small band, the Daiyuahl-lanas or Kasta-kegawai, which received one of its names from that of the town. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 279, 1905.

Desnedekenade (people of the great river) . A tribe of the Chipewyan group of the Athapascan family living along the banks of Great Slave r., Athabasca, Canada. There were 122 enumerated at Ft Resolution and 256 at Smith Landing in 1904.

Djigogiga (Djiogī′ga). A legendary Haida town of the Kasta-kegawai on Cop per bay, Moresby id., Queen Charlotte ids., Brit. Col. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 279, 1905.

Djigua (Dn′gua). A legendary Haida town on the N. shore of Cumshewa inlet, Queen Charlotte ids., Brit. Col., whence the ancestress of the Djiguaahl-lanas, Kai-ahl-lanas, Kona-kegawai, and Stawas-hai-dagai is said to have come. Swanton, Cont, Haida, 94, 1905.

Djihuagits (Djixuágîts, Masset dialect Chawagis, ‘always low water’). A Haida town on a creek just s. of Naikun, E. coast of Graham id., N. w. Brit. Col. Anciently it belonged to the Naikun-kegawai, but afterward to the Chawagis-atustae. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 280,1905.

Dog Creek. A Shuswap village or band on upper Fraser r. below the mouth of Chilcotin r. , Brit. Col. Pop. 14 in 1904. Can. Ind. Aff. 1904, pt. 2, 72, 1904.

Dotuskustl (Dō′t!Ask!AsL, those who left the west coast ). A subdivision of the Sagua-lanas, a division of the Eagle clan of the Haida. The name seems to imply that they formerly lived on the w. coast of Queen” Charlotte ids., Brit. Col., but in historical times they were in the town of Kung, in Naden harbor, with the other Sagua-lanas. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 275, 1905.

Douglas. The local name for a body of Lower Lillooet between Lillooet and Harrison lakes, Brit. Col.; pop. 76 in 1904. Can. Ind. Aff. 1904, pt, n, 74, 1905.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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