C- Unknown Location Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 15, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Cascarba (trans. white man). An unidentified Dakota tribe that lived 35 leagues up St. Peters r. in 1804. Orig. Jour. Lewis and Clark, i, 133, 1904.

Chala. A tribe mentioned by Hutchins in 1764 as living on the St Lawrence in connection with the Abnaki, Micmac, and Malecite, and having 130 warriors.

Chalowe. A former pueblo of the Zuñi, 11 m. N. w. of Hawikuh. The ruins form a widely scattered series of dwelling clusters, which traditionally belonged to one people, known by the general name of Chalowe. It is said to have been in habited at the time of the first arrival of the Spaniards. The general character and arrangement of the pueblo, however, are so different from the prevailing type in this region that it seems hardly probable that it belonged to the same people and to the same age as the other ruins. Mindeleff in 8th Rep. B. A. E., 83, 1891.

Champoeg. A Kalapooian village between Chemeketa and Willamette falls, Oreg. It is not known to which division of the family it belonged.

Chaolgakhasdi. One of the stopping places of the Tsejinkini and Tsehtlani clans of the Navaho, where, according to their genesis myth, they lived long and cultivated corn.

Chaoucoula. One of the 7 villages or tribes formerly constituting the Taensa confederacy. Iberville in Margry, Dec., iv, 179, 1880.

Chickasaw Half Town. Mentioned as a Choctaw town in the report of the Ft Adams conference in 1801. Macomb in Am. State Pap., Ind. Aff., i, 661, 1832.

Chichigoue (seemingly cognate with Chippewa shishikwe, ‘rattlesnake’. W. J.). A tribe mentioned by La Chesnaye as living N. of L. Superior in 1697, and generally trading with the English on Hudson bay. They can not be identified with any known tribe, but they were evidently Algonquian.

Chicoli. Mentioned as a Navaho settlement in 1799 (Cortez in Pac. K. K. Sep., in, pt. 3, 119, 1856); but as the Navaho are not villagers, it is probably only a geographical name.

Chigilousa (Choctaw: lusa ‘black’, chigi ‘houses’). A former tribe on the lower Mississippi, probably the same as the Chitimacha, w. of that river (La Tour, map, 1 783); but possibly they were of Choctaw affinity.

Churchers. A body of Indians living E. and N. E. of the white settlements in New England in 1634 (Wood, 1634, quoted by Barton, New Views, xviii, 1798). Not the Praying Indians, as the period is too early.

Coama. An Indian settlement of which Alarcon learned from natives of the Gulf of California region, and described as being in the vicinity of Cibola (Zuñi), but which was afterward found by him on his voyage up the Rio Colorado, or Buena Guia. See Alarcon (1540) in Hakluyt, Voy., in, 514, 1600; Ternaux-Compans, Voy., ix, 326, 1838.

Cogoucoula (prob. ‘swan people’, from Choctaw ókok, swan). One of the nine villages constituting the Natchez confederacy in 1699. Iberville in Margry, Dec., iv, 179, 1880.

Coiracoentanon. Mentioned by La Salle as a tribe or band of the Illinois living on a branch of Illinois r. about 1680. No Illinois tribe of this name is known.

Conisca (seemingly from kane′ska, ‘grass’). One of 4 Cherokee settlements mentioned by Bartram (Travels, 371, 1792) as situated on a branch of Tennessee r. about 1776.

Connecticut (from the Mahican quinni-tukq-ut, ‘at the long tidal river’). Tribes living on Connecticut r., including the Scantie, Nawaas, and Podunk.

Conontoroy. Given as one of the “out towns” among the Cherokee in a document of 1755 (Royce in 5th Rep. B. A. E., 143, 1887). Not identified.

Conshac (cane, reed, reed-brake). A name applied in three principal ways: (1) to the inhabitants of certain Choctaw towns (see Concha, Conchachitou, Conchatikpi, Conshaconsapa, Coosha); (2) to the Koasati, q. v.; (3) to a people living somewhere on Coosa r., not far from the Alibamu. Most of the later statements regarding these people seem to have been derived from Iberville (Margry, Dec., iv, 594-95, 602, 1880), who, in 1702, speaks of two distinct bands under this name, the one living with the Alibamu, the other some distance E. N. E. of them. The former were probably the Koasati, although it is possible that they were the people of Old Kusa, which was close by. The Conshac living higher up, 20 to 30 leagues beyond, Iberville states to have been called “Apalachicolys” by the Spaniards and to have moved into the district they then occupied from Apalachicola r. in order to trade with the English. Such a migration does not seem to have been noted by anyone else, however, and it is highly probable that these Conshac were the people of Kusa, the Upper Creek “capital.” This is rendered more likely by the analogous case of the Choctaw Coosha, called Coosa by Romans, the name of which has been corrupted from the same word, and from the fur ther consideration that Conshac and Kusa rarely occur on the same map. That the Conshac were an important tribe is attested by all early narratives and by the fact that Alabama r. was often called after them. If not identical with the people of Kusa specifically, the entire Muskogee tribe may be intended. (J. R. S.)

Corn Village. A former Natchez settlement.

Cotocanahut. Given as one of the Cherokee “valley towns” in a document of 1755 (Royce in 5th Rep. B. A. E., 142, 1887). Not identified.

Cuanrabi. Given as the name of a Hopi village in 1598 in connection with Naybí (Oraibe), Xumupamí (Shumopovi), and Esperiez (Onate, 1598, in Doc. Ined., xvi, 137, 1871) . Not identified.

Cuclon. Given as a Cherokee town in a document of 1799 (Royce in 5th Rep. B. A. E., 144, 1887). Not identified.

Cuitoas. A tribe mentioned in connection with the Escanjaques (Kansa). Their habitat and identity are unknown. Duro, Don Diego de Penalosa, 57, 1882.


Villages of the Untied StatesUnknown Location Indian Villages

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Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, Frederick Webb Hodge, 1906

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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