Mohawk Monument, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

Last Updated on August 22, 2013 by Dennis

Near Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, stands a monument erected in memory of a group of Mohawks who, in 1712 were enlisted by the English and taken to Annapolis Royal to secure the peace of the country. A company of Mohawks had served under Major Livingston at the capture of Annapolis and had done good service on the occasion. The English colony was in danger because of the French inhabitants who were stirring up trouble between the Mic-Mac Indians and the English and were threatening to take over the colony.

The Mohawks upon arrival in Annapolis built a fort in the most proper place for defense. The very presence of the Mohawks was sufficient to keep the Nova Scotia French and Mia-Macs quiet. Vetch, the English commander, wrote of these Mohawks, “They are of wonderful use, and better than three times the number of white men.” Again he wrote, ” They are better than four times the number of British troops.”

The marker of the Mohawk fort is located near the old Glebe House, now owned and occupied by Mr. Arnold Corp and family.

One wonders, after knowing of the numerous occasions that the warriors of the Six Nations aided and protected the English colonies when they were as babies in a strange land, how England could possibly “save Face” when during the years 1923-1924 she turned her head, allowing the Canadian Government to invade the little country called Six Nations Land, seize the Six Nation Council House, break open the safe holding the records of the Six Nations, steal the sacred wampum belts of the people, arrest and jail the Indian leaders, erect police barracks in the heart of the little nation and force their rule over a people who had done so much for their fathers.

Let us hope that the story of this terrible injustice will in time be known to the Canadian people so that they can right this wrong!

  • For details read: “Dark Trees to the Wind,” Chapter 4 by Carl Carmer, Pub. William Sloane Associates, N Y. C.

History, Mohawk,


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