Biography of George W. Buck

GEORGE W. BUCK. – The subject of this article is at the head of one of the largest industrial institutions of the county of Union, being proprietor and manager of the large sawmilling and lumbering establishment, where he has been enabled to turn out from three to four million feet of fine lumber annually, and in this capacity he has displayed an excellent ability and enterprise which have commended him to the esteem and confidence of the entire community, while he has also manifested a stanch character and maintained an untarnished reputation. George W. was born on March 22, 1848, … Read more

Biography of Homer C. Bidwell

HOMER C. BIDWELL. – The well known and enterprising businessman, of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is one of the substantial citizens of Union, & has by dint of hard effort, wise management and considerate treatment of patrons built up a fine business in the livery and transportation line. Having as fine stables and his rigs are among the most comfortable and well kept to be secured anywhere. Homer C. was born in Galesburg, Wisconsin on January 25, 1871, being the son of Charles C. & Mary A. (Gilbert) Bidwell. The father was one of those brave … Read more

Biography of Thomas Tanner

THOMAS TANNER. – A representative and enterprising agriculturist of Union county, the subject of this sketch stands high in the estimation of his fellows and has won, by his straightforwardness and upright life the confidence and esteem of all, while in his business career he has displayed energy and wisdom and a staunchness of purpose and thoroughness of execution that are praiseworthy and have brought their sure rewards in a competence of this world’s goods. Like so many of our thrifty and substantial citizens, Mr. Tanner was a native of England, being born on August 9, 1831, in Newbury, Berkshire … Read more

Biography of Neri L. Ackles

NERI L. ACKLES. – A man of broad experience in the business world, gained by practical contact with the different lines of enterprise in the northwest, the subject of this sketch is today one of Union county’s prominent and capable farmers and stockmen, whose ability has wrought for the advancement of the welfare of all, while he has prosecuted with vigor the industries that have come to his hand, gaining the reward of wisely bestowed labor in the land of resources and fertility. In Linn county, Missouri, Neri L. first saw the light and July 30, 1860, was the time … Read more

Biography of James H. Standley

JAMES H. STANDLEY. – Numbered with that sturdy class of pioneers who opened up the county for the settlement of their fellows while they wrought out for themselves homes and names in its annals must, to be consistent, be numbered the enterprising and progressive agriculturist and stockman, of whom we have now the pleasure to write, and who is familiar to the older settlers of the county as well as favorably known, while his faithful labors for many years have accomplished much for the development of the resources of Union county, and have given him the meed of the industrious, … Read more

Biography of William M. Stoker

WILLIAM M. STOKER. – Among the enterprising and industrious stockmen and agriculturists who have been successful in their endeavors in Union county we are constrained to mention the gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who is to-day one of the leaders in his line in the county. A man of good executive ability, with qualities of determination and stability, he has met the forces of the business world and there demonstrated his capabilities in a winning manner that has given him the competence of the prosperous, as well as the favor and esteem of his fellows. In Jackson county, … Read more

Biography of John Stotts

JOHN STOTTS. – While many have wrought faithfully and well in forwarding the interests of our county and in developing the resources that nature has lavishly bestowed here, there has none, doubtless, been more faithful and enterprising and steady in the prosecution of the industry that his hand found to do than the venerable pioneer, esteemed citizen and genial gentleman whose life’s history we now endeavor to chronicle in brief outline. Mr. Stotts has been well and favorably known here for over one-third of a century and is today beloved and cherished by all who have the pleasure of his … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Susewind

HENRY C. SUSEWIND. – As proprietor of one of the most popular and up-to-date hostelries of our county, the Centennial hotel of Union, the esteemed subject of this sketch is not only well and favorably known in the county and the adjacent territories, but is familiar to the traveling public and a favorite as well wherever he is known, always displaying amiability and a genial spirit and broad views on public questions that is the leading spirit of the day, while in the manipulation of his business affairs he is equal to the best and exceeded by none in the … Read more

Biography of Jonas H. Shambaugh

JONAS H. SHAMBAUGH. Deceased, was one of the thrifty stockmen and agriculturists that materially assisted in the subjugation of the wilds of Union county and one, too, who wrought with such excellent skill and wisdom in his effots that unbounded success attended him, while his broad public spirit and capabilities were manifested in his labors for the good of the county and its development, while his unquestioned integrity and uprightness were conducive to great good to his associates in the lofty examples that were characteristic of his personality. In the historic Shenandoah Jonas H. was brought into this life, his … Read more

Biography of George W. Robertson

GEORGE W. ROBERTSON- In the person of the subject of this sketch, we have exemplified the typical pioneer qualities that are so worthy of encomium, and that have done so much, for this country, practically making it what it is today, and our subject has spent a life of activity in the industries that develop and build up the country, while he has constantly displayed resources of ability and adaptability for the various positions of life that have held him in his career of varied and interesting achievements, manifesting as well, moral worth and a genial and kindly spirit throughout. … Read more

Biography of William Proebstel

WILLIAM PROEBSTEL. – In the word, pioneer, is wrapped more real substance and genuine meaning than perhaps in any other word of the English language. Its pronunciation brings vividly before us weary days of marching through the trackles wastes of western desert, enduring the pain of hunger, thirst and waning strength, although courage was never less to the pioneer and the buoyancy of hope never shone dimmer than when first its vision lured him to turn his face from civilization hired him to turn his face from civilization and begin the pilgrim journey toward the setting sun. What scenes of … Read more

Biography of James M. Parker

JAMES M. PARKER. – There is no more worthy subject for the pen of the writer than the sturdy, faithful pioneer. Little will ever be said concerning that life compared with the amount that might really be mentioned in praise of this noble class of individuals. We are pleased to announce that the man whose name appears at the head of this article belonged to that number of praiseworthy men who opened this country, doing work here before the middle of the last century, and from that time until the present maintaining an upright demeanor, displaying good ability to properly … Read more

Biography of John H. O’Bryant

JOHN H. O’BRYANT. – We esteem it a privilege to be permitted to chronicle for the history of our county a brief review of the substantial and prominent citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has wrought in the pioneer’s life so well and faithfully for the opening of this and adjacent counties and for their development and advancement for over one-third of a century, while his life of constant adherence to right and the principles of truth and uprightness, together with manifestation of sagacity and sound judgment, has placed him in a most enviable … Read more

Biography of Edward B. Morelock

EDWARD B. MORELOCK. – As one of the oldest pioneers of the Grande Ronde valley, and a wel-known citizen, the subject of this article appears today, having discharged the duties incumbent upon him in both public and private life during the long years that have intervened since he has domiciled here, in a manner that betokens the excellent capabilities of which he is possessed as well as with manifestation of those stanch qualities that are a concomittant part of the upright man and loyal citizen. From the state whence come so many of our best citizens, came also the subject … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Ferdinand Wimar

Charles Ferdinand Wimar, usually known as Carl Wimar, was born in Germany, 1828; died in St. Louis, November, 1862. Came to America and settled in St. Louis during the year 1843. A few years later he met the French artist Leon de Pomarede, with whom he later studied and made several journeys up the Missouri for the purpose of sketching. Went to Europe and returned to St. Louis about 1857. His Buffalo Hunt, now reproduced, was painted in 1860, exhibited at the St. Louis Fair during the autumn of that year, when it was seen by the Prince of Wales, … Read more

Biography of Samuel C. Parkinson

The name of Parkinson is so inseparably interwoven with the history of southeastern Idaho and its development that those who bear it need no special introduction to the readers of this volume. He of whom we write has long been accorded a place among the leading businessmen and progressive citizens of Franklin and Oneida County, where he has made his home since his boyhood days. His father is the honored Samuel Rose Parkinson, one of the founders of the town and a leader in the Church of the Latter Day Saints. A history of his life is given elsewhere in … Read more

Biography of Isaac B. Nash

Isaac Bartlett Nash is one of the early settlers and highly respected citizens of Franklin, where he has made his home since 1864. He became a resident of Salt Lake City in 1849, and ‘s a native of Wales, his birth having occurred in Kedwelly, Carmarthenshire, on the 14th of June 1824. He was educated in his native country and spent seven years as an apprentice to the blacksmith’s trade, after which he worked at the business there until 1849. In the year 1847 he was converted to the faith of the Latter Day Saints, and it was this which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leslie A. and H. G. Breed

Leslie A. and H. G. Breed, farmers, P. O. Jewell City. Leslie A. was born in Erie County, Pa., December 11, 1855, removed to Johnson County, then to Linn County, thence to Missouri, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1873, and took a homestead and timber claim; and the father and son are now the owners of 320 acres of land, and they keep about 60 head of cattle and 120 fine head of hogs. Leslie A. held the office of Township Clerk for four years. He was married December 4, 1879, at McCabe Chapel, in Brown’s Creek Township, … Read more

Biography of Frank F. Fletcher

Frank F. Fletcher is the only architect practicing the profession exclusively at Independence. He has a long and successful record as a builder and was active as a contractor until an unfortunate injury obliged him to desist. He has since followed the profession of architect and has built up a very large clientele. He was born in Louisiana, Missouri, September 19, 1870. His maternal grandfather was William Kling, who was born in Holland in 1800 and was a horticulturist. On coming to America he settled in Louisiana, Missouri, in 1818. Peter R. Fletcher, father of Frank F., was born in … Read more

Biography of Peter Heil

Peter Heil, now living retired at Topeka, was born in Jefferson County, New York, December 9, 1840. When sixteen years of age he moved with his father, John Peter Heil, to Buchanan County, Iowa. His mother’s maiden name was Louisa Bueling, and she died when her son Peter was six years old. His parents were natives of Germany, and came to the United States separately as young people, being married in New York State. When in his native state, Peter Heil attended district school for a few months, but after the removal of his people to the West his help … Read more