Biography of Edward B. Morelock

EDWARD B. MORELOCK. – As one of the oldest pioneers of the Grande Ronde valley, and a wel-known citizen, the subject of this article appears today, having discharged the duties incumbent upon him in both public and private life during the long years that have intervened since he has domiciled here, in a manner that betokens the excellent capabilities of which he is possessed as well as with manifestation of those stanch qualities that are a concomittant part of the upright man and loyal citizen.

From the state whence come so many of our best citizens, came also the subject of this sketch and in Sullivan county, Missouri, he was born on May 25, 1845, being the son of Enoch B. and Susan A. (Limbaugh) Morelock, natives of Tennessee, but pioneers to the above place in 1841, and there the father served as the first sheriff of the county, being called from life while in the discharge of his duties, in the year 1846. In 1885, in the home of our subject came the summons that called hence the mother and her remains are buried in the Summerville cemetery. In May, 1862, when the call came for men, true and brave, to stand and face the cannon in the defence of their country, Edward B. enlisted in the Sixth Missouri Cavalry, and on July 27, 1864, he reinlisted in Company K. Forty-Second Missouri Infantry, being honorably discharged on March 22, 1865. His first service was under General Lyons in the Cumberland army and the second term of service was under Sherman, in all of which relations he ever manifested both courage and faithfulness, leaving a record of which he and his family may well be proud. In May, 1865, with his brother, mother, and his wife’s parents, our subject left the scens of youth and the home place and took up the dangerous pilgrimage across the plains to find a home in the western lands. They journeyed in Joe Knoght’s train and aside from several serious stampedes, no trouble occurred. He chose a place near Summerville, buing two hundred and forty acres from the state, and settled down to farming and stock raising. His efforts were crowned with success and until 1885 he could be found steadily engaged in the work there and then he sold out and embarked in the stage business from Union to Walla Walla. Later he took up the implement business in Summerville, remaining until 1893, then removed to Elgin, where he opened a real estate and collection office. In 1898, the people called him to the chair of the justice of the peace and since that time he has with efficiency and manifestation of impartiality and uprightness discharged the duties of that office. For ten years while in Summerville he was marshal. Mr. Morelock has considerable property in Elgin, consisting of houses and lots and has a comfortable home there also. At the time of the Indian outbreak in the sevneties, Mr. Morelock was lieutenant of a company of volunteers. He has ever manifested a commendable spirit of interest in public affairs and is one of the oldest and most influential citizens of the county.

On July 17, 1864, Mr. Morelock married Miss Rebecca J., daughter of Joseph and Mary Ann Harris, the wedding occurring in Sullivan county, Missouri, and to them have been born the following children: Martha C., William M., Mary, Margaret, deceased, James P., John W., Tilden H., A. Lee, Cora, Emma B., Roy, Ralph, deceased, Leonard R. Mr. Morelock is a member of the Masons, Hiram Lodge, no. 76, of Summerville, and he enjoys a very enviable standing in this, as he does generally throughout the community.


Biography, Civil War,

An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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