Biography of R. W. Lewis

R. W. Lewis is now serving his second term as sheriff of Montgomery County. He is a native of Montgomery County, and for many years has had a reputation as a man who does things in a large and efficient way. That is true of his official career as also of his business record. Mr. Lewis has some extensive interests as a merchant in Independence, owns a large amount of property, and is one of the leading oil producers in that section of the state. He is an American to the core, and represents a family that came from England … Read more

Biography of Camden L. Bloom

C. L. Bloom. One of the most picturesque careers in the mid-continent oil and gas fields has been that of Camden L. Bloom of Independence. By an unusual capacity for hard labor and by a foresight seasoned by long and active experience he made one large fortune, which was swept away in the panic of 1907. With a few dollars realized by mortgaging his home, he made a new start, and today his operations and holdings would constitute another modest fortune at least. His life began in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, March 14, 1868. His people, the Blooms, came from Germany … Read more

Biography of David O. Crane

David O. Crane. Of the men who have served Topeka in official capacities of importance and responsibility, few have won more fairly a reputation for fidelity than has David O. Crane, since 1884 superintendent of the Topeka Cemetery. In the thirty-two years that he has been the incumbent of this office he has labored efficiently and conscientiously to discharge its duties in a reverent and honorable way, and the mere fact that he has held his office during such a long period should be sufficient evidence of the quality of his ability and the worth of his service. Mr. Crane … Read more

Biography of James A. Masterson

JAMES A. MASTERSON. – It now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline the interesting career of the estimable gentleman, whose name is at the ehad of this article, and who stands as one of the prominent and representative men of Union county, being also aheavy property owner, and having manifested since an early day here ability that was master of the situation and has acuumulated his holdings from the raw resources of the county, while also he has maintained an untarnished reputation and has done much for the advancement of the county, being really one of the builders of Union … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Myers

How different today appear the rich farms of plenty and the scenes of prosperity in this county, where but a few years since were the wastes of unbroken wildness, peopled by the occasional savage and his attendant companions, the coyote and the timid deer. Men, like the subject of this sketch, stanch, stable and true, came with hearts determined and hands willing to subdue the wild, to repel the savage, and build themselves homes, where now are in evidence the comforts of civilization, wrought out by their faithful endeavors. We are glad to make mention of one who has had … Read more

Biography of Moses Lore

MOSES LORE. – It is with especial pleasure that we respond to the invitation to say a few words relative to the career of the estimable gentleman and distinguished pioneer whose name is at the beginning of this article because he is perhaps the oldest resident of Union county, and also because he has been a potent factor in developing not only the resources of this county, but of other frontier regions in his long and eventful life. The whole range of frontier life, as trapping, mining, fighting Indians, beating off robbers, and breaking up the virgin soil, and establishing … Read more

Biography of Hon. Daniel A. McAlister

HON. DANIEL A. McALISTER. – Perhaps there is not another man living to-day in the Grande Ronde valley who is so popular with people and so great a favorite in Union and Wallowa counties as the subject of this sketch. And be it said to the credit of Mr. McAlister that in all his long public career he has nobly earned every encomium that has been given by an appreciative and discrimnating people. He is a man of large caliber, with vigor to sustain his untiring activity and integrity to maintain his position of uncompromising uprightness, while he is possessed … Read more

Biography of Hon. John W. McAlister

HON. JOHN W. McALISTER. – It now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline in brief review the eventful career of the well known and highly esteemed gentlman whose name initiates this paragraph and whose life is connected with the county of Union, having been identified with it since his early boyhood and having been one of the potent factors in its development as also in making the laws which have proved so salutary for its progress and gaining, meanwhile, a reputation throughout the state because of the ability and sagacity displayed in the state halls of legislation, while no whit … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Youncs

JOSEPH M. YOUNCS. – The proverb sayeth: “Time and chance happeneth to all men,” but surely it is to the faithful and enterprising ones who are able to discern these things and to take advantage of the opportunity that fortune puts once in the path of every man, that comes the emoluments of sagacity and thrift and honor from their fellows that is due to proper manifestation of sound principles and real merit of stanch integrity. It is but right to say that to the subject of this sketch belongs the distinction of having so ordered his life that he … Read more

Biography of Jesse K. Dubois, M. D.

Dr. Dubois is one of the well and favorably known physicians not only of Boise but also of the entire state of Idaho. He is a native of Springfield, Illinois, where he was born November 16. 1848, and is of French descent. His grandfather, Dubois, came to America from France and was chief of the staff of General William Henry Harrison. Jesse Dubois, the father of our subject, was born in Illinois when that state was a territory. He married Miss Adelia Morris, of Kentucky ancestry. He was a prominent lawyer and a stanch Republican, having been a neighbor, friend … Read more

Biography of R. F. Buller

In modern ages, and to a large extent in the past, banks have constituted a vital part of organized society, and governments, both monarchical and popular, have depended upon them for material aid in times of depression and trouble. Their influence has extended over the entire world and their prosperity has been the barometer which was unfalteringly indicated the financial status of all nations. Of this important branch of business R. F. Buller is a worthy representative. In April 1892, he came to Hailey, and is now president of the First National Bank, which has become one of the leading … Read more

Biography of Henry K. Hartley

The middle portion of the nineteenth century might properly be termed the age of utility, especially in the northwest. This vast region was then being opened up to civilization, and the honored pioneers who found homes in this rich but undeveloped region were men who had to contend with the trials and difficulties of frontier life. Theirs were lives of toil. They were endeavoring to make homes to cultivate farms, establish stock ranches, develop mineral resources, found business enterprises, and from early manhood to old age their lot was generally one of labor; but their importance to the community cannot … Read more

Biography of Isaac W. Pfost

The Virginians have given to nearly every state in the union much of the good blood and good citizenship, for, wherever his lot is cast, the Virginian is patriotic and does honor to his environments. Idaho has many well known citizens of Virginian birth, but not one who is more highly regarded for integrity and perseverance and all the other qualities which make for real success than Isaac W. Pfost, of Boise, who, having been born in Virginia prior to its division, is literally a native of the Old Dominion. Isaac W. Pfost, proprietor of the Bancroft Hotel, Boise, Idaho, … Read more

Biography of Jesse W. Randall

A leading representative of the agricultural interests of Latah County is Jesse W. Randall, who owns and operates a fine farm pleasantly situated nine miles southeast of Moscow. He is most practical and yet progressive, and his untiring industry and capable management have brought him a handsome competence. He was born in Wisconsin, October 3, 1855, and is of Scotch descent, his paternal great-grandfather having emigrated from Scotland when this country was still a British possession. He settled in New York colony, and when the attempt was made to throw off the yoke of British tyranny he joined the American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. John W. Enoch

Capt. John W. Enoch, farmer, P. O. Mankato, was born in Ohio, October 4, 1825. Removed to Northern Indiana, thence to Northwestern Missouri. Enlisted in the United States army in 1862, in Company C, Fifth Missouri Cavalry. He raised the Company for the service, and was elected its Captain. He served two years as quartermaster of the regiment. Was discharged in 1864, in St. Joseph, Mo., when he returned to Atchison County, Mo. Was elected to the State Legislature of Missouri, and held said office in 1869-’70. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1874, and was elected Justice of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Byron J. Thompson

Byron J. Thompson was born in Gallia County, Ohio, in 1848. He received a high school education, and has since devoted the most of his time to teaching, in which profession he has been very successful; was principal of the public schools of Austin, Mo., and Louisville. He abandoned the profession on account of poor health. Purchasing the Jewell County Monitor, he sprang into the arena of journalism, where he is meeting with deserved success. He is one of the early settlers of Jewell County, is widely known and highly esteemed for his honesty, integrity and ability.

Biographical Sketch of J. J. La Mar

J. J. La Mar, hardware, was born in Missouri, November 18, 1869. Removed to Nebraska, and again returned to Missouri. Attended school at the Seminary at St. Joseph, Mo.; also attended Commercial College. Came to Mankato, Jewell Co., Kan., in 1880, and established himself in the hardware business with L. H. Sanders. Mr. La Mar is erecting one of the beet store-rooms in Mankato, the building being built of stone, 25×80 feet, and two stories high. Was elected to the City Council of Mankato in the spring of 1882. Is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Biographical Sketch of L. S. Horne

L. S. Horne, attorney-at-law, was born in North Carolina, September 28, 1828. Removed to Georgia, thence to Indiana, thence to Missouri, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1872. He enlisted in the United States Army, in Company H, Fifty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry; and was promoted from the ranks to the position of quartermaster. Was admitted to practice law in the State of Indiana, and again in Jewell County, Kan., where he has practiced his profession ever since his coming to Kansas. Mr. Horne was the president of the town company that proved upon the town of Mankato in 1874. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. H. Harrison

S. H. Harrison, attorney-at-law and loan agent, was born in Rutland County, Vt., January 17, 1837. Removed to Dodge County, Wis., in the fall of 1855. In the fall of 1859 he went to Minnesota. In 1862 he enlisted in the United States Army, in Company B, Seventh Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged in January 1866. He was commissioned first lieutenant of Company C, Sixty-fifth Infantry, and returned to Wisconsin; thence to Harrison County, Mo. In the spring of 1875 he came to Jewell County, Kan., and located at Jewell City, after which he removed to Mankato, where he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. White

J. A. White, farmer, of Brown’s Creek Township, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Carroll County, Ohio, March 30, 1838. Removed to Missouri; thence to Iowa. Came to Jewell County in 1852, and took a homestead twelve miles southwest of Mankato. He enlisted in the United States army in Company A, Thirty-first Iowa Volunteer Infantry, July 6, 1862, and was discharged, by reason of expiration of term of enlistment, July 3, 1865 in Davenport, Iowa. He is now the owner of 160 acres of land, and keeps thirty-five head of cattle and about that number of hogs. He was … Read more