Biography of Alexander Stalker

In the days of the early development of south-eastern Idaho Alexander Stalker came to the state, and is therefore numbered among its pioneer settlers, but he has not only witnessed the changes that have since occurred, for in all that has tended to the development, progress and advancement of the section he has ever borne his part, and may therefore well be called one of the founders of his county and town. In later years he has been somewhat prominent in political affairs, and at all times he has been a loyal citizen, deeply interested in everything pertaining to the … Read more

Biography of William E. Heard

William E. Heard, clerk of the district court of the fourth judicial district of Idaho, and ex-officio auditor and recorder in and for Blaine County, Idaho, is a native of Missouri. He was born May 21, 1865, in a part of Benton county which has since been set off to form Hickory county, where John Heard, his grandfather, settled in 1832 and died in 1864. John Heard was a typical southern gentleman, born in the south in 1796. He lived in the south until about 1830, when he moved to Benton county, Missouri, becoming one of its first settlers. Earl … Read more

Biography of Henry Dunn

There was a romantic side to early western history, romantic in the reading, and romantic and perilous in the living, which will always have a place in American literature. The men who participated in it were of the quality of manhood of which good soldiers are made, with a dash of the explorer, the adventurer and the pioneer. They were the avant heralds of advancing civilization, and when civilization came they were quick to avail themselves of the advantages it offered, and were more farseeing than some other men when it came to penetrating the future and sizing up its … Read more

Biography of William F. Herrington

The medical profession would seem to afford a better business training than any other of the learned professions. At least, of the lawyers and clergymen who turn their attention to the business very many of them fail. Very few physicians do, and in almost any community the successful physician develops, without apparent effort, into the successful man of affairs. One of the many medical men who are making noteworthy careers as businessmen is the gentleman whose name is the title of this article. Dr. William F. Herrington was born in Jefferson County, Missouri, September 12, 1861, a son of S. … Read more

Biography of Martin L. Foltz

Martin L. Foltz. His span of years greater than the average lifetime had been spent by Martin L. Foltz as an active citizen and resident of Kansas. He is one of the few survivors of that epoch when the nation’s destiny hung upon the outcome of the conflict in Kansas. He is also one of the survivors of the great Civil war, in which he served almost from the beginning to the end in the Union army. For many years his home had been in Williamsport Township of Shawnee County. Born in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1841, he is a … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Elliott

Charles S. Elliott. Some of Topeka’s most valuable citizenship had been furnished by the Elliott family during the past forty years. One of them was the late George N. Elliott, who was prominent as a lawyer and at one time filled the office of probate judge in Shawnee County. Mr. Charles S. Elliott, son of Judge Elliott, was for some years connected with the work of the first State Railway Commission of Kansas as its secretary, had been active in business affairs at Topeka for many years, and only recently retired from the office of president of the Topeka Commercial … Read more

Biography of Moses Alexander

The sturdy German element in our national commonwealth has been one of the most important in furthering the substantial and normal advancement of the country, for this is. an element signally appreciative of practical values and also of the higher intellectuality which transcends all provincial confines. Well may any person take pride in tracing his lineage to such a source Moses Alexander is one of the worthy sons that the Fatherland has furnished to America, and Boise now numbers him among her leading merchants, while in the office of mayor he is capably handling the reins of city government. He … Read more

Biography of Jackson Fickle

JACKSON FICKLE. – It is to the pioneer, sturdy, brave, and proud against hardhsip, with a spirit ready to undertake any task or face any danger, that we owe a debt of gratitude for the development of these fertile regions of eastern Oregon, and all too soon that worhty figure is passing from these scenes where he labored so faithfully, and planted the banner of civilization on the hitherto undisturbed plains of nature’s domain. An exemplary member of that deserving and noble band is the gnetleman that it is now our pleasant task to epitomize as to his career in … Read more

Biography of John Howard

JOHN HOWARD. – Certainly one of the earliest pioneers of this favored region and a man who has endured the deprivations and hardships incident to that life, meanwhile laboring for the opening up of the frontier and the establishment of good government, the subject of this sketch has earned for himself a place in the history of Union county that is enviable and prominent, while personally he has ever manifested a good spirit and uprightness coupled with stanch principles and practical judgment in both the efforts put forth to build up the county, and in the prosecution of his own … Read more

Biography of William L. Fugate

WILLIAM L. FUGATE. – The well known and representative citizen whose name is at the head of this article is one of the men who have wrought assiduously for the advancement of Union county and especially of the section where he has been domiciled, being one of the leading citizens of Summerville, where he holds the responsible position of justice of the peace, and also operates a collection agency as well as attending to much business as an underwriter, being one of the highly respected and highly esteemed men of the town. Mr. Fugate was introduced to this life on … Read more

Biography of Thomas Higginbotham

THOMAS HIGGINBOTHAM – The representative and well known gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article has been a resident of Union County for more than a score of years, and he is to-day numbered with the most substantial and influential citizens here, and his home place, a farm two miles northwest from Elgin, displays industry and thrift, coupled with which are his stanch qualities of worth and moral excellence. On March 17, 1856, in Wayne county, Kentucky, our Subject was born to James and Priscilla (Cullum) Higginbotham, natives also of the Blue Grass State. In 1863 the … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Green

CHARLES L. GREEN. – The farmers and stockmen and orchardists of Union county are a prosperous class of people and are noted for their enterprise and progressive methods, while the wealth of the county that has been produced by these industrious people is sufficient comment for their ability and thrift. As one of the substantial ones among this class we may mention the gentlman whose name is above, and who deserves a place in any record of the county’s leading men. Charles L. was born in Knox county, Illinois, on August 16, 1856, being the son of Ezra and Mary … Read more

Biography of Alex Furgason

ALEX FURGASON. – One of the earliest pioneers of Union county, and one who has been a real pioneer of the pioneers, the subject of this sketch is eminently worthy to be represented in a work of the character of our volume, since also he has always maintained a bearing of uprightness and manifested principles of truth and probity, and has wrought during all the years of his domicile here for the development of the county’s resources and for the interests of all, while he has prosecuted successfully his private business enterprises. Mr. Furgason was born in Rouse’s Point, New … Read more

Biography of Benjamin S. Halley

BENJAMIN S. HALLEY, Deceased. – While we place within this volume the reviews of the leading men of the county, we would be rightly charged with incompleteness were there failure to incorporate a meoir of the esteemed pioneer and faithful and capable citizenof Union county for many years and who wrought within its precincts during the time of his sojourn here with assiduity and display of sagacity so evident that all were convinced of his ability, while his moral qualities and excellent uprightness and integrity, were concommitant virtues to his capabilities, and the time of his demise was attended with … Read more

Biography of Richard M. Duncan

RICHARD M. DUNCAN. – A representative man of Union county, and an agriculturist who has wrought for the general advancement and interest of the county since his residence here, which dates back to a very early pioneer period, the subject of this sketch is richly deserving a place in this volume that purports to accord a review to the leading men of this section. In Callaway, county, Missouri, Richard M. was born to Frederick and Elizabeth (Gibson) Duncan, on August 25, 1859. In 1864 the parents gathered their substance together and essayed the long journey across the wild plains to … Read more

Biography of Rev. Abraham Eads

REV. ABRAHAM EADS. – It is very fitting that in the history of the county with which we have to do at the present time, their should be incorporated a resume of the career of the beloved and esteemed gentleman, whose name appears at the head of this article, and whose life of usefulness has been so intimately and potently connected with the affairs of the county and the country in general adjacent to our borders until now he has grown venerable in the service and the silver threads remind that the toils, hardships and vigils are nearer done and … Read more

Biography of William I. Dishman

WILLIAM I. DISHMAN. – This work purporting as it does to give in review the careers of the leading and substantial men of this county, would be quite incomplete were there failure to mention in proper form the influential and progressive business man of Elgin whose name appears at the head of this article, and whose well known vigor and ability in the business world are recognized by all, being at the present time vice-president and resident manager of the well known G.M.&S. Company, and one-third owner of the capital stock, which company does a large business in general merchandise … Read more

Biography of John L. Curtis

JOHN L. CURTIS. – As one of the early and sturdy pioneers who assisted in opening these regions for the occupancy of his fellows that were to follow from the eastern states, and who has wrought with energy and assiduity in their development since, manifesting an ability and wealth of resources that have enabled him to grapple with the different problems that confront the frontiersman, and to overcome in these undertakings the subject of this sketch is deserving of a representation in any work that essays to chronicle the leading and prominent citizens of the county of Union. Mr. Curtis … Read more

Biography of Amelia Couch

AMELIA COUCH. – Much honor is due to the worthy lady, whose name is written above for the noble way in which she has met the burdens and hardships of life and has achieved a success that is both gratifying and praiseworthy, while she has always shown forth her characteristic goodness and sagacity, being gracious and affable in her personal walk. Mrs. Couch is the daughter of William and Rebecca Walker being born on November 25, 1838 in Bedford county, Tennessee. The parents removed to Missouri when she was very young and there she received her primary education in the … Read more

Biography of Edgar E. Bragg

EDGAR E. BRAGG. – With what pride the American people can view the progress from Plymouth Rock to the position of leading nation of the world! But the keen observer is not satisfied with that: he will seek the cause, the principles put in force that brought about this gratifying result, the powers that have operated to bring this desired end. From the first little log school house that graced the bleak shores of the northern colonies, to the stately universities that are flourishing in every portion of the land, there has been the proper attention paid to the education … Read more