Biographical Sketch of Leslie A. and H. G. Breed

Leslie A. and H. G. Breed, farmers, P. O. Jewell City. Leslie A. was born in Erie County, Pa., December 11, 1855, removed to Johnson County, then to Linn County, thence to Missouri, and came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1873, and took a homestead and timber claim; and the father and son are now the owners of 320 acres of land, and they keep about 60 head of cattle and 120 fine head of hogs. Leslie A. held the office of Township Clerk for four years. He was married December 4, 1879, at McCabe Chapel, in Brown’s Creek Township, Jewell County, to Miss Elizabeth Morgan. They have one child – Otto.



Andreas, A. T. History of the State of Kansas. Chicago, Illinois: William G. Cutler. 1883.

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