The following Indians Wounded in Action, are listed by Name, Tribe and Location of death. The name under the photograph is the person shown. No additional information was provided in the book.
- Irving J. Theodore, Saginaw, Pacific
- Thurlow McClellan, Ottawa-Chippewa, Palaus
- Daniel Bellanger, Chippewa, France
- John Northrup, Chippewa, France
- Eugene Johnson, Chippewa, Cassino
- Jimmie Lussier, Chippewa
- Harry Fairbanks, Chippewa, France
- William Jourdain, Chippewa
- Maurice Kelley, Chippewa, Germany
- Stanley Nordwall, Chippewa
- Johnson Ray, Chippewa, Germany
- Simon Desjarlait, Chippewa, Belgium
- Delmar Needham, Chippewa
- George L. Mason, Chippewa, Germany
- Wallace D. Stewart, Chippewa, France
- William Good, Chippewa, Germany
- Raymond F. Roberts, Chippewa, France
- Robert King, Chippewa, France
- Harry Smith, Chippewa, France
- Frank N. Lajeunesse, Chippewa, Normandy
- Fran A. Toutloff, Chippewa, Pacific
- George H. Trombley, Chippewa, Luzon
- Edward George Burns, Chippewa, Guam
- Herbert Beaulieu, Chippewa, Germany
- Albert Whitecloud, Chippewa, New Guinea
- Louis Livingston, Chippewa, Leyte
- John Davis, Chippewa, France
- James Deschamps, Chippewa, France
- Mark Naganub, Chippewa
- Jeffrey Duhaime, Chippewa
- Stephen Zimmerman, Chippewa, Leyte
- Lloyd Para, Chippewa, Germany
- Andrew Amyotte, Chippewa
- William Amyotte, Chippewa
- Eugene Amyotte, Chippewa
- Burdette Shearer, Chippewa, Germany
- Louis Dunn, Chippewa, Germany
- Phillip Ray, Chippewa, Luzon
- Everett Ojibway, Chippewa, Germany
- Eugene Savage, Chippewa, Germany
- Gerald Sheehy, Chippewa, Italy
- Clifford Danielson, Chippewa, Italy
- Robert Wendling, Chippewa, Germany
- Eugene Howes, Chippewa, Italy
- William Howes, Chippewa, Pacific
- Frank Billy, Choctaw, Pacific
- Bethany Morris, Choctaw, Europe
- Hudson Tubby, Choctaw, Europe
- Willie Thompson, Choctaw, Europe
- Sidney Wilson, Choctaw, Europe
- J.C. Willis, Choctaw, Mediterranean
- John Lee Gibson, Choctaw, Europe