Kwakiutl Indian Bands, Gens and Clans

Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry.  Often very little information is known or they no longer exist.  We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes.

Gamgamtelatl. A gens of the Tenaktok, a Kwakiutl tribe.

Guetela (northern people). A sept of the true Kwakiutl which formerly formed one tribe with the Komoyue, but separated on account of some quarrel. The clans are Maamtagyila, Kukwakum, Gyeksem, Laalaksentaio, and Sisintlae. They now live at Ft Rupert, Brit. Col.

Guetela. A clan of the Wikeno, a Kwakiutl tribe.

Gyagyilakya (G·ēg·g:ilak·a, always wanting to kill people). A gens of the Tsawatenok, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 331, 1895.

Gyekolekoa (G·ēg’ō′lgEoa). A gens of the Koskimo, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 329, 1895.

Gyeksem (chiefs). The principal gens in the following Kwakiutl tribes and septs: Koskimo, Nakomgyilisala, Tlatlasikoala, Nakoaktok, Guetela, Walaskwakiutl, Matilpe, Tenaktak, Hahuamis, and Wiwekae.

Gyeksemsanatl (G·ē′xsEms’anaL, highest chiefs). A gens of the Koskimo, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 329, 1895.

Gyigyekemae (G·ī′g·Eqemaē, chiefs ). A gens of the Tsawatenok, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 331, 1895.

Gyigyilkam (those who receive first). A gens, or gentes, having the same name, in the following Kwakiutl tribes and septs: Wikeno, Tlatlasikoala, Goasila, Komoyue sept of the true Kwakiutl, Koeksotenok, Tlauitsis, Nimkish, Awaitlala, Guauaenok, Hahuamis, Wiwekae sept of the Lekwiltok.

Haaialikyauae (Haai′alik·auaē, ‘the shamans’). A gens of the Hahuamis, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 331, 1895.

Haailakyemae (the shamans) A gens of the Kwakiutl proper, found among the Komoyue and Matilpe subdivisions.

Haanatlenok (the archers). A gens of the Komoyue, a subdivision of the Kwakiutl.

Hahamatses (old mats). A subdivision or sept of the Lekwiltok, a Kwakiutl tribe. They received their name because they were slaves of the Wiwekae sept. Recently they have taken the name of Walitsum, the great ones. Pop. 53 in 1901, 43 in 1904.

Hahekolatl (Hä′héqolaL, descendants of Hakolatl). A subdivision of the Lalauitlela, a gens of the Tlatlasikoala (q. v.), a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 332, 1895.

Haisla (Xa-islá). One of the three Kwakiutl dialectic divisions, embracing the Kitamat (Haisla proper) and the Kitlope. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 328, 1895.

Hamanao (Xámanâô). A gens of the Quatsino tribe of the Kwakiutl, q. v. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus., 329, 1895.

Hawmanao (Xâmanâô). A gens of the Quatsino, a Kwakiutl tribe. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus. for 1895, 329.

Hehametawe (Hē′ha’mē′tawē, ‘descend ants of Hametawe’). A subdivision of the Laalaksentaio, a Kwakiutl gens. Boas in Rep. Nat. Mus. for 1895, 332.

Helikilika. An ancestor of a gens of the Nakomgilisala tribe of Kwakiutl. Boas in Petermanns Mitt., pt. 5, 131, 1887.

Henakyalaso (Hē′nakyalasō). An ancestor of a gens of the Kwakiutl tribe Tlatlasikoala, after whom it was some times called. Boas in Petermanns Mitt., pt. 5, 131, 1887.


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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