Indian Tribal Histories: Lake – Lutuamian Family. Our tribal history pages represent a cross-index of specific pages on our site relevant to a tribe. These pages are not meant to replace our search, which should be used to find a much larger number of mentions for each tribe, but to provide a quick reference point for researchers to find a larger quantity of material for a specific tribe. Beside some links are an author’s name or book title. To find more information about each author or book please view our main Tribes of the United States page.
Lake Indians
Lakmiut Indians
- Lakmiut Tribe – Hodge
- Santiam Indian Bands, Gens and Clans
- Kalapooian Indians – (Chief Division)
- Oregon Indian Reservations – Grande Ronde
Lassik Indians
- Lassik Tribe – Hodge
- Athapascan Family – Pacific Division
Latgawa Indians
Lehi Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Salt River Agency
Lillooet Indians
- Lillooet Tribe – Hodge
Lipan Indians (Apache)
- Lipan Tribal Locations
- New Mexico Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Oklahoma Indian Tribes – Swanton
- Lipan Treaties
Little Lake Indians
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Round Valley Agency
- Sacramento Agency
Lohim Indians
- Lohim Tribe – Hodge
Long-Wha Indians
- Long-Wha Treaties
Luckiamute Indians
Luiseño Indians
- Luiseno Tribe – Hodge
Lummi Indians
- Lummi Tribe – Hodge
- Lummi Indians – Swanton
- Lummi Treaties
- Pacific Slope Indians – D’Wamish and others – A Century of Dishonor
- Indians Wounded in Action – Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming Indians Wounded in Action
- Student Population by Tribe – Carlisle School
- Washington Indian Reservations – Tulalip Agency
- Haller, Granville O. Col. – Pickett’s Company
- Free US Indian Census Schedules 1885-1940
- Tulalip Agency
- 1885-1897 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1898-1910 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1911-1915 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1916-1920 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1921-1923 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1924-1926 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1927-1929 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1930 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1931 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1932-1933 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1934-1936 Tulalip Agency Census
- 1937-1939 Tulalip Agency Census
- Tulalip Agency
Lutuamian Family Indians
- Lutuamian Indians – Hodge
- Klamath Tribe – Hodge
- Modoc Tribe – Hodge
- Klamath Indians (Connections)
- Biography of Captain Jack – Kintpuash