Luckiamute Indians

Luckiamute Indians, Lakmiut Indians. Significance unknown. Alakĕma’yuk, Atfalati name, Suck-a-mier, Chelukimaukes, forms appearing in Reports of the Office of Indian Affairs.

Luckiamute Connections. The Luckiamute belonged to the Calapooya dialectic division of the Kalapooian linguistic stock.

Luckiamute Location. The Luckiamute River.

Luckiamute Subdivisions or Bands

  • Ampalamuyu, on Luckiamute River.
  • Mohawk, on Mohawk River.
  • Tsalakmiut, on Luckiamute River.
  • Tsamiak, near Luckiamute River.
  • Tsantatawa, south of Luckiamute River.
  • Tsantuisha, on Luckiamute River.

Luckiamute Population. (See Calapooya.) The number of Luckiamute was given as 28 in 1905. The census of 1910 returned only 8.

Luckiamute Connection in which the Luckiamute Indians have become noted. This tribe has given its name to Luckiamute River, Oregon.

Swanton, John R. The Indian Tribes of North America. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 145. Washington DC: US Government Printing Office. 1953.

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