H Mexican Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Hecatari. A former Nevome pueblo of Sonora, Mexico, with 127 inhabitants in 1730; situated probably at or near the junction of the w. branch of the Rio Yaqui with the main stream, about lat. 28 30 . Orozco y Berra classes it as a pueblo of the upper Pima.

Hichucio. A subdivision or settlement of the Tehueco, probably inhabiting the lower Rio Fuerte or the Fuerte-Mayo divide, in N. w. Sinaloa, Mex. Orozco y Berra, Geog., 58, 1864.

Hihames. A former tribe of Coahuila, N. E. Mexico, which was gathered into the mission of El Santo Noinbre de Jesus Peyotes when it was refounded in 1698. This tribe probably belonged to the Coahuiltecan family.

Hios. A branch of the Nevome who lived 8 leagues E. of the pueblo of Tepahue, in Sonora, Mexico (Orozco y Berra, Geog., 58, 351, 1864). The name doubtless properly belongs to their village.

Huachinera (so called on account of the tascal wood found there in abundance. Rudo Ensayo). An Opata pueblo and seat of a Spanish mission, founded about 1645, which afterward became a visita of Baseraca; situated on Tesorobabi cr., a branch of Rio Bavispe, E. Sonora, Mexico, near the Chihuahua border. Population 538 in 1678; 285 in 1730, but as it became the place of refuge of the inhabitants of Baquigopa and Batesopa on the abandonment of those villages later in the 18th century, the population was augmented. Total pop. 337 in 1900. (F. W. H.)

Huatabampo. One of the principal settlements of the Mayo, in Sonora, Mexico; pop. 1,553 in 1900. Censo del Estado de Sonora, 96, 1901.

Huaxicori. A former Tepehuane pueblo in lat. 23°, long. 105° 30′, Sinaloa, Mexico.

Huehuerigita. A former Opata pueblo at Casas Grandes, at the w. foot of the Sierra Madre, Chihuahua, Mexico. It was already deserted in the 16th century. Bandelier, Gilded Man, 142, 1893.

Huepac. A Teguima Opata pueblo and the seat of a Spanish mission founded in 1639; situated in Sonora, Mexico, on the E. bank of Rio Sonora, below lat. 30°. Pop. 268 in 1678, 71 in 1730. In addition to its civilized Opata population it contained 10 Yaqui in 1900.

Huexotitlan. A pueblo in Chihuahua, Mexico, and the seat of a Spanish mission with a mixed population of Nevome, Tepehuane, and Tarahumare. Its in habitants are now civilized.

Huilacatlan (Nahuatl: ‘place of the reeds’). A former settlement of the Tepecano, situated in the valley of the Rio de Bolaños, a short distance from the town of Bolaños, in Jalisco, Mexico. Hrdlicka in Am. Anthrop., v, 409, 1903.

Huirivis. A settlement of the Yaqui on the N. bank of the lower Rio Yaqui, s. w. Sonora, Mexico.

Humarisa (from humashi, ‘to run’). A rancheria of 288 Tarahumare, not far from Norogachic, Chihuahua, Mexico. Lumholtz, inf’n, 1894.

Huvaguere. A Nevome division, de scribed as adjoining the Hio, who were settled 8 leagues E. of Tepahue, in Sonora, Mexico (Orozco y Berra, Geog., 58, 1864). The name doubtless properly belongs to their village.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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