E- Unknown Location Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 14, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of Americans North of Mexico.

Eastern Indians. A collective term a plied by the early New England writers to all the tribes N. E. of Merrimac r. It is used by Hubbard as early as 1680. These tribes, including the Pennacook, Abnaki, Malecite, and Micmac, were generally in the French interest and hostile to the English. (J. M.)

Ehouae (one battered it. Hewitt). A village of the Tionontati existing in 1640.

Ehressaronon. The Huron name of a tribe mentioned by Ragueneau in 1640 as living s. of St Lawrence r. (Jes. Rel. 1640, 35, 1858). It can not now be identified with any tribe s. of the St Lawrence. Perhaps Iroquoian, as are some of the tribes mentioned in the same list.

Einake (Ě-ĭn′-a-ke, catchers, or soldiers). A society of the Ikunuhkatsi, or All Comrades, in the Piegan tribe; it has been obsolete since about 1860, and per haps earlier. Grinnell, Blackfoot Lodge Tales, 221, 1892.

Ekaentoton. The Huron name of Manitoulin id. and of the Indians (Amikwa) living on it in 1649. It was the ancient home of the Ottawa.

Ekarenniondi (there a tree lies extended.- Hewitt). A Tionontati village of the Deer clan where the Jesuits had their mission of St Mathias in 1648.

Eleidlinottine (´people of the fork`). An Etchareottine tribe at the confluence of Liard and Mackenzie rs., whose territory extends to La Martre, Grandin, and Taché Lakes.

Emamoueta. An unidentified tribe placed by Marquette on his map of 1673 w. of the Mississippi, apparently on the lower Arkansas.

Ematlochee (imatla, ‘leader’). A former Creek town on Apalachicola r.; exact location unknown.

Epiminguia. A tribe formerly living on Mississippi r., 20 leagues above Arkansas r. (Coxe, Carolana, 11, 1741); probably a division of the Quapaw.

Espamichkon. A small tribe N. of the St Lawrence in 1643 (Jes. Rel. 1643, 38, 1858), probably about the headwaters of Saguenay or St Maurice r. Not identified.

Espeminkia. A band, apparently part of the Illinois, mentioned with the Tamaroa and Tapouaro (Peoria?). La Salle (1681) in Margry, Dec., n, 134, 1877.

Espopolames. A former tribe, probably Coahuiltecan, in the neighborhood of the lower Rio Grande.

Essanape (Algonq.: asĭnapǎ ‘stone person’. W. J.) . A tribe located by Lahontan (New Toy., i, 114, 1703) on his “Long r.,” identified with Minnesota r. His voyage up this stream is probably fictitious, and so may be the tribe, which was certainly not the Assiniboin, as has been suggested, since these under the name Assimpoual were correctly placed by Lahontan in the region of L. Winnipeg. The tribe, if not imaginary, may have been, as Ramsey supposed, the Santee, known as Isanyati, for the Mdewakanton band dwelt at that time on Minnesota r.

Etarita. A village of the Wolf clan of the Tionontati, where the Jesuits established the mission of St Jean; destroyed by the Iroquois in 1649.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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