Condition within Indian Territory in 1890

Indian Population as of June 1, 1890

Total Population 51,279
Indians of Reservations 1,224
Indians of Five Civilized Tribes 50,055

No part, of the population of Indian Territory was counted in the general census.

The total population of the Territory, Indians and persons of other races with them, all or whom were enumerated in the special Indian census.

Indian Territory has no territorial organization under the laws of the United States.

It was not embraced in the plan of the general census as a part; of the constitutional population but its population was taken by a special census primarily organized to obtain the enumeration of Indians. Was found that those of other races have gone into the territory till they greatly outnumber the Indians.

There are now 2 white men to each Indian in the territory. These can obtain no land by purchase. They are mere campers, intruders, or licensed locators for a limited term, and their number increases each year.

The social, moral, and vital conditions of Indian Territory are the least known of those in any portion Of the United States. Surrounded by states whose intelligence and cultivation are notable, it is almost an -unknown land.

Area Of Indian Territory, 1890

The area of Indian Territory was greatly reduced by the act of May 2, 1890, organizing the territory of Oklahoma. Indian Territory now consists of the lands of The Five Civilized Tribes or nations, viz, the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and the area embraced in the reservations of the Quapaw agency.

All the remaining lands of the original Indian Territory, as constituted under the act of June 30, 1834, and subsequent laws, are now in the state of Kansas and Oklahoma Territory.

According to the Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for the year ending, June 30, 1890, the area of the land holdings of the Indians of the Indian Territory is 40,479½ square miles, or 25,694,564 (a) acres, of which 40,479½ square miles, or 25,906,862 (a) acres, belong to The Five Civilized Tribes and 332¼ square miles, or 212,298 acres, to the reservations connected with the Quapaw agency, including 43,450 acres allotted to the Peorias. The details as to the quantity for each tribe and the authority under which the land is held are given under each agency.

Department of the Interior. Report on Indians Taxed and Indians not Taxed in the United States, Except Alaska at the Eleventh Census: 1890. Washington DC: Government Printing Office. 1894.

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