Condition of the Nebraska Indians in 1890

Last Updated on June 25, 2013 by Dennis

The Flandreau Sioux (Santee), who are Indians taxed, are not on a reservation, but are attached to the Santee agency for the purpose of government aid only. They own their lands and are citizens, voting in South Dakota. During 1889 rations were issued to them for 6 months because of failure of crops.

The civilized (self-supporting) Indians of Nebraska, counted in the general census, number 2,893 (1,480 males and 1,413 females), and are distributed as follows: Boyd County, 107; Cuming County, 39; Knox County, 625; Nance County, 201; Thurston, County, 1,898; other Counties (5 or less in each), 23.

Agencies and Reservations, Tribe, Total, Males, Females, Ration Indians
Total, 3,536, 1,707,1,760, 95
Omaha and Winnebago agency, 2,373, 1,184, 1,189, 61
Santee agency, 1,086, 541, 545, 34
Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha agency, Kansas 77, 42, 00
Omaha and Winnebago agency 2, 373, 1,184, 1,189
Omaha reservation, Omaha Tribe, 1,158, 567, 591, 00
Winnebago reservation, Winnebago Tribe, 1,215, 617, 598, 61
Santee and Flandreau agency, _______ Tribe, 1,086, 541, 545, 34
Niobrara reservation, Santee Sioux, 869, 426, 433, 34
Ponca reservation, Ponca of Dakota, 217, 105, 112, 00
Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha agency, Kansas,
Sac and Fox reservation, Sac and Fox of Missouri, 77, 42, 35, 00

Omaha and Winnebago Agency

The Omahas have been here from the earliest history of the country. They settled on the Omaha reservation in 1854-1855.

The Winnebagos were first heard of in the vicinity of Rockford, Illinois. They were taken thence to Green Bay, or Fort Winnebago, in 1827, then to Turkey River, Iowa, leaving there in 1819, going to Long Prairie, Wisconsin, where they remained 7 years, thence to Blue Earth County, Minnesota, remaining there 8 years, until 1864, thence to Crow Creek agency, South Dakota, and thence to their present location at this agency in 1805. Robert Ashley, United States Indian agent.

Santee Agency

The Flandreaus are a branch of the Santee Sioux, and left Santee, Nebraska, in the year 1809. They are citizens of the United, States, voters and property holders. They arc merely attached to this agency in a general way, and receive government aid through and from it. The Poncas have resided on their reservation in Nebraska, formerly Dakota, for upward of a hundred years, except 2 or 3 years in Indian territory. The Santee Sioux came from. Redwood agency, Minnesota, and were located here in the year 1860. The Santee tribe here is composed of portions of the Medawakahton, Sisseton, Wahpakoota, and Wahpeton bands of Sioux Indians. James E. Helms, United States Indian agent.

Sac And Fox of Missouri Reservation

This reservation is attached to the Pottawatomie and Great Nemaha, agency, Kansas. The Sacs and Foxes (Algonkian) are only 77 in number, and are a portion of the Sac and Fox tribe of Iowa and Oklahoma territory. They are civilized, speaking the. English language and wearing citizens’ clothes, and in manner and customs and capacity are similar to the Iowas. They are self-reliant and good citizens. They were located on this reservation in 1851.

The original Indian inhabitants of Nebraska were the Omahas, who yet remain, and the Arapahos, Cheyennes, Otos, and Pawnees, The last named 4 tribes are now in Oklahoma territory. A portion of the Arapahos are at the Shoshone agency, Wyoming.

1890 Census,

Department of the Interior. Report on Indians Taxed and Indians not Taxed in the United States, Except Alaska at the Eleventh Census: 1890. Washington DC: Government Printing Office. 1894.

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