Choctaw Mixed-Bloods, 1831-33

Dr. Samuel James Wells’ “Choctaw Mixed Bloods and the Advent of Removal” includes three extensive appendices documenting individuals of mixed ancestry within the Choctaw Nation during the removal era. Appendix B, the focus of this analysis, includes mixed-blood Choctaws from a variety of source documents for the years of 1831-1833. See the notes below the table from Dr. Wells concerning this appendix.

McLaughlin, MatthewMushulatubbe
Medlin, Phillip A.Red RiverM30
Menton, A. G.Red RiverM28
Menton, ElizaRed RiverF20
Million, JasonMushulatubbe
Mims, PeterRed RiverM43
Mims, PollyRed RiverF25
Mims, SukeyRed RiverF40
Mims, VisceyRed RiverF8
Moore, JohnNituchachee
Moore, William M.Mushulatubbe
Mosley, ChulaRed RiverM12
Mosley, HatubbeRed RiverM9
Mosley, IatubbeRed RiverM8
Mosley, JlannonRed RiverM5
Mosley, JohnsonRed RiverM1
Mosley, SamuelRed RiverM32
Murengo, GravesRed RiverM45
Nail, DanielNituchachee
Nail, DanielMushulatubbe
Nail, GeorgeRed RiverM5
Nail, JerryRed RiverM25
Nail, Joel H.Red RiverM37
Nail, Jon H.Nituchachee
Nail, MollyMushulatubbe
Nail, PamingoRed RiverM18
Nail, PonayaRed RiverF5
Nail, Robert E.Nituchachee
Nelson, BluntEmigrating
Nelson, BrownRed RiverM15
Nelson, EdenEmigrating
Nelson, G.E.Emigrating
Nelson, GeorgeEmigrating
Nelson, IsaacEmigrating
Nelson, JessieEmigrating
Nelson, JimsonRed RiverM6
Nelson, LilaRed RiverF2
Nelson, LucyRed RiverF12
Nelson, MaryRed RiverF17
Nelson, MollyRed RiverF45
Nelson, NancyRed RiverF10
Nelson, PatsyRed RiverF8
Nelson, SallyRed RiverFinfant
O'Neil, LamarRed RiverM40
Ott, WilliamGreenwood
Oxberry, DavidGreenwood
Pace, WilliamEmigrating
Parks, JoshuaRed RiverM40
Perry, ElmiraRed RiverF2
Perry, HamptonRed RiverM7

Appendix B Notes

Names: Listed alphabetically. There are a few names listed twice. In most cases this represents different individuals, especially if the names are from the same source. In the case of duplicate names from separate sources, a chance of the names being the same person is likely, but not assumed.

Location: The orthography varies but is taken as it appeared in the source document. In some cases the source gives more specific location information than that in the listing of the appendix. The location listed may also be a creek, river, or district. Entries such as, Alabama, or, Creek, are the state or Indian nation indicated.


Wells, Dr. Samuel James. Choctaw Mixed Bloods and the Advent of Removal. University of Southern Mississippi. 1987. © Dr. Samuel James Wells, 1987. Used by permission.

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