Top: S-Sgt. Judson Brave; Center: S-Sgt. Francis Brave, S-Sgt. Waldron Frazier, Cpl. Alexander Brave: Bottom: Ronald and Donald Frazier
Six grandsons of the Reverend Ben Brave, retired Sioux minister, have shown their patriotism by donning uniforms. Four went into the Army, one into the Navy, and one into the Coast Guard.
Staff Sgt. Francis E. Brave received the Silver Star for gallantry in action, evacuating 30 German prisoners to the rear under enemy fire on Anzio beachhead. “During the two hours required for the trip, “to quote the citation,” Sergeant Brave had to wade through waist-deep water and frequently had to take cover from enemy tank and mortar shells; however, he controlled his prisoners and brought them to the proper collecting point. Sergeant Brave’s gallant conduct made possible the early gathering of important information from the prisoners and reflects much credit on the Army of the United States.”
Staff Sgt. Waldron A. Frazier, also a grandson of the Reverend Brave, served with the Second Troop Carrier Squadron for four years, during two of which he was stationed successively in China, India, and Burma. As crew chief of the “Thunderbird,” one of the big transport planes, he had more than 125 hours of combat flying time, and he wore the Air Medal, the Pacific Theater Ribbon with two battle stars and the American Defense Ribbon. His group won two Presidential Unit citations. Last December he was killed in a plane crash while being invalided home.
Nearly four hundred of the “The Chief’s” friends decided to do something in his memory. Accordingly, they bought for his little girl, Ilona Joyce, $1,025 worth of War Bonds; and sent a check for the $14.45 left over from the purchases. Among the donors were all ranks from Majors to Privates. “We hope that this little gift will help to give Ilona Joyce some of the things that Waldron would like her to have,” they wrote.
The other four grandsons are doing well, and no doubt we shall hear brave stories of them. They are: Cpl. Alexander A. Brave, Sgt. Judson B. Brave, and Ronald H. and Donald H. Frazier, twins, who are in the Coast Guard and the Navy, respectively.
The Reverend Brave’s son, Ben, was recently discharged from the Army for average. A son-in-law, Lt. Frank Fox, is in the Army, and another grandson, John W. Frazier, Jr., has recently donned the uniform. Two grandsons-in-law, James Wilson and Russell DeCora, complete the family-fighting group.