A- Canadian Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements

Last Updated on October 4, 2013 by Dennis

A complete listing of all the Indian villages, towns and settlements as listed in Handbook of American Indians of North America.

  • Acous. The principal village of the Chaicclesaht, situate on Battle Bay, Ououkinish Inlet, west coast of Vancouver Island. Can. Ind. Aff , 264, 1902.
  • Aggavacaamanc (arroyo of the gulls (?)). A rancheria, probably Cochimi, connected with Purísima (Cadegomo) Mission, west Lower California, in the 18th century. Doc. Hist. Mex., 4th s., v, 189, 1857.
  • Ahadzooas. The principal village of the Oiaht, on Diana Island, west coast of Vancouver Island Can. Ind. Aff., 263, 1902.
  • Ahahswinnis. The principal village of the Opitchesaht, on the east bank of Somass River, Vancouver Island Can. Ind. Aff., 263, 1902.
  • Ahulka (A-hul-qa}. A village of the Ntlakyapamuk, on Fraser River, British Columbia, just below Siska; pop. 5 in 1897, the last time the name appears.
  • Aiachagiuk. A Chnagmiut village on the right bank of the Yukon, near the head of the delta.
  • Ainslie Creek. A band of Ntlakyapamuk on Fraser River, above Spuzzum, Brit. Col. Can. Ind. Aff., 79, 1878.
  • Aiodjus (εai′εodjus, all fat [meat]). A Skittagetan town on the west side of the mouth of Masset inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. It was occupied by the Aokeawai before they moved to Alaska. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 281, 1905.
  • Aiyansh (eternal bloom. Dorsey). A mission village on the lower course of Nass River, British Columbia, founded in 1871, its inhabitants being drawn from Niska villages. Pop. 133 in 1901.
  • Akiskenukinik (people of the two lakes). A tribe of the Upper Kutenai living on the Columbia lakes, having their chief settlement at Windermere, Brit, Col. They numbered 72 in 1902.
  • Alkali Lake. A Shuswap village or band near Fraser River and opposite the mouth of Chilcotin River , Brit. Col. ; pop. 158 in 1902.
  • Allagasomeda. A Chimmesyan village on upper Skeena River, British Columbia. Downie in Jour. Roy. Geog. Soc., xxxi, 253, 1861.
  • Allh. A body of Salish E. of Chemanis lake, Vancouver Island Brit. Col. map, Ind. Aff., Victoria, 1872.
  • Andiata. A former Huron village in Ontario. Jes. Rel. of 1636, in, 1858.
  • Anektettim (AnExté′tۥtím, ‘stony little hollow’). A village of the Lytton band of Ntlakyapamuk, situate on the E. side of Eraser River, 3 in. above Lytton, British Columbia. Teit in Mem. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, n, 172, 1900.
  • Angmalortuk (the round one). A Netchilirmiut winter village on the west coast of Boothia bay, Canada.
  • Angoutenc. A former Huron village situated between Wenrio and Ossossane, about 2 miles from the latter place, in Ontario.
  • Annapolis. One of the 7 districts of the territory of the Micmac, as recognized by themselves. It includes the south west part of Nova Scotia. Rand, First Micmac Reading Book, 81, 1875.
  • Anonatea. A Huron village situated a league from Ihonatiria, in Ontario in 1637. Jesuit Relation for 1637, 143, 1858.
  • Antigonishe. Mentioned as an Indian settlement on a river of the same name which rises in a lake near the coast of the Strait of Canso, in ” the province and colony of New Scotland.” It was probably on or near the site of the present Antigonishe, in Antigonishe co., Nova Scotia, and perhaps belonged to the Micmac.
  • Aokeawai (εAo-qē′awa-i, those born in the inlet). A division of the Raven clan of the Skittagetan family which received its name from Masset inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, where these people formerly lived. Part of them, at least, were settled for a time at Dadens, whence all finally went to Alaska. There were two subdivisions: Hlingwainaashadai and Taolnaashadai. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 272, 1905.
  • Aostlanlnagai (εAo sL′an lnagā′i, ‘Masset inlet rear-town people’). A local subdivision of the Raven clan of the Skittagetan family. Masset inlet gave them the separate name. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 271, 1905.
  • Aoyakulnagai (εAo yā′ku lnagā′i, ‘middle town people of Masset inlet’). A branch of the Yakulanas division of the Raven clan of the Skittagetan family, which received the name from Masset inlet, where its town stood. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 271, 1905.
  • Appeelatat. A Montagnais village on the south coast of Labrador. Stearns, Labrador, 271, 1884.
  • Araste. An Iroquoian village in 1535 on or near St Lawrence River , below the site of Quebec. Cartier (1545), Bret Récit, 32, 1863.
  • Arendaonatia. A Huron village in Ontario about 1640. Jesuit Relation for 1637, 159, 1858.
  • Arontaen (it is a lying log. Hewitt). A Huron village situated near Pt. Cock-burn, on the N. shore of Nattawasaga bay, Ontario, in 1636. Jesuit Relation for 1636, 133, 1858.
  • Aseik (Asē′ix}. One of the three Bellacoola towns of the Talio division at the head of South Bentinck arm, British Columbia. Boas in Mem. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist,, n, 49, 1898.
  • Asenane (AsE′nanē). A former  Bellacoola town on Bellacoola River, British Columbia. Boas in 7th Rep. N. W. Tribes, 3, 1891.
  • Asilao. A Helatl town on lower Eraser River, above Yale, British Columbia.
  • Atana (Atā′na). A Haida town on House, or Atana Island, east coast of Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte group, British Columbia. According to Skidegate legend, House Island was the second to appear above the waters of the flood. At that time there was sitting upon it a woman who became the ancestress of the Tadjilanas. The Kagialskegawai also considered her as their “grandmother,” although saying that they were not descended directly from her but from some people who drifted ashore at the same place in a cockleshell. The town was occupied by the Tadjilanas. As the name does not occur in John Work’s list, it would seem to have been abandoned prior to 1836-41. Swanton, Cont. Haida, 277, 1905.
  • Atanus (εeatā′nAS, ‘bilge-water’). A Skittagetan town, occupied by the Dogitunai, on the N. E. coast of Hippa Island, British Columbia Swanton, Cont. Haida, 281, 1905.
  • Atchitchiken  A village of the Spences Bridge band of the Ntlakyapamuk on the north side of Thompson River, 3 miles back in the mountains from Spences Bridge, British Columbia. Teit in Mem. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., II, 173, 1900.
  • Atlalko. A Hahuamis village at the head of Wakeman sd., British Columbia.
  • Atlklaktl (AlqlaۥXL). A  Bellacoola village where the present mission is situated, on the north side of Bellacoola River, near its mouth, British Columbia. It was one of the 8 villages called Nuhalk. Boas in Mem. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., n, 48, 1898.
  • Atlkum (Ā-tl-kuma). A Tlauitsis village on the north side of Cracroft Island, British Columbia. Dawson in Can. Geol. Surv., map, 1887.

Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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