Biography of Charles V. Mosby, M. D.

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Dr. Charles V. Mosby has become well known in the business circles of St. Louis as the president of the C. V. Mosby Medical Book Company. Missouri numbers him among her native sons, his birth having occurred on a farm near Nevada, August 18, 1875. His parents were John S. and Mary Frances (Hilliard) Mosby, the latter of Scotch descent. The former was born in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, and about 1830 came to Missouri, settling in Lafayette county, near Lexington. His father there purchased a farm, on which he was reared, and later he began agricultural pursuits on his own account. In 1848 he enlisted at Lexington for service in the Mexican war and participated in several engagements in the far south, being a member of Colonel Doniphan’s regiment which was attached to the brigade commanded by General Wool. Following his return home after the close of hostilities, he resumed farming in Lafayette county, where he resided until 1868 and then became a resident of Vernon county, Missouri, continuing to make his home there until he passed away, December 28, 1898, at the age of seventy-eight years. His wife was born in Greensboro, Kentucky, and came to Missouri about the same time as the Mosby family in company with her parents, Micajah and Mary F. Hilliard. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Mosby occurred in 1851 and they became the parents of six children: William C., who occupies a ranch at Sawtelle, California; Catherine, also living in the Golden state; Elizabeth, the wife of G. P. Beard of Moundville, Missouri; Highland M., the deceased wife of H. M. Price of Hollywood, California; Mattis, the deceased wife of B. A. Moberly of Richards, Missouri; and C. V. of this review.

In the schools of Nevada, Missouri, Dr. Mosby pursued his education until graduated from the high school with the class of 1893. Four years later he came to St. Louis and matriculated as a student in the Beaumont Medical College, in which he pursued his studies for two years. Later he was graduated from the College of Physicians and Surgeons on the lst of April, 1900, and for a brief period practiced medicine in Nevada, Missouri, but in 1901 became connected with the publishing house of D. Appleton & Company. His association therewith continued until 1906, when he organized the C. V. Mosby Medical Book Company and now conducts a large business that covers all of the United States and extends into Australia, Canada and England. His patronage is constantly increasing and the business has long since become a very prosperous one.

On the 10th of April, 1901, Dr. Mosby wedded Miss Margaret Cavanaugh, a daughter of M. H. and Sarah A. Cavanaugh of St. Louis. Her father was born in Liverpool, England, but came to the new world and engaged in business in St. Louis as a contractor, being married in this city. Dr. and Mrs. Mosby are parents of a son, C. V., Jr., who was born August 29, 1907; and Highland Mary, born June 23, 1911. He will come into possession of a most interesting heirloom, a lancet that was once the property of Daniel Boone, for through the paternal line he is a direct descendant of the Kentucky pioneer and explorer. This lancet has passed from eldest son to eldest son through several generations.

Dr. Mosby is a member of the Congregational church. His political support has been given to the democratic party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He belongs to the Chamber of Commerce, to the University Club and to the Algonquin Golf Club, and the latter indicates much of the nature of his recreation. He is a member of Webster Groves Lodge A. F. & A. M. Both he and his wife take an active interest in the work of the Webster Groves Presbyterian church and they have many farm friends among its membership and are well known socially in other connections, the hospitality of many of the best homes of the city being freely accorded them.


St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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