Biography of James A. Jadwin

Last Updated on June 19, 2012 by

JAMES A. JADWIN. It is quite probable that there is not a manin Shannon or the adjoining counties better known than James A. Jadwin, the popular treasurer of this county. He is a native of this State, born in Texas County, September 24, 1854, and is a son of Martin C. and Mary W. (Williams) Jawdin, who were natives of DeKalb County, Tennessee.

Martin C. Jadwin came to Missouri when a single man, before he had reached his twenty-first birthday, or about 1844, and was married in Texas County to Miss Williams who had also come here when quite young. After marriage this young couple resided in this county for a few years and then moved to Dent County, Missouri In 1892. Mr. Jadwin moved to Shannon County and now resides a short distance from Eminence. He is a Mason, and he and his worthy companion hold membership in the Christian Church. Of the ten children born to their marriage, eight sons and two daughters, six sons and a daughter are now living.

James A. Jadwin passed his school days in Salem, Dent County, Missouri, under the able instructor, Prof. Lynch, and when but a small boy worked hard to earn money to pay for his schooling. His earnest endeavors to educate himself met with the best of results and he subsequently became a teacher, following this profession six years in Dent County and five years in his home district. After this he embarked in merchandising at Salem, but subsequently moved from there to Sumnerville, Texas County, where he carried on the same business. Later he came to Shannon County and became a stockholder in the McCaskill Mercantile & Lumber Company, serving in the capacity of secretary of the company. Later he engaged in general merchandising for himself. While a resident of Dent County, Mr. Jadwin assisted in taking the census of 1880, also at times helped the assessor. In 1889 he was elected representative of Shannon County and served on the committee of ways and means, finance and others. In 1890 he was appointed treasurer of the county and two years later was reelected by the people to the same office, thus showing his popularity. Since his boyhood days he has taken an active interest in political affairs and has always.worked for the success of the Democratic party. In the month of July, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss A. Creagar, a native of the State of Illinois, although her people have resided in Dent County since her childhood days. Two daughters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jadwin. Mr. Jadwin is a member of the I. O. O. F. and has represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge of Missouri.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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