Biographical Sketch of Milton F. Woodward

Last Updated on July 31, 2012 by Dennis

Milton F. Woodward. This subject was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, May 1, 1832, and there grew up and received his education. He learned the wood-carver’s and cabinet-maker’s trades in his youth and worked at them till August, 1861. Then the war came like a hurricane on the land, and Mr. Woodward enlisted in Company H, of a Pennsylvania regiment known as the “Bucktails,” serving till December, 1863, when he was discharged. In. November, 1864, he again entered the service, this time in the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served in his company as sergeant. In February, 1865, he was detailed as scout for General Kilpatrick, and served till the surrender of the rebels. Returning home he soon afterward went to Illinois where he worked at cabinet-making till August, 1875, when he came to Harrison county, this State, and lived there till September, 1881. He then came to this-county, settling in Jamesport, where he went into the livery business, and is still so engaged, at this writing, and. driving a successful business. He was married, in Adams county, Illinois, December 25, 1870, to Miss Rachel Craig, a native of that State and county.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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