Biographical Sketch of Joseph Gibson

Archibald Gibson, of Ireland, emigrated to America and settled in Virginia. He had a son named Joseph, who served in the war of 1812. Joseph married Susan Hudson, and settled in Lincoln County, Mo., in 1818. His children were Mary, Elizabeth, Archibald, Nancy, John, William, Patsy, Susan, Lucinda, and Malinda. Mr. Gibson was married the second time to the widow Caffer, whose maiden name was Matilda Wright: By her he had Rufus, Mary, Waller, Matilda, Martha, Richard, Emma, and Thomas J. Mr. Gibson died in Lincoln County in his 87th year. Archibald, Elizabeth, and John married and settled in Warren County. John married Sarah A. Wright. He was at a camp-meeting, once, where a woman near him took the jerks, and fell into his arms. Never having seen anything of the kind before, he was astonished and bewildered, and called out at the top of his voice, “Here, Preacher, your attention, pleases. Here’s a woman with a fit” But the “fit” soon left her, and he was relieved. Lucinda Gibson married Felix Kountz, and settled in St. Charles County. Martha married Mr. Patton, of Warren County. Malinda married Mr. Spencer, and settled in St. Charles County.


Bryan, William Smith A History of the Pioneer Families of Missouri: With Numerous Sketches, Anecdotes, Adventures, Etc., Relating to Early Days in Missouri. Also the Lives of Daniel Boone and the Celebrated Indian Chief, Black Hawk, with Numerous Biographies and Histories of Primitive Institutions. Bryan Brand & Company. 1876.

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