Biographical Sketch of John B. Marley, M. D.

John B. Marley was born in Greene County, this State, March 23, 1834, .and was reared and partly educated in the same County. In the spring of 1860 he went to St. Louis for the purpose of attending school, and did attend one year; but the Civil War coming on in 1861, he quit school and -gave his services to the cause of the sunny South, till the close of that hopeless struggle. Returning to St. Louis after the war, he remained there till .1867, when he went to Keokuk, Iowa, and there entered the medical college. He graduated from that institution in the spring of 1868, and went to Chariton County, Missouri, and there remained till the following year, when he went to Dallas County, Texas, where he practiced medicine until 1870. In the last named year, Dr. Marley came back to this State, and located for practice in Caldwell County, where he continued for some time. He also practiced in Mooresville till the spring of 1880, and then came to this. County and located at Lock Springs, and has here remained ever since engaged in his profession.

Dr. Marley was married, in Chariton County, Missouri, July 10, 1869, to Miss Nancy S. Hooper, a native of Illinois. Five children have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Marley; namely, Laura A., Rosa L., Nellie M., Freddie V. and the fifth, an unnamed infant.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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