Supposed picture of Capt. Clement C. Webb
This is a Souvenir Roster of the Surviving Members of the 13th Michigan Infantry, Living and Attending Members.
A short account of the Forty-fourth Annual Reunion, together with other interesting reading matter for the members.
Just a Word from the Secretary
I have had the local Kalamazoo Publishing Company get out five hundred copies of this booklet, so as to be sure and have one for each member and a few to spare. This work has cost me fifty-five dollars. I hardly need to remind you that I am not a rich man, and will say that if each member getting a copy will send me a quarter in the enclosed self addressed envelope, it will help defray expenses, and there will be no hardship on anyone.
- 44th Annual Reunion
- To The Thirteenth Infantry
- A Wonderful Record
- Hastings Man
- If I Should Die Tonight
- Peace Declared
- Secretary’s Address
- The Volunteers
- Came From Pacific Coast
- 13th Michigan Infantry at the Battle of Chickamauga
- Letters From Comrade Edson Woodman
- Reunion of The Vets
- Slightly Mixed Sometimes
- So the Talk Went On
- Unable To March
- Where Sherman Lead
- Living Members in 1909