Biographical Sketch of Charles L. Murfey

Murfey, Charles L.; banker; born, Cleveland, Aug. 18, 1850; son of Gardner B. and Julia Latham Murfey; educated, Cleveland and Andover, Mass.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 13, 1886, Florence Spencer; two unmarried sons, Spencer L. and Clarence A.; member Cleveland Grays, 1869, three years; in 1868, began business with the old Merchant’s National Bank; then with the Mercantile National Bank, its successor; afterwards with the present National Commercial Bank; at this time, vice pres., mgr.; trustee, estate of John Huntington; director Cleveland & Mahoning Valley R. R.; trustee the John Huntington Benevolent Trust; member Masonic Order, Al Koran Temple, Nobles of Mystic Shrine: member Union, Mayfield, and Country Clubs.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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