Spofford Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

The Jonah Holt House and place nearly opposite the Blue Hill academy and still standing, with the house some distance back from the street, was and still is a notable place. The house is supposed to have been built by Daniel Spofford about 1800, later owned and occupied by Jonah Holt and family.

Daniel Spofford is first mentioned in the town records in 1790 as having a store near the head of the bay, and also in connection with Mr. Robinson as having potash works at the town landing. He was interested in the building of the meeting house, served on committees connected therewith, and when the floor pews in the house were sold at venue, he bid off pew No. 39. He married, April 11, 1794, Phebe Peters, daughter of John and Mary Peters. She was born March 13, 1773, and died May 15, 1839.

Mr. Spofford was born Feb. 18, 1766, where is not stated, and removed to Bucksport about 1803, where he died Oct. 10, 1852, aged eighty-six years. He had three children, born at Blue Hill, as follows:

  1. Parker Spofford, born Sept. 23, 1798.
  2. Frederick Spofford, born Feb. 28, 1798.
  3. Ruby Spofford, born March 28, 1802.

Jonah Holt, Esq., is supposed to have bought this place from Mr. Spofford upon his removal from town.

Holt, Peters, Robinson, Spofford,

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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