Bucksport Maine

Soule Family of New Bedford Massachusetts

SOULE (New Bedford family). The family bearing this name at New Bedford, Mass., is a branch of the Old Plymouth family, descending from George Soule, one of the “Mayflower” Pilgrims and a signer of the compact in 1620. The present head of the family is the Hon. Rufus Albertson Soule, citizen soldier, now collector of the port of New Bedford, who for many years has been a conspicuous figure in the business and political life of that place, a public servant of high and honorable service, one who as man, citizen and neighbor enjoys that popularity that comes to but few.

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Spofford Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Daniel Spofford was born Feb. 18, 1766, where is not stated, and removed to Bucksport about 1803; he married, April 11, 1794, Phebe Peters, daughter of John and Mary Peters. She was born March 13, 1773, and died May 15, 1839. Mr. Spofford died Oct. 10, 1852, aged eighty-six years. He had three children, born at Blue Hill, as follows: Parker, Frederick and Ruby.

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