Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – F Surnames

FERGUNDUS, Peter “(transcent person),” Mar. 26, 1828, a. 34. C.R.1. FISH, Mary Ann, m., tailoress, b. Mt. Washington, d. Frederick Sparks and Lydia, typhus fever, Oct. 16, 1849, a. 26 y. 11 m. 20 d. [w. Amos, Oct. 17, a. 26, G.R.3.] FITCH, Chloe, second w. Ebinezer, June 6, 1837, a. 33. G.R.2. Edward, twin s. Ebenezer and Chloe, Aug. 28, 1836, a. I y. 10 m. G.R.2. Harriet, w. Ebenezer, Feb. 11, 1826, a. 34. G.R.2. Harriet S., d. Ebenezer and Chloe, May 17, 1839, a. 8 y. 11 m. G.R.2. Horace, Mar. 8, 1823, in 24th y. G.R.1. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – W Surnames

WALDO, Ann, d. Jos[e]ph and Ann, Dec. 10, 1791. WARD, Mary, w. Chauncey Leete, — [1807]. G.R.3. WARREN, Elisabeth Marther, d. Joseph and Elisabeth, Dec. 24, 1786. WATERS, Jane, d. Rev. John and Wealthy, Nov. 20, 1815. WAY, John Azer [Ayer], negro, s. Ebenezer, laborer (b. Hatfield), and Mary (b. New Lebanon, N.Y.), Dec. 5, 1849. WESTFALL, Alice, d. Albert, mason, and Malvina, Dec. 29, 1848. WETHERELL (see Withrel). WHEELER, Charles Lewis, s. Henry A., carpenter, and Sarah A., Sept. 10, 1848. Ellen, d. Henry A., carpenter and joiner, and Sarah Ann, Aug. 15, 1843. Jonathan, s. Henry A., joiner, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – R Surnames

RAWSON, Eli H., May 20, 1815, in 19th y. Nathaniel, July 23, 1803. [h. Rachil] a. 87, G.R.1.] Rachel, w. Nath[ani]el, Aug. 12, 1802. [Rachil, a. 82, G.R.1.] READY, James, m., laborer, b. Ireland, lung fever, Sept. 5, 1846. REED, Abigail, d. Tho[ma]s Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 28, 1816, a. 15 m. 21d. Abigail, w. Capt. Thomas, Feb. 10, 1837, a. 56. G.R.1. Charles Artimas, s. Charles and Charlotte, Oct. 2, 1826, a. 3 y. 8 m. G.R.2. Charlotte Amy, d. Charles and Charlotte, Aug. 6, 1842, a. 1 y. 8 m. G.R. 2. Charlotte Artimecia, d. Charles and Charlotte, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – E Surnames

EASLAND, Catharine, d. John and Sally, Feb. 25, 1809, in 2d y. Catharine, w. Francis, Sept. 4, 1818. [in 65th y., G.R.1.] Francis, Feb. 22, 1838, a. l00. G.R.1. [s. John G. and (first w.), in Alford, P.R.1.] Hannah, w. John G., Mar. 6, 1815, a. 90. G.R.1. [Hannah (Rawmocker), second w. John G., “came to this country from Amsterdam, Holland,” P.R.1.] John Jr., m., farmer, s. John and Rachel, accidental, Nov. 29, 1845, a. 51 y. 19 d. [Dec. 1, a. 51, G.R.1.] [Dec. 1, P.R.1.] John, m., farmer, b. New York City, s. John G. and Catharine, old … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – K Surnames

KETCHUM, Polley of Stockbridge, and Levi Boughton, Oct. 5, 1785, in Stockbridge.* KILMER, Abraham and Elizabeth R. Wilkins, int. Feb. 4, 1843. KING, Ebenezer and Sevilla Benedict, int. Dec. 31, 1822. KINNE, Aaron and Harriett Hewins, int. Dec. 8, 1837. KNAPP, Mehitable and Martin Hendrick [int. Hendricks], Apr. 28, 1814.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – A Surnames

ABBOTT, Julia A., w. Virgil S., childbed, Dec. 10, 1848, a. 34. ADAMS, Benjamin, Dr., Aug. 26, 1795. G.R.1. ADSIT, Sarah Jane, w. John P., Aug. 9, 1846, in 25th y. G.R.3. ALLYN, Sarah Ann, d. Elisha and Luania, Mar. 4, 1831, a. 6. G.R.2. AMADON, Payson, s. Leonard and Roxanna, bowel complaint, Oct. 31, 1848, a. II m. 27 d. ANDREWS (see An&us), Ephraim I., –, 1824, a. 52. G.R.2. Thomas, May 26, 1813. ANDRUS (see Andrews), Elijah, Mar. 21, 1832. Elizabeth, w. Benjah, July 12, 1794, in 28th y. G.R.1. Joseph, Aug. 21, 1832, a. 78. ARNOLD, Anna, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – C Surnames

CAMPBELL, Isabella Rebecca, d. Daniel B., innholder, and Rebecca, May 1, 1844. Rebecca Isabella, d. Daniel B., innkeeper, and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1846. CARLEY, James, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 15, 1843. John, s. John, miner, and Ann, Oct. -, 1848. Mary, d. Timothy, miner, and Mary, Mar. 13, 1845 CARLILE, Jabez Huntley, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, July 9, 1793 CARR, Idelia, d. Polly, Sept. 15, 1808. CASWELL, George, s. William, wagon maker, and Charry Ann, Jan. 27, 1847. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlane, Chamberlin), Alice, d. John, shoemaker, and Huldah, Apr. 29, 1847. Isadore, d. John and Huldah A., Sept. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – N Surnames

NEWELL, Polly, w. John, Apr. 21, 1806, in 35th y. NEWMAN, Francis [sic] Amelia, d. John V. and Parna, dysen. tery, Aug. 21, 1848, a. I y. 5 m. 6 d. NICHOLSON, Mary, w. Isaac, Mar. 6, 1849, a. 75. G.R.3. NOBLE, Loring A. [h. Mary], Sept. 6,1837, a. 43. G.R.2. NOOT, Thankful, w. Charles, Mar. I, 1816, in 90th y. G.R.1. NORCUTT, Charles S., laborer, b. Otis, s. Charles S. and Abigail M., taking opium, July 17, 1849, a. 19 y. 7 m. I d. [July 27, a. 19 y. 7 m. 21 d., G.R.3.] NORTON, Samantha, d. Joel … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – L Surnames

LAMBERT (see Lumbert). LANE, Abigail and Nathaniel Willson Jr., int. Mar. 27, 1797. Tryphena and Lt. Josiah Arnold, int. June -, 1807. LANG, Margaret of Gt. Barrington, and John Arnold of Gt. Barrington, May 13, 1848.* C.R.1. LARD, Martha [int. of Gt. Barrington] and John Rees, Nov. – [int. Nov. 9], 1794 LEE, Justin of Hillsdale, N.Y., and Sybil Smith, Feb. 5, 1818. LEECH, Ann of Curtisville, and John Noyle of New Preston, Conn., Oct. 29, 1844, at State Line.* C.R.1. LEET (see Leete), Sarah and Charles Dudley, int. May 13, 1837. LEETE (see Leet), Chauncey and Mary Ward, July … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – K Surnames

KEARSE (see Keresey, Kersey), Dennis, s. William, laborer, and Bridget, Sept. 16, 1843. KEEFE, Mary, d. John, miner, and Ellen, Feb. 18, 1849. KELLOGG, Elizabeth, d. Martin R., merchant, and Mary M., Dec. 15, 1845. Evelina, d. Martin R., merchant, and Melissa M., Oct. 25, 1843 Robbins, s. Martin R., merchant, and Mary M., July 7, 1848. William Dimon, s. Robbins and Evelina [dup. Evelina], Aug. i [dup. Aug. 2], 1822. —, s. Clark, cabinet maker, and Caroline, Apr. 29, 1848. KENT, Mary E., inf. Brainard and Lucy, bp. July-, 183 8. C.R. 1. KERESEY (see Kearse, Kersey), Bridget, w. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – K Surnames

KEEFE, Dennis, b. Ireland, s. John and Ellen, inflammation of the brain, Mar. 12, 1849, a. 5. KELLOGG, Polly [dup. adds wid.], Nov. 5, 1843, a. 48. C.R.1. Robbins Esq., Nov. 10, 1841, in 60th y. Walter D., s. Amos and Paulina, Aug. 14, 1811, in 2d y. G.R.1. William D., s. Robbins and Evilina, May 7, 1840, in 18th y., in Troy, N.Y. KELLY, Ellen A., b. Ireland, w. John, d. John McDaniel and Ellen, diarrhea, Nov. 21, 1849, a. 42 y. 2 m. John, s. John and Ellen, lung fever, Nov. 24, 1849, a. I y. 6 d. … Read more

1923-1925 South Berkshire Directory

1923-1925 South Berkshire Directory

The 1923-1925 South Berkshire Directory. A general directory of the towns of Alford, Egremont (North and South), Great Barrington (including Housatonic), Monterey, Mount Washington (including Alandar), New Marlboro (including Clayton, Hartsville, Mill River and Southfield), North Canaan, Conn. (including Canaan and East Canaan), Sheffield (including Ashley Falls), Stockbridge (including Interlaken and Glendale), West Stockbridge (including State Line). An alphabetically arranged list of business firms and private citizens, co-partnerships, corporations, town, county and state officers, schools, churches, banks, railways, clubs and other associations, secret and benevolent societies, etc., street and house guides for great Barrington and a complete classified business directory.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – B Surnames

BACK, Thomas, July 21, 1842, a. 51. G.R.2. BAKER, Calvin, Feb. 22, 1807. P.R.5. James, Aug. 30, 1802. P.R.5. Phebe, Jan. 10, 1770. P.R.5. Rebekah, Oct. 24, 1812. P.R.S. Reuben, “In Listed March 23 Day 1776,” Aug. 1, 1776. P.R.5. BARNES (see Barns), Anna, w. Silas, July 20, 1827, a. 64. G.R.2. George, s. Alva and Catharine, Feb. 3, 1834, a. I y. 7 m: G.R.2. Harvey, s. Abraham (Barns) and Sally, Sept. 3, 1820, in 2d y. G.R.2. Miriam, w. Timothy, Jan. 11, 1818, in 81st y. [a. 81, G.R.2.] Naomi H., b. Alford, w. Cyrus W[illia]m, d. Elijah … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – B Surnames

BARNS, Abraham, s. Timothy and Betsey, Sept. 0, 1791. Alven, s. Silas and Anne, Dec. 27, 1797 [sic, see Lowis]. Anna, d. Silas and Anna, May 3, 1793. Asahel, s. Elisha and Vitate, Oct. 4, 1800. Betsey, d. Elisha and Vitate, Nov. 5, 1802. Charles Milo, s. Isaac and Sarah, May 5, 1811. Elisha Munson, s. Elisha and Vitate, Dec. 3, I804. Elizabeth Almina, d. Jotham and Lavina, Nov. 5, 1812. Elnathan, s. Elnathan J. and Rachel, Nov. 26, 1823. Erastus, s. Elisha and Vitate, Jan. 2, 1797 Isaac Miller, s. Isaac and Sally, Dec. 12, 1803. John, s. Jotham … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – D Surnames

DAILEY (see Daily, Daly), Joanna, d. Michael, laborer, and Mary, Sept. 12, 1847. Patrick, s. John, laborer, and Mary, May 20, 1847. DAILY (see Dailey, Daly), Donald, s. Michael, laborer, and Mary A. M. (Daly), Jan. 3, 1849 DALY (see Dailey, Daily), William, s. John, laborer, and Mary, Mar. 24, 1844. DAVIS, Mary, d. Edward, laborer, and Cynthia, Oct. 15, 1843. Melinda Elizabeth, d. Charles M., laborer (b. N. Canaan, Conn.), and Julia Ann, Dec. 6, 1849. DEAN, John, s. Harvey and Phebe, Sept. 11, 1807. Maria, d. Harvey and Phebe, Nov. 12, 1805. DEMING, Abia, d. John and Rebeckah, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – I Surnames

ISBELL, Celina, d. Stephen and Hannah, Sept. 12, 1796. IVES, Henry Dwight, s. John Henry, carpenter and joiner, and Lydia C., Aug. 31, 1846. Juliett, d. Joel and Lucretia, Mar. 4, 1812. Walter Insign, s. Joel and Lucretia, Feb. 27, 1814. William, s. Joel and Keziah, Apr. 4, 1806, in Gt. Barrington.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – E Surnames

EASLAND, Garet and Hanah M’Clarin, Feb. 20, 1787.* John and Sally Webb, int. Sept. 19, 1803. John [int. Jr.] and Sophrona [int. Sophrona] Andrus, Nov. 4 [1818]. Tryphena and Ephraim Fosket [int. Jr.], Feb. 13, 1817. EDWARDS, Gamaliel and Clemina Osborn, –.* P.R.4. Lucinda and Barnabas Woodworth, int. July 18, 1803. ELLIS, Clarissa of Cabotville, and Asa Parker of Cabotville, May 16, 1848.* C.R.1. ELLSWORTH, Allen of Becket, and Harriet Waters of Becket, Feb. 5, 1849.* C.R.1.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – A Surnames

ABBOTT, —, d. Virgil S., tinner, and Julia A., Dec. 9, 1848. ADAMS, Benjamin, Dr., Apr. 22, 1708. G.R.I. AIN, Mary A., d. Patrick, laborer, and Bridget, Mar. 22, 1849. ALEXANDER, William, s. William P., farmer, and Climena, Apr. 30, 1849. AMADON, Eliza Fowler, d. Leonard, carpenter, and Roxana, Oct. 9, 1845. Payson, s. Leonard, laborer, and Roxana, Nov. 3, 1847. s. Leonard, carpenter (b. Charlton), and Roxana (b. Gt. Barrington), Dec. 15, 1849. ANDREWS (see Andrus), Benajah, s. Benajah and Elizabeth, Jan. 26, 1794 Elisabeth, d. Benajah and Elizabeth, Dec. 12, 1791. Harriet [dup. Andrus], d. Elijah and Mary … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – W Surnames

WARD, Lydia (see — Ward). Molly, w. Obadiah Esq., Sept. 22, 1807, in 58th y. G.R.1. Obediah Esq., July 10, 1816. [Obadiah Esq., in 73d y., G.R.1] —, w. Obadiah, Feb. 15, 1828, a. 54. C.R.1. [Lydia, G.R.1.] WARREN, William, Mar. -, 1829, a. 31. C.R.1. WEBSTER, Alvin, s. Elihu and Rachel, Jan. 14, 1800, a. 3 m. 19 d. G.R.2. Rebeckah, w. Jonathan, Aug. 6, 1798, in 56th y. G.R.2. —, s. Elihu, July 5, 1815, in 8th y. WHITING, Sarah, Feb. -, 1842. C.R.2. WHITWOOD, Horatio Boughton, s. Deodatus C. and Achsah, Feb. 28, 1804, in 4th y. … Read more