Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – V Surnames

VAN ALLEN, Caroline E., negro, d. Asa, laborer, and Maria E., Nov. 22, 1843. VAN ALSTINE (see Van Alstyne), Royal Gustavus, s. Thomas L., collier, and Eliza, May 20, 1845. d. Thomas L., laborer, and Eliza, Mar. 27, 1847. VAN ALSTYNE (see Van Alstine), Ann E., d. Thomas L., carpenter, and Eliza, July 15, 1848. VAN BUREN, Caroline, d. William, laborer, and Nancy, Jan. 6, 1848. Harriett Ann, d. William S., laborer, and Nancy Ann, Dec. 3, 1843. VAN DEUSEN (see Van Duesen), Mary A., d. Charles M., yeoman, and Ellen M., Dec. 19, 1847. s. Charles L., farmer, and … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – B Surnames

BAKER, Mehitabel [int. Mehitabee] and Seth Barns, Jan. 8, 1793. Phebe and Peter Jenkins, June 29, 1788.* BALLOW, Caroline A., 18, of Gt. Barrington, d. Israel and Maramna, and John W. Smith, 28, husbandman, s. Matthew and Clarissa, Sept. 24, 1845.* BARBER, Martin and Anne Seeley of Stockbridge, int. -[1796] BARKER, Cephas C. of Syracuse, N.Y., and Mary E. Crocker, int. BARNES (see Barns), Aaron B. and Lavinia Van Deusen, Oct. 1, 1845, at State Line.* C.R.1. Cyrus William, 23, farmer, s. Alva dec’d and Catharine, and Naomi Hewins, 22, d. Elijah and Prundence [Prudence], Jan. 8, 1845.* Laura Ann, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – I Surnames

IVES, Hannah M. of Gt. Barrington, and Clement Holcomb, int. Dec. 16, 1843. Joel of G[t]. Barrington, and Kezia Bullock, int. Sept. 10, 1804. John and Hannah Ford, int. Dec. 20, 1807. Lois of Gt. Barrington, and Lebbeus Ford, int. Aug. 15, 1808.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – E Surnames

EASLAND, Garet and Hanah M’Clarin, Feb. 20, 1787.* John and Sally Webb, int. Sept. 19, 1803. John [int. Jr.] and Sophrona [int. Sophrona] Andrus, Nov. 4 [1818]. Tryphena and Ephraim Fosket [int. Jr.], Feb. 13, 1817. EDWARDS, Gamaliel and Clemina Osborn, –.* P.R.4. Lucinda and Barnabas Woodworth, int. July 18, 1803. ELLIS, Clarissa of Cabotville, and Asa Parker of Cabotville, May 16, 1848.* C.R.1. ELLSWORTH, Allen of Becket, and Harriet Waters of Becket, Feb. 5, 1849.* C.R.1.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – G Surnames

GALLOWAY, Isabel and Jonas Priest, Dec. 16, 1787.* GALUSHA, Nathaniel and Mehitable Hines, May 22, 1788.* GASTON, Martial T. and Miriam Snow, int. Aug. 20, 1837. GILBERT, Anne and Edmond Hull [int. Hall], Sept. 15, 1791. Intention not recorded. GILLET, Anne of Canaan, and Jacob Rees, int. Jan. 2, 1791. Sarah of Canaan, N.Y., and John Benton Jr., int. Feb. 5, 1792. GOODRICH, —, Miss, of Austerlitz, N.Y., and Darwin Stuart of Austerlitz, N.Y., Sept. 12, 1831.* C.R.1. GRENELL, Polly and Alvan Arnold, int. Aug. 23, 1813. [Grenwell 2d, m. Aug. 25, P.R.2.] GRIFFIN, Ebenezer L. [dup. Griffen] and Amanda … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – B Surnames

BARNS, Abraham, s. Timothy and Betsey, Sept. 0, 1791. Alven, s. Silas and Anne, Dec. 27, 1797 [sic, see Lowis]. Anna, d. Silas and Anna, May 3, 1793. Asahel, s. Elisha and Vitate, Oct. 4, 1800. Betsey, d. Elisha and Vitate, Nov. 5, 1802. Charles Milo, s. Isaac and Sarah, May 5, 1811. Elisha Munson, s. Elisha and Vitate, Dec. 3, I804. Elizabeth Almina, d. Jotham and Lavina, Nov. 5, 1812. Elnathan, s. Elnathan J. and Rachel, Nov. 26, 1823. Erastus, s. Elisha and Vitate, Jan. 2, 1797 Isaac Miller, s. Isaac and Sally, Dec. 12, 1803. John, s. Jotham … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – F Surnames

FERGUNDUS, Peter “(transcent person),” Mar. 26, 1828, a. 34. C.R.1. FISH, Mary Ann, m., tailoress, b. Mt. Washington, d. Frederick Sparks and Lydia, typhus fever, Oct. 16, 1849, a. 26 y. 11 m. 20 d. [w. Amos, Oct. 17, a. 26, G.R.3.] FITCH, Chloe, second w. Ebinezer, June 6, 1837, a. 33. G.R.2. Edward, twin s. Ebenezer and Chloe, Aug. 28, 1836, a. I y. 10 m. G.R.2. Harriet, w. Ebenezer, Feb. 11, 1826, a. 34. G.R.2. Harriet S., d. Ebenezer and Chloe, May 17, 1839, a. 8 y. 11 m. G.R.2. Horace, Mar. 8, 1823, in 24th y. G.R.1. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – M Surnames

MACKLEN, —, Mrs., Dec. 17, 1829. C.R.1. [Molley Macklane, in 68th y., G.R.1.] MADISON, Horace, s. Israel and Sarah, typhus fever, Nov. 23, 1843, a. 12. Sarah, wid. Israel, typhus fever, Dec. 5, 1843, a. 38. MANION, Michael, laborer, b. Ireland, fever, — [rec. May 14, 1844] MANN, Susey, July 8, 1798. P.R.5. MASON, Caroline Maria, d. Stephen and Caroline, Aug. 15, 1823, a. 9 m. G.R.2. McCOY, George B., s. Timothy W. and Anna, lung fever, Aug. 9, 1848, a. 5 m. [Oct. 9, a. 7 m., G.R.3.] Mr. “(transcent),” Sept. -, 1828. C.R.1. McDONALD, George E., s. Patrick … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – J Surnames

JACKSON, Joel C. of Lee, and Eliza Ann Fuller of Lee, Mar. 31, 1849.* C.R.1. Joseph and Margeret French, Mar. 7, 1793. Julia of Stockbridge, and Charles Bliven of Lenox, Aug. 8, 1847, at S[tate] Line.* C.R.1. JAQUINS (see Jenkins), John and Lovina Stevens, [1793]* JENKINS (see Jaquins), Peter and Phebe Baker, June 29, 1788.* JENKS, Hervey, Eld[er], and Hannah Slauter, int. Nov. 27, 1812. JOHNSON, Dormon and Rachel Church of Lee, int. Mar. I 1789. Rebeckah and Squire Stone, int. Mar. 1, 1789. Sybill [int. Sibbill] [and] Jonathan Niles, — [1793].* JONES, Elijah and Mercy Codding of Washington, Jan. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – L Surnames

LALLY (see Larly), Catharine, d. Thomas, laborer, and Bridget, Dec. 25, 1847. LANE, Abigail, d. Samuel and Abigail, Apr. 4, 1776. Gaius, s. Samuel and Abigail, July 20, 1788. John, s. Sam[u]el and Abigail, Nov. 21, 1783. Lucinda, d. Samuel and Abigail, Sept. 11, 1786. Samuel, s. Samuel and Abigail, Mar. 12, 1780. Susanna, d. Samuel and Abigail, Aug. 1, 1778. LARLY (see Lally), Michael, s. Thomas, laborer, and Bridget, Sept. 22, 1843. LEONARD (see Leonard), Lucy, d. Asa and Olive, Jan. 3, 1787. LEAVITT, Dudley, Dr. [h. Lyndia], — [1798]. G.R.3. Lyndia [–], w. Dudley, — [1809]. G.R.3. LEET … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – B Surnames

BACK, Thomas, July 21, 1842, a. 51. G.R.2. BAKER, Calvin, Feb. 22, 1807. P.R.5. James, Aug. 30, 1802. P.R.5. Phebe, Jan. 10, 1770. P.R.5. Rebekah, Oct. 24, 1812. P.R.S. Reuben, “In Listed March 23 Day 1776,” Aug. 1, 1776. P.R.5. BARNES (see Barns), Anna, w. Silas, July 20, 1827, a. 64. G.R.2. George, s. Alva and Catharine, Feb. 3, 1834, a. I y. 7 m: G.R.2. Harvey, s. Abraham (Barns) and Sally, Sept. 3, 1820, in 2d y. G.R.2. Miriam, w. Timothy, Jan. 11, 1818, in 81st y. [a. 81, G.R.2.] Naomi H., b. Alford, w. Cyrus W[illia]m, d. Elijah … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – S Surnames

SALLS (see Searle), Calvin C. [h. Edna], Aug. 22, 1843, a. 30 y. 5 m. 7 d. G.R.3. SCOFIELD, Sarah S. B., w. L. W., Aug. 4, 1846, a. 25. G.R.3. SEARLE (see Salls), Edna, w. —, d. Dea. N. Seele, Jan. 14, 1842, a. 22. C.R.1. [w. Calvin C., G.R.3.] SECOY, Joseph, b. Canada, s. Joseph and Anna, Dec. 11, 1848. a. 4 m. 15 d. [Secor, Dec. 12, a. 7 m., G.R.3.] SHAW, Harriet Newell, d. Nathan and Lucy M., Dec. 20, 1842, a. 20. [Harriet Newel, d. Rev. N. and Lucy M., G.R.3.] Walter Gay, inf. –, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Births to 1850 – C Surnames

CAMPBELL, Isabella Rebecca, d. Daniel B., innholder, and Rebecca, May 1, 1844. Rebecca Isabella, d. Daniel B., innkeeper, and Rebecca, Oct. 23, 1846. CARLEY, James, s. Timothy, laborer, and Mary, Aug. 15, 1843. John, s. John, miner, and Ann, Oct. -, 1848. Mary, d. Timothy, miner, and Mary, Mar. 13, 1845 CARLILE, Jabez Huntley, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, July 9, 1793 CARR, Idelia, d. Polly, Sept. 15, 1808. CASWELL, George, s. William, wagon maker, and Charry Ann, Jan. 27, 1847. CHAMBERLAIN (see Chamberlane, Chamberlin), Alice, d. John, shoemaker, and Huldah, Apr. 29, 1847. Isadore, d. John and Huldah A., Sept. … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – N Surnames

NEWELL, Polly, w. John, Apr. 21, 1806, in 35th y. NEWMAN, Francis [sic] Amelia, d. John V. and Parna, dysen. tery, Aug. 21, 1848, a. I y. 5 m. 6 d. NICHOLSON, Mary, w. Isaac, Mar. 6, 1849, a. 75. G.R.3. NOBLE, Loring A. [h. Mary], Sept. 6,1837, a. 43. G.R.2. NOOT, Thankful, w. Charles, Mar. I, 1816, in 90th y. G.R.1. NORCUTT, Charles S., laborer, b. Otis, s. Charles S. and Abigail M., taking opium, July 17, 1849, a. 19 y. 7 m. I d. [July 27, a. 19 y. 7 m. 21 d., G.R.3.] NORTON, Samantha, d. Joel … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – O Surnames

OBRIAN, Rocsy, w. John Anthony, May 8, 1818, in 39th y. OLDS, Mary Ann, d. Newbury and Abigail, fever, Apr. 7, 1847, a.4 y.9 d. Phebe, housekeeper, b. Hillsdale, N.Y., wid. W[illia]m G., d. Oliver Andrews and Phebe, consumption, Aug. 6, 1848, a. 37. [Phebe Jane, a. 37 y. 8 m. 24 d., G.R.1.] William G. [h. Phebe Jane], Nov. 1, 1837, a. 24. G.R.1. OSBORN, Henry, m., painter, Asiatic cholera, June 6, 1849, a. 45. OWENS, Alonda, s. George and Harriet, consumption, Sept. 26, 1849, a. 4 m. 16 d.

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – R Surnames

RAWSON, Eli H., May 20, 1815, in 19th y. Nathaniel, July 23, 1803. [h. Rachil] a. 87, G.R.1.] Rachel, w. Nath[ani]el, Aug. 12, 1802. [Rachil, a. 82, G.R.1.] READY, James, m., laborer, b. Ireland, lung fever, Sept. 5, 1846. REED, Abigail, d. Tho[ma]s Jr. and Abigail, Feb. 28, 1816, a. 15 m. 21d. Abigail, w. Capt. Thomas, Feb. 10, 1837, a. 56. G.R.1. Charles Artimas, s. Charles and Charlotte, Oct. 2, 1826, a. 3 y. 8 m. G.R.2. Charlotte Amy, d. Charles and Charlotte, Aug. 6, 1842, a. 1 y. 8 m. G.R. 2. Charlotte Artimecia, d. Charles and Charlotte, … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – Unidentified

—, Amanda G., w. James P. Nicholson, –, 1814. G.R.3. —, Ann M., second w. James Shead, — [1814]. G.R.3. —, Anna, w. Abiah Drake, – [1765]. G.R.I. —, Charlotte, w. Benjamin Cone, — [1793]. G.R.3. —, Chloe A., w. George R. Gorham, – [1822]. G.R.3. —, Clarissa, w. J. W. Hitchcock, — [1773]. G.R.I. —, Fanny, w. Darius Benton, – [1782]. G.R.3. —, Louisa, w. Hiram Pomeroy, -[1803]. G.R.3. —, Lucretia, w. Isaac Rees, — [1777]. G.R.3. —, Mary, w. L[oring] A. Noble, — [1795]. G.R.2. —, Mary, w. Joseph Secor, — [1823]. G.R.3. —, Mary A., w. Samuel … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – V Surnames

VAN DEUSEN (see Van Duesen), Lavinia and Aaron B. Barnes., Oct. 1, 1845, at State Line.* C.R.1. Richard of Stockbridge, and Mary Jane Walker of Gt. Barrington, Mar. 15, 1848.* C.R.1. VAN DUESEN (see Van Deusen), Amanda, 21, and Edwin Pixley, 24, tailor [written in pencil], of New Marlboro, Aug. 29, 1849.* [Van Deusen, C.R.1.] VANHORN (see Van Horne), James of Hillsdale, and Laura Pomeroy, int. Oct. 15, 1811. VAN HORNE (see Vanhorn), Julia Ann, d. James and Laura, and Sylvester Corydon Taylor, widr., laborer, Sept. 26, 1843.* VANKIRK, Michael of Sheffield, and Patty Fleming, Dec. 17, 1815.* VOSBURG, Mary … Read more

Stockbridge Massachusetts Deaths to 1850 – I Surnames

INGERSOL (see Ingersoll), Mary, d. John C. and Sally, July 11, 1817, a. 10 m. G.R.1. INGERSOLL (see Ingersol), –, d. James and Emeline, Apr. 3, 1849, a. 1 m. 8 d. G.R.3. IVES, Henry Dwight, s. John Henry and Lydia C., Oct. 9, 1847, a. I y. 1 m. 8 d. Sarah Ann Andrews, Feb. 22, 1840, a. 22. C.R.1. [w. Levi, Feb. 26, G.R.1.]