Stockbridge Massachusetts Marriages to 1850 – L Surnames

LAMBERT (see Lumbert).

LANE, Abigail and Nathaniel Willson Jr., int. Mar. 27, 1797. Tryphena and Lt. Josiah Arnold, int. June -, 1807.

LANG, Margaret of Gt. Barrington, and John Arnold of Gt. Barrington, May 13, 1848.* C.R.1.

LARD, Martha [int. of Gt. Barrington] and John Rees, Nov. – [int. Nov. 9], 1794

LEE, Justin of Hillsdale, N.Y., and Sybil Smith, Feb. 5, 1818.

LEECH, Ann of Curtisville, and John Noyle of New Preston, Conn., Oct. 29, 1844, at State Line.* C.R.1.

LEET (see Leete), Sarah and Charles Dudley, int. May 13, 1837.

LEETE (see Leet), Chauncey and Mary Ward, July 27, 1832.*C.R.1. [July I, P.R.4.]
Nath[anie]l and Dymis Wickham, –.* P.R.4.
Olive (see Olive Seele).
Sophia M. and John A. Benedict, Feb. 3, 1831.* C.R.1.

LEONARD,. John D. of Suffield, Conn., and Semantha Hemingway of Suffield, Conn., Apr. 4, 1844, at State Line.* C.R.1.

LEWIS, Abishai and Sarah Scripture of Alford, int. Dec. 17, 1791.
Abishai and Mrs. Starita Taylor, June 2, 1841.* Darius J. and Mary Rees, int. Jan. 6, 1812.

LEWIS, Edna and Sands Niles, int. Jan. 29, 1819.
Elizabeth M., 25, d. Benj[amin] H. and Betsey R., and Erastus B. Barns, 27, carpenter, of Binghamton, N.Y., s. Erastus (Barnes) and Nancy, Oct. 10, 1849.* [Barnes of Binghampton, N.Y., C.R.1.]
Milancton and Emeline Moffitt, int. Sept. 21, 1820.
Sarah and William Richards, int. Oct. 8, 1837.

LINKON, Phebe [int. of Taunton] and Darius Briggs, Mar. 22, 1789.

LOCKE, Daniel and Zeruah Slauter, int. May 1, 1810.

LOMBARD (see Lumbert).

LOWER, Bartholomew, 23, and Matilda Ann Smith, 17, Apr. 1 [1830].

LUKENS, Eliza and Ralph G. Arnold, –, 1845.* P.R.2.

LUMBERT, Edwin of Stockbridge, and Mary E. Chamberlain of Stockbridge, June 25, 1846.* C.R.1.

LYNCH (see Lynuh), Dorcas of Stockbridge, and William Frazer, June 28, 1787, in Stockbridge.*

LYNCH (see Lynch), Amanda [dup. Lynches] and Ebenezer L. Griffin [dup. Griffen], int. Oct. 23, 1837.

Marriage Records,

Town of West Stockbridge, Mass. Vital records of West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund. 1907.

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