The Descendants of Franklin Mary Noyes Rowe of Humboldt County, Iowa

Home of Franklin and Mary Noyes Rowe 1887-1905

This book, “The Descendants of Franklin Mary Noyes Rowe of Humboldt County, Iowa, with Some Notes on Their Ancestors,” authored by Velma Rowe Coffin in Storm Lake, Iowa, in 1955, is a meticulously researched genealogical record spanning 87 pages. It traces the lineage of Franklin Rowe, born December 30, 1836, in Onondaga County, New York, and provides insights into his ancestry and descendants. Free to read or download.

Biography of William A. Hall

Honored and respected by all, there is no man in northern Idaho who occupies a more enviable position in professional circles than William A. Hall, who for many years has devoted his energies to the practice of law and to the spread of the gospel among his fellow men. Born in England, February 15, 1847, he was five years of age when brought to America by his parents, William and Lucy (Atkinson) Hall, who crossed the Atlantic with their six children and became residents of Walworth county, Wisconsin. There the father engaged in farming up to the time of his … Read more

Biography of Captain Lyman C. Waite

Captain Lyman C. Waite is one of the pioneers of Riverside. His association with the foundation of the colony, the establishment of schools, churches, horticultural industries, banking, and other incorporations, commenced in the infancy of the colony, and his various enterprises, both public and private, have been conducted by that sound sense, trained business principles, and honest, straightforward dealings that are characteristic of the man. The facts obtained for a brief review of his life are of interest. Captain Waite was born in Walworth County, Wisconsin, in 1844. His parents, Sydney and Parmelia (Barker) Waite, were natives of western New … Read more

Biography of Hon. Fredrick H. Turner

Hon. Fredrick Hugh Turner, merchant, Idaho Falls, and grand master of the grand lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Idaho, has represented his district ably in the state senate, and is in all respects one of the leading business men and most distinguished citizens of southeastern Idaho. Mr. Turner was born at Janesville, Wisconsin, October 31, 1858, a son of John and Margaret (Jehn) Turner. His father was an English barrister, born in London, who came to the United States in 1838, and located as a pioneer in Rock County, Wisconsin, where he became a prominent farmer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. J. Waite

E. J. Waite is a native of Walworth County, Wisconsin, and came to California in 1876, locating at Riverside, where he remained until 1879. In March 1882, he came to Redlands and worked as foreman for Judson S. Brown. It was he who planted the first orange trees in Redlands, and he has planted and raised more orange trees than any other man in the place. He owns several lots in the city and the finest nursery stock in the whole valley. His property has all been secured by planting and caring for trees for other parties, and taking lots … Read more

Biography of Judge Elbert Osborne Hand

Judge Elbert Osborne Hand, long a distinguished member of the Racine bar and for thirteen years occupying the bench of the County court, passed away June 19, 1915, an occasion which carried with it a sense of deep regret and sorrow to many who have been his associates and contemporaries. He was then nearing the eighty-fifth milestone on life’s journey and there came to him “the blessed accompaniments of age-honor, riches, and troops of friends.” Judge Hand was a native of New Lebanon, Columbia County, New York, born November 29, 1830, and came of English ancestry in both the maternal … Read more

Biography of Hon. John B. Simmons

Hon. John B. Simmons, whose writings were valuable contributions to legal literature and whose career as a member of the bar has reflected credit and honor upon the profession, has engaged in practice in Racine since 1898, being now senior partner in the firm of Simmons & Walker. He was born in McHenry County, Illinois, October 26, 1S51, a son of James and Catherine (McCotter) Simmons, both of whom were natives of Vermont. Upon removing to the middle west in 1842 James Simmons resided for a time at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, but afterward took up his abode in McHenry County. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward L. Harris

Harris, Edward L.; asst. supt. of schools, Cleveland; born, Delavin, Wis., December, 1852; son of David Franklin and Lucretia E. Rowley Harris; educated at Wayland Academy. Beaver Dam, Wis. and Syracuse University (A. B., Ph. B).; married, Beaver Dam, Wis., December, 1878, Eva E. Gould; issue, Fred Gould, Ray Gould, Eva Lucile (deceased, 1896); principal high school, Port Jervis, N. Y., 1878-1880; teacher in Cleveland High Schools, 1880-1887; principal West High School 1887-1889; principal Central High School, 1889-1912; asst. supt. of schools, September, 1912, to date; member National Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); State Education Ass’n (pres. secondary dept.); North … Read more

Wisconsin Gold Star List – Walworth County

Liberty Bond

A comprehensive roster of casualties from Walworth County, Wisconsin, detailing the hometown, age, unit, location of death, and cause of death for soldiers, sailors, marines, and nurses who sacrificed their lives during World War I.

Biographical Sketch of Eugene B. Waite

Eugene B. Waite, one of the enterprising young men of Redlands, has been a resident of the Golden State since 1882, and owns a fruit ranch on Cajon avenue and Palm street. He was born in Walworth County, Wisconsin, in December 1860. His parents, Russell and Adaline (Herrick) Waite, were from Genesee County, New York. His father was successfully engaged in farming and stock-raising in Wisconsin for over thirty years. He is now retired from business and resides on the corner of Seventh and E streets. Our subject first went into the nursery business in Redlands with his brother, but … Read more