Tuttle, J. E. – Obituary

Death of J. E. Tuttle J. E. Tuttle, of Union, was found unconscious at this home Thursday, Oct 12, at about 11 o’clock, after a few moment’s abasence of members of the family. Dr. Cromwell, the family physician, was called and found Mr. Tuttle suffering from paralysis, and he grew worse until about 1:30, when he died. Mr. Tuttle leaves a wife and four children-Floyd, Walter, Winifred and Ola Tuttle-two of whom (Walter and Winifred) were absent at the time of Mr. Tuttle’s death. J. E. Tuttle was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 28, 1845, and came to Oregon with … Read more

Clark, Leland

Union, Union County, Oregon Former Union Boy Falls Under Wagon Wheels and Is Killed Leland Clark, better known as Boots Clark, a former resident of Union, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Clark, age 26 years, was killed at Halfway Friday of last week, by falling from a load of hay and under the wheels of the wagon. His head was crushed and death was probably instantaneous. Clark was hauling a load of hay, and the team being somewhat fractious, became frightened at some boys passing on horseback. In attempting to stop the team, Clark lost one of the … Read more

Barnhart, Luella C. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Luella C. Barnhart of 1536 N. 1st Union died Monday at a local hospital at the age of 54. Mrs. Barnhart was a lifetime resident of Union. She was born there on December 26, 1915, the daughter of Orphia and Ivy (Ross) Burford. She was married to Forrest Barnhart on February 14. 1946 in La Grande. She is survived by her husband, Forrest of Union; a daughter, Leah Rae Barnhart, Roseburg, Oregon; brother Clifford E. Burford, Eugene, Oregon; her mother, Ivy Burford, Union and many other relatives. Funeral services will be held on Friday at 2 … Read more

White, Morris – Obituary

Mr. And Mrs. E. O. Zerek returned Tuesday from Touchet , Washington, where they were called last Friday by the death of their brother-in-law, Morris White. Mr. White who retired Thursday night apparently as well as usual was found dead in bed Friday morning, no sign whatever of the slightest struggle; he always expected to pass away in this manner. Mr. White was a merchant in Union 22 years ago, a conscientious honorable Christian man. His wife was brought here from Walla Walla five years ago, and died at Hot Lake. He is survived by his son William H. and … Read more

Lay, Urdel LaMar “Sam” – Obituary

Urdel LaMar “Sam” Lay, a long-time resident of Baker City, passed away Wednesday, June 8, 2005, at the St. Elizabeth Care Center, at the age of 79. Visitation was held on Monday, June 13, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Gray’s West & Co. Funeral services were held on Monday, June 13, 1 p.m. at Gray’s West & Company Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave., followed by a vault interment at Mount Hope Cemetery. Orrin Lay officiated and Bishop Jeffery Daniels conducted. Military Auspices were by the United States National Guard. Friends were invited to join the family for a … Read more

Eakin, Robert Judge – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Judge Robert Eakin Dies at Salem Judge Robert Eakin, a former resident of Union and Union county, died at Salem Monday morning of this week, after an illness covering several years. The funeral took place at Union Wednesday of this week, and was attended by a large concourse of people from Union county and outside points. The services were held in the Presbyterian church, the sermon was delivered by Rev. Blair, of Salem (who was located at Union about twenty years ago) following a splendid tribute to the memory of Justice Eakin by Justice SF. A. … Read more

George, Mable I. Nollsch Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Mable I. George, 93, of La Grande, died Nov. 24, 2005 at her home. Her funeral will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Daniels Chapel of the Valley, 1502 Seventh St., in La Grande. Committal and interment will be at the Hillcrest Cemetery. Visitations will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today at Daniels Chapel of the Valley. Mrs. George was born on Feb. 9, 1912, to Henry and Hattie Wade Nollsch at Havana, Kan. The family moved to Oregon in 1922 and lived in the Rock Creek and Muddy Creek areas of Baker County. She … Read more

Petersen, Johnny Chris – Obituary

La Grande, Oregon Johnny Chris Petersen, 71, of La Grande died June 21. A celebration of his life will be held at Valley Fellowship Church in La Grande Sunday at 2 p.m. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is handling arrangements. Johnny C. Petersen was born July 3, 1936, in Baker to Gerald Petersen and Lula Davis Cantrell. He grew up under the loving and watchful eye of his grandparents, John and Minnie Davis, on their ranch near North Powder. He was an Eagle Scout and attended the National Jamboree in Valley Forge, Pa., in 1950 along with 47,000 other Scouts. … Read more

Cates, Willie Little – Obituary

At Union, Oregon, June 9, 1878, Little Willie, youngest son of W.A. and Carrie Cates, aged 9 months and 10 days. Mountain Sentinel, Saturday June 22, 1878

Delaney, Vennie Florence – Obituary

Union, Oregon Vennie Florence Delaney, 98, of Lewiston and formerly of Union, died Oct. 23 in Lewiston. A graveside service will begin at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Union Cemetery. A luncheon and sharing time will follow at the VFW Hall in Union. Daniels Chapel of the Valley is in charge of arrangements. Vennie was born Sept. 7, 1909, to Ray Jordan and Mamie (Riggins) Oliver in Fossil. The family moved to Union where she met Roy Delaney. They married on March 27, 1930. They lived in Union and raised their children there. She cooked at three restaurants during the … Read more

Cummings, Albert – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Albert Cummings, age 68 years, 6 months and 22 days, passed on April 24 at Central Point, Oregon. He came to Eastern Oregon and settled at Elgin in 1891. Two years later he moved to Union where he made his home for 20 years before going to Southern Oregon. He is survived by four sons and one daughter-John r. and Albert L. of Huntington, Oregon; Gaston G. of Central Point, Oregon; Austin, the Dalles, Lottie, Sacramento, California. The body was at the Bohnenkamp Chapel in La Grande Thursday. Interment in the Summerville cemetery where graveside services … Read more

Burford, Elvie – Obituary

Illness Claims “Virgie” Burford Elvie Burford, Known to her many friends as Virgie, passed away at a La Grande hospital Wednesday September 12, 1956 after an extended illness. A Union, Oregon housewife, Mrs. Burford was 62 years of age, being born September 27, 1893 in High Valley near Union, Oregon. She resided in Union county all of her life, and was marred to Frank Burford December 3, 1913. Surviving are her husband, Frank Burford, Union; two daughters, Mrs. Ada Cowles of Baker and Mrs. Reta Connell of Hinkle, Oregon. Two brothers are Norman Ross of Huron and Archie Ross of … Read more

Gordon, Arlie F. – Obituary

Arlie F. Gordon, 76, of Union, died March 17 at St. Alphonsus Hospital in Boise. A graveside service will begin at 2 p.m. Friday at the Union Cemetery with a celebration of life potluck to follow at the Eastern Oregon Livestock Show clubhouse. Services are casual dress. Loveland Funeral Chapel and Crematory is in charge of arrangements. Arlie was born Aug. 9, 1931, to Ralph and Lillian Gordon in Eureka, Calif. The only boy of four children, he was raised on the family ranch in Showers Pass, Calif. Arlie worked all around that area for many years. He married Dorene … Read more

Slater, Richard – Obituary

Hot Lake, Union County, Oregon Richard Slater, who has been hovering between life and death at Hot Lake for the past two weeks, died Monday afternoon last, and the funeral took place from the undertaking parlors Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. He was 49 years of age. Richard Slater was born March 10, 1870, in Ireland, and died at Hot Lake, Oregon, June 2, 1919, age 49 years, 2 months and 22 days. He came to Illinois when 5 years of age, and lived there one year, and then came to Kansas where he resided for 12 years, and from … Read more

Rhoring, R. H. – Obituary

Union, Union County, Oregon Gun, Thru Fence, Kills Union Man While out hunting Monday afternoon R.H. Rhorig of Union was instantly killed. No one was with him but his body was found soon after. The shot gun was discharged in some way when he crawled through a wire fence and shot him in the side. The body was taken to the undertaker’s and was found to be shot up badly but it was pronounced accidental. Interment will be in the Union cemetery. He leaves a wife. Oregon Trail Weekly North Powder News Saturday, September 22, 1928

Arnold, George – Obituary

George Arnold, born April 26, 1853, in New York, passed away June 23 at his home in Pasco, Washington. Funeral services were held June 25 at the chapel at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. U. F. Hawk. Deceased made Pasco his home for about six years. He is survived by his wife, a niece, Mrs. John Perry, and two nephews, John and Francis Arnold, all of Pasco. Mr. Arnold was a resident of Union for many years and news of his death will be a shock to many friends in this section. 1929 newspaper item Contributed by: Larry Rader

Caudle, Harley Floyd – Obituary

Harley Floyd Caudle Harley Floyd Caudle was born December 23, 1904, in Lostine, and died on April 23, 1997, in Enterprise at the age of 92. Harley was the son of Berkley V. and Carrie Viola Hammack Caudle. As a youngster he attended Lostine school until the age of 10 when he left home to go to work. He then worked for his room and board, milking cows, doing farm chores and continuing to go to school. All his life he was close to the land and animals, especially horses, which he broke and rode until three years ago when … Read more

Nelson, C. E. – Obituary

Calvin E. Nelson, a former resident of Union, died at Mineral City, Idaho, last Monday evening after a short illness. He was employed at the smelting works at Mineral City and his death is attributed to the inhalation of poisonous gases while at work. The body was brought to Union yesterday morning and the funeral took place this morning at 11 o’clock, Rev. S.M. Driver, of the Methodist church, officiating. Decased was a son of Hiram Nelson of Union and about 43 years of age at the time of his death. Eastern Oregon Republican, Thursday December 11, 1889

Puckett, Wanda Sarah Tripp Richards Mrs. – Obituary

Union, Oregon Wanda Sarah Tripp Richards Puckett, 85, of Union died Dec. 6, 2001, in Portland after a brief illness. Her funeral was today at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Union. Interment was at 2:30 p.m. today at Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker City. Mrs. Puckett was born March 4, 1916, to Guy E. Tripp and Sadie Elizabeth Criddle at Downey, Idaho. The family moved to Perry in the 1920s and later to Baker City. She was a 1934 Baker High School graduate. She married Raymond Richards in October 1935. He died in 1971. She married … Read more

Zimmerman, Martha Ann Mattes Mrs. – Obituary

Martha Ann Zimmerman Teacher for 35 years Funeral services for Martha Ann Zimmerman 61, Haines, were conducted at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 8 at the First Lutheran Church, Baker, with the reverend James Berentson officiating. Interment followed at the Haines Cemetery. Mrs. Zimmerman passed away in Union Wednesday, January 5. She was born December 31, 1904 at Merrill, Wisconsin. She came to Oregon from Everett, Washington some 57 years ago and has been in the Baker area for 38 years. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in education from Eastern Oregon College in La Grande. On December 21, 1930 she was … Read more