Eakin, Robert Judge – Obituary

Last Updated on December 5, 2011 by

Union, Union County, Oregon

Judge Robert Eakin Dies at Salem

Judge Robert Eakin, a former resident of Union and Union county, died at Salem Monday morning of this week, after an illness covering several years. The funeral took place at Union Wednesday of this week, and was attended by a large concourse of people from Union county and outside points.

The services were held in the Presbyterian church, the sermon was delivered by Rev. Blair, of Salem (who was located at Union about twenty years ago) following a splendid tribute to the memory of Justice Eakin by Justice SF. A. Moore, of the Supreme Court.

The church was crowded to the doors, many coming from La Grande and other valley points, the members of bar of the county being present also.

The floral offerings were most beautiful, many special pieces being in the lot.

It was especially fit and proper that the funeral service of Justice Eakin should be held from this church, with the early history of which he was prominently connected. Out of respect for the memory of Justice Eakin, the business houses of the city were closed during the funeral.

Judge Eakin was born in Illinois in 1848. He came across the plains with his father in 1866 and settled in Eugene. He attended the Williamette University and after graduation read law with George B. Dorris in Eugene.

About 1870 he came to Union and began to practice law. He served as Circuit Judge from 1895 to 1905 when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. Here he remained until forced to retire two years ago on account of ill health. He is survived by two sons Robert S. and Harold, a daughter Gertrude, and his wife.

He is also survived by two brothers, Judge J. A. Eakin, circuit judge of the fifth judicial district, and H. E. Eakin, of Cottage Grove.

Judge Knowles adjourned court to allow the ,members of the bar and others to attend the funeral of Judge Eakin, and appointed a committee of five attorneys to draw up resolutions and to present them at a meeting of the bar to be called at a later date. Judge Knowles appointed on the committee Judge Thomas H. Crawford, F. S. Ivanhoe, C. H. Finn and J. D. Slater, of La Grande, and L.Z. Terral of Union.

Judge Eakin was a resident of Union for many years and leaves in thus part of the county as well as all over the Grande Ronde Valley scores of old friends who will be grieved by his passing away. It is fitting and proper that the members of the Bar of this county pass resolutions embodying the respect and confidence held by the Bar and the people in general in Judge Robert Eakin.

He was a good citizen, an able jurist, a man above reproach and one who was a credit to the community in which he lived.

October 1, 1917
Contributed by: Larry Rader



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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