1851 St. Catherines, (C. W.) Canada Directory

A flourishing Town situated on the Welland Canal, in the Township of Grantham, County of Lincoln, C. W. from the favorable situation of the Town, it has become the centre of a large and rapidly increasing business, which will doubtless continue to be progressive distant from Hamilton, 35 miles from Niagara, 12 miles from Toronto, by water, 41 miles usual steamboat fare from Toronto, 7s. 6d. usual steamboat fare from Hamilton to Port Dalhousie, 6s. 3d. usual stage fare from Hamilton to St. Catherines, 8s. 9d. usual stage fare to Niagara, 2s. 6d. stage fare from Port Dalhousie, 1s. 3d. Population about 4000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Town Council
E. W. Stephenson, mayor.
Wm. Eccles,
Louis Shickelune,
William Merritt,
Chauncy Yale,
Calvin Phelps,
John Page,
Patrick Murrell.
John Foley, C. T. E.
Thomas Helliwell, treasurer.
MERRITT, J. P., postmaster.
COPELAND, W. L., deputy postmaster.
CLARK, JOHN, collector of customs.
LAMB, JAMES, surveyor of customs.
Raymond, Freeman, coroner.
Burns, Thomas, clerk district council.
Woodruff, S., superintendent, Welland Canal.
LESLIE, LEWIS J., draughtsman, Welland canal office.
CALLAGHAN, JOHN, clerk, Welland canal office.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
“Etna Fire and Life Assurance Company, Curtis Haynes, agent, Queen st. Bank of Montreal, Henry Mittleberger, agent, St. Paul st.
Bank of Upper Canada, Thomas L. Helliwell, agent, St. Paul st.
British America, Fire, Life and Marine Assurance Company, George Rykert, agent, St. Paul st.
Canada Life Assurance Company, H. Slate, agent, St. Paul st.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, George Rykert, agent, St. Paul st.
Commercial Bank, M. D., George Rykert, agent, St. Paul st.
County Mutual Life Assurance Company, Curtis Haynes, agent, Queen st. Mechanics Benefit Association, Curtis Haynes, agent, Queen st.
Merchants Mutual Insurance Company of Buffalo, Calvin Phelps, agent, Geneva st. National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Assurance Companies, agent,

Niagara District Mutual Insurance Company
Henry Mittleberger, president;
James R. Boyd, secretary and treasurer;
Lachlan Bell, general agent, St. Paul st. New York Life Insurance Company, A. St. John, agent.
North Western Insurance Company of New York, Calvin Phelps, agent, Geneva st. Orleans Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Curtis Haynes, agent, Queen st. Protection Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Curtis Haynes, agent, Queen st.
St. Catharines Building Society, George Rykert, president; Hiram Slate, secretary and
treasurer, St. Paul st.
St. Catharines Reading Room, William Gibbons, librarian, Ontario St.
Toronto, Hamilton, St. Catharines and Buffalo Telegraph, J. R. Boyd, agent, St. Paul st.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
American Hotel And General Stage House, Thomas Brown, St. Paul st.
ATKINSON, WILLIAM, saddler and harnessmaker, opposite Merritt’s stone block, St. Paul
st. a superior stock of saddlery and harness, made of the best materials always on
hand, at moderate prices.
BARKER, JAMES, dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, merchant tailor, and ready made clothing, &c., St. Paul st.
BARR, WILLIAM, jun., dealer in dry goods, groceries, clothing, cutlery, fancy gOods, &c. St. Paul st. clothing made to order.
BEADLE, DR. C., St. Catharines Nursery, Niagara road.
BENSON, JAMES R., & Co., wholesale and retail importers of shelf and heavy hardware, both British and American, St. Paul st.
BLUNTACH, JAMES, & Co., importers and dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, gloves, hosiery, &c., Ontario st.
BOOMER, BROTHERS & CO., dealers in dry goods, groceries, liquors, hardware, ship chandlery, room papers, &c., St. Paul st.
BROWN, GEORGE, Royal Exchange hotel, corner of St. Paul and William sts.
BUNTIN & HARVEY, tanners and leather merchants, and soap and candle agency, St. Paul st.
BURNS, THOMAS, barrister and attorney at law, St. Paul st.
CALLAGHAN, HIRAM, marble factory, William st.
CHAPMAN, THOMAS, merchant tailor, corner of St. Paul and Ontario sts. executes all orders in his line of business, with neatness and punctuality, upon reasonable terms for cash.
CHASE, WILLIAM C., chemist and druggist, St. Paul st. See card.
CHISHOLM, (W. A.,) & MINOR, planing mills, on the canal.
CHISHOLM & MINOR, lumber yard, on the canal.
COMMERCIAL BANK, MIDLAND DISTRICT, George Rykert, agent, St. Paul st.
COUGLE, PETER, merchant tailor Ontario st. keeps always on hand Or makes to order clothing of every description, which is manufactured in the best style of workman-ship and at moderate prices.
CONNER, FRANCIS, boot and shoe store, St. Paul st. a good stock of every article in the line constantly on hand, at reasonable prices.
COPELAND, W. L., deputy postmaster, bookseller, stationer, hat manufacturer and furrier, Ontario st.
DADSON, STEPHEN, hatter and furrier, St. Paul st.
DAVIS, WILLIAM, dealer in groceries, provisions, china and glass, St. Paul st.
DAY, LEWIS, boot and shoe manufacturer, St. Paul st.
DITTRICK, GEORGE, St. Catherines house, Ontario st. general stage house for Hamil?
ton, Dunnville, Chippawa, Queenston and Port Dalhousie. See card.
DOLBEER, JOHN, dealer in leather, boots, shoes, findings groceries, looking-glasses and
toys, No. S Yale’s block, St. Paul st. agent for the sale of Comstock’s medicines,
and india rubber goods.
ECCLES, & LAWDER, barristers and attorneys at law, St. Paul st.
FITZGERALD, R. L., dealer in dry goods, groceries, and fancy goods, St. Paul st.
HELLIWELL, THOMAS L., agent for Bank of Upper Canada, St. Paul st.
HENDERSON, A., & Co., importers of groceries, wines, liquors, crockery, &c., St. Paul st.
HUBBARD, W. J., principal of the Grantham academy, King st. See card.
JOURNEYMEN’S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, W. F. Watkins, agent, 2 Hayne’s Block, St. Paul st.
JUNKIN, JoHN, JUN., & Co., dealers in groceries, oils, paints, crockery and glass ware, St. Paul st.
KING, W. D., Grantham flour mills, Main st., and on the race.
LAMBERT, A. V., dealer in groceries, provisions, china, glass, &c., St. Paul st.
LEPPER & CO., importers of and dealers in dry goods, groceries and ready made clothing, St. Paul st.
MAY, WILLIAM, May’s Hotel, east end of St. Paul st.
M’ARTHUR, JoHN, dealer in fancy and staple dry goods and groceries, St. Paul st.
M’GHIE, WILLIAM, dealer in British and Foreign staple and fancy dry goods, St. Paul st.
MACDONALD, ROLLAND, barrister and attorney at law, St. Paul st.
MAIL, THE, weekly newspaper, McMullin & Davidson, printers and publishers. See card.
MERRITT, W. H., JON., barrister and attorney at law, Yates st.
MILLER & BoOMER, barristers and attorneys at law, St. Paul St.
MITCHELL & M’GIVERIN, wholesale and retail dealers in groceries, wines and liquors. Ontario st. See card.
MITTLEBERGER, HENRY, agent Bank of Montreal, St. Paul st.
MONTREAL BOOT AND SHOE STORE, W. Ackland & Co., St. Paul St.
MURPHY, J., & Co., dealers in groceries, provisions, crockery, glassware, &c., St. Paul
st., opposite M’Intyre’s warehouse, a good stock always for sale cheap, for cash.
PALMER, JOSEPH, locksmith, gunsmith, bellhanger and carriageplater, Ontario st.
PATTERSON, & NICHOL, dealers in groceries, wines and liquors, St. Paul st.
PARSONS, GEORGE F., daguerreotype artist, St. Paul st. See card.
PARNALL, GEORGE, saddler and harnessmaker, St. Paul st., a good stock of every article in the line, of the best workmanship and materials, at moderate prices.
PARSONS, FREDERICK, watchmaker and jeweller, St. Paul st. a general assortment of gold and silver watches and fine jewellery on hand, all of which are offered at very reasonable prices all kinds of repairs executed in the best manner, copperplate engraving done to order.
PHELPS, CALVIN, general merchant, and flouring mills, Geneva st.
RANNEY, JOHN L., Union flour mills, Yates st.
RICHARDSON, J., printer and publisher of the St. Catherines Constitutional, St. Paul st.
ST. CATHERINES BUILDING SOCIETY, George Rykert, president; Hiram Slate, secretary and treasurer, office St. Paul st.
SAINT CATHERINES JOURNAL, weekly, Thorpe Holmes, publisher. See card.
SANDHAM, JOHN, boot and shop store, Taylor’s brick block, St. Paul st. a good stock of boots and shoes always on hand, at moderate prices.
SCOBELL, ROBERT, dealer in shelf and heavy hardware, stoves, &c., St. Paul st.
SHAW, THOMAS, dealer in dry goods, groceries, wines, liquors, and hardware agent for Comstock & Co’s. medicines, St. Paul st.
STRUTHERS & CARLISLE, one price store, drapers and clothiers, importers of silks, shawls, laces, ribbons, cloths, cassimeres, vestings, hats and ready made clothing, corner of St. Paul and William sts.
STRONG, J. W., bookseller, stationer, and agent for new publications, St. Paul st. an extensive assortment of books and stationery always on hand, at very low prices.
SWEENEY, DANIEL, importer of dry goods, groceries, wholesale and retail, Prendergast’s building, St. Paul st.
SYKES, JOHN, copper, tin and sheet iron manufacturer, and dealer in stoves, hardware, lamps, japanned and plated wares, Ontario st.
WHAN & M’LEAN, importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in British and Foreign dry goods, &c.. Ontario st. See card.
Non Members
Adams, Elias S., J. P., Ontario st.
Armstrong, J. W., hatter and furrier, St. Paul st.
Arnold, C., teller, Montreal Bank agency, St. Paul st.
Atkinson, Rev. H. F., Church of England.
Barker, Mrs., millinery and dressmaking establishment, St. Paul st.
Bell, Lachlan, general agent, Niagara District Mutual Insurance Company, St. Paul st.
Boles, William, tailor, St. Paul st.
Boles, James & Alexander, distillery, Yates st.
Brewer & Henry, cloth factory, St. Paul st.
Brownlee, Henry & William, bakers and grocers, St. Paul st.
Brouse, C. A., chemist and druggist, St. Paul st.
Buchanan, Samuel, tanner, St. Paul st.
Bunting, Thomas, tanner, on the canal.
Burns, T., barrister and attorney at law, St. Paul st.
Casey, T. P., hairdresser, Ontario st.
Clarke, John C., grocer, St. Paul st.
Collier, Richard, saw mills, last and turning factory, on the canal.
Cossett & Brothers, fanning millmakers, Niagara st
Cook, Rev. Mr., American Presbyterian.
Cross, Dr. Luther, Queen st.
Dolan, T., tailor, St. Paul st.
Felton, L., saloon, St. Paul st.
Ferres, Dr. W., Queen st.
Fitzgerald, John, carriagemaker, St. Paul st.
Foster, Andrew, dry goods, St. Paul st.
Fowlie, R. S., forwarding merchant, canal wharf.
Fraser, Mrs. C. & D., milliners, St. Paul st.
Franklin, Robert, grocer, St. Paul st.
Gibbons, William, agent, accountant and notary, St. Paul st.
Gilbert, John, auctioneer, St. Paul st.
Goodman, Dr. Henry, Ontario st.
Goslin, J., innkeeper, St. Paul st.
Grantham Academy, W. J. Hubbard, master, King st.
Hamilton, Alexander C., barrister and attorney at law, St. Paul st.
Harding, Robert, boot and shoemaker, St. Paul st.
Harrison, Dr., dentist, Yates st.
Harvey, A., saddler and harnessmaker, St. Paul st.
Haynes, Daniel C., insurance agent, Queen st.
Holmes & Greenwood, carriage manufactory, Ontario st.
Hollems, C. W., steam planing mills, Geneva st.
Jamieson, Charles, grocer, St. Paul st.
Johnson, Daniel, eating house, Ontario st.
Kimble, J. J., hotelkeeper, St. Paul st.
KIock, J. G., boots and shoes, Ontario st.
Knight & Ward, machinists, Main st.
M’Ardle, Edward, grocer, St. Paul st.
M’Donough, Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic.
M’Guire, Daniel, grocer, St. Paul st.
M’Intyre, Thomas, cabinetmaker.
Mack, Dr. Theophilus, St. Paul st.
Merritt, Hon. W. H., M. P. P., residence, Yates st.
Merritt, Thomas R., Welland canal flour mills, Yates st.
Mills, A. M., machinist, Main st.
Mittleberger, John T., watchmaker, Ontario st.
Noble, Jacob, miller, St. Paul st.
O’Leary, Denis, innkeeper, St. Paul st.
Oill, G. N., machinist, Main st.
Ollis, William, confectioner, St. Paul st.
Paffard, F., chemist and druggist, St. Paul st.
Parnell, William, sashfactory, Main st.
Pettee, J. H., dentist, St. Paul st.
Picket & Watkin, refectory, Ontario st.
Price, Rev. Mr., Wesleyan.
Raymond, Dr. Freeman, King st.
Reynolds, E. M., lumber merchant, St. Paul st.
Robinson, S., innkeeper, St. Paul st.
Seaman, Israel, machinist, Main st.
Shanklin, Rev. R., Church of England.
Shickelune, Louis, ship chandler and dry goods, on the canal.
Slate, Hiram, secretary St. Catharines building society, St. Paul st.
Smith, George, carriagemaker, corner of James and King sts.
Stevenson, J. G., barrister and attorney at law, St. Paul st.
Stinson, Francis, distillery, St. Paul st.
Stocking, Jared, grocer, Ontario st.
Taylor, James, brewery, Yates st.
Tinto, Patrick, grocer, St. Paul st.
Toronto and Buffalo telegraph line,
James R. Boyd, agent, St. Paul st.
Tower, Thomas, engine manufacturer, St. Paul st.
Yale, C., foundry, Ontario st
Ward, Godfrey, grocer, St. Paul st.
Wells, John, tailor, St. Paul st.
Wilkins, Elias, boots and shoes, St. Paul st.
Woodruff Si; Kirkpatrick, dry goods, St. Paul st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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