John Elliott Todd of Baldwinsville NY

John Elliott Todd6, (John5, Timothy4, Jonathan3, John2, Christopher1) born April 22, 1805, died April 22, 1868, married first, Sept. 12, 1825, Sophia Fox, of Colchester, Conn., who was born July 22, 1805, died Dec. 14, 1866. He married second, May 22, 1867, Eleanor A. Westfall, who was born Nov. 3, 1816. He was a physician. Lived in Auburn, N. Y., Philadelphia, Penn., and Baldwinsville, N. Y. Children: *583. Sophia Helen, b. Jan. 8, 1830. 584. Cornelia Marther, b. Oct. 31, 1832, d. Feb. 7, 1860. 585. John Elliott, b. March 4, 1836; at one time lived in Philadelphia, Pa. 586. … Read more

Slave Narrative of James Wiggins

Person Interviewed: James Wiggins Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Anne Arundel County MD Date of Birth: 1850-1851 Place of Residence: 625 Barre St. Reference: Personal interview with James Wiggins, ex-slave, at his home, 625 Barre St. “I was born in Anne Arundel County, on a farm near West River about 1850 or 1851, I do not know which. I do not know my father or mother. Peter Brooks, one of the oldest colored men in the county, told me that my father’s name was Wiggins. He said that he was one of the Revells’ slaves. He acquired my father … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Hastings

It has been the discovery of the rich mineral deposits of the northwest that has led to the development of this section of the country, and among those who have been prominent in promoting the mining interests of Idaho is Benjamin F. Hastings, late mining inspector of the state. An excellent judge of the value of ore, and a man of unimpeachable integrity, he was well qualified for the position which he so acceptably filled, and all concerned commended him for the straightforward, prompt and reliable manner in which he discharged his duties. A native of Mississippi, Mr. Hastings was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. W. King

A. W. King. The Concordia Monumental Works is one of the leading enterprises of the kind in Cloud County and all Northern Kansas. It was established April 1, 1915, by the firm of Perkins & King. Mr. Perkins had been in business for himself at Concordia from 1911 to 1915. The partners are now Mr. D. F. Perkins and Mr. A. W. King. The junior member of this firm is a practical mechanic with thirty-five years’ experience in marble and granite cutting and the monument business. The firm is supplied with all the most modern machinery and turns out very … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Leon Brooks Bacon

Bacon, Leon Brooks; lawyer; born, Taberg, Oneida County, N. Y., July 24, 1870; son of Sidney Brooks and Esther D. (Munger) Bacon; grandson of Rufus Bacon, graduate of Harvard College, 1810, and Ann Tucker (Dalton) Bacon, of Boston, Mass.; B. A., Williams College, 1893; LL. B., Syracuse University, 1899, admitted to the bar in New York, 1898, and in Ohio, 1903; Publishers Weekly office 1894-1895, in business London, England, 1895-1896; married at Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1900, Anna Osborne Anthony, niece of Susan B. Anthony; children, Harriet Anthony, Ann Dalton and Susan Anthony; compiled History of Descendants of Michael Bacon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Payne McIntosh, Jr.

McIntosh, Henry Payne, Jr.; real estate; born, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1884; son of H. P. and Olive McIntosh; educated at University School, Cleveland, and University of Pennsylvania; married, Cleveland, Feb. 19, 1908, Isabel Strong; issue, two sons, Henry Payne, III, Gregory Strong; asst. real estate officer, Guardian Savings & Trust Co.; sec’y and director General Aluminum & Brass Casting Co., and Building & Investment Co.; director Standard Tool Co., Standard Welding Co., Hydraulic Pressed Steel Co.; member Union, Hermit, and Cleveland Athletic Clubs; Troop A., O. N. G., three years.

Pennsylvania German Pioneers

Pennsylvania German pioneers vol 1 title page

This set of manuscripts was compiled in the 1930s by Strassburger and Hinke in order to provide the descendants of Pennsylvania German pioneers a publication of the most accurate of original lists of arrivals. In order to do this they transcribed the hard-to-read German and American script of the passenger lists, oaths of allegiance to the Crown, and oaths of abjuration and fidelity to the proprietors. These three types of records form the basis for the Pennsylvania German Pioneers.

Biographical Sketch of L. L. Silverthorn, M. D.

L. L. Silverthorn, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Stroudsburg, Monroe, Co., Penn., Oct. 21, 1830; his early life was passed upon a farm; he was the youngest of a family of twelve children, and his father being in moderate circumstances, he was thrown upon his own resources, and obtained only such an education as the common schools afforded; in 1850, he began teaching school, which he continued at intervals for three years; in 1852, he entered upon the study of medicine, in Fond du Lac, Wis.; in 1854, he came to Charleston and continued his studies … Read more

The William Wade Hinshaw index to Pennsylvania Quaker meeting records

Stroudsburg Pennsylvania Monthly Meeting Book

These monthly meeting records were abstracted from the original Pennsylvania Quaker Monthly Meeting records in the 1930’s by William Wade Hinshaw of Washington, D. C. They are a transcription of the microfilmed records containing birth, death, burial, and marriage records, as well as meeting minutes, removals and certificates. After Hinshaw’s death, the unpublished material was deposited at the Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College, Pennsylvania. This collection is known as the William Wade Hinshaw Index to Quaker Meeting Records. The following record has been transcribed from a microfilm copy of this Index. As this copy is several generations removed from the … Read more

Life and travels of Colonel James Smith – Indian Captivities

An Artists rendition of James Smith

James Smith, pioneer, was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, in 1737. When he was eighteen years of age he was captured by the Indians, was adopted into one of their tribes, and lived with them as one of themselves until his escape in 1759. He became a lieutenant under General Bouquet during the expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764, and was captain of a company of rangers in Lord Dunmore’s War. In 1775 he was promoted to major of militia. He served in the Pennsylvania convention in 1776, and in the assembly in 1776-77. In the latter year he was commissioned colonel in command on the frontiers, and performed distinguished services. Smith moved to Kentucky in 1788. He was a member of the Danville convention, and represented Bourbon county for many years in the legislature. He died in Washington county, Kentucky, in 1812. The following narrative of his experience as member of an Indian tribe is from his own book entitled “Remarkable Adventures in the Life and Travels of Colonel James Smith,” printed at Lexington, Kentucky, in 1799. It affords a striking contrast to the terrible experiences of the other captives whose stories are republished in this book; for he was well treated, and stayed so long with his red captors that he acquired expert knowledge of their arts and customs, and deep insight into their character.

Biography of James B. Russell

James B. Russell. During his long and active career in Champaign James B. Russell made his impress on the financial life of the city and was a business man implicitly trusted, and the success he won in material affairs was only a part of the splendid record of his entire life as a man and citizen. Mr. Russell was born in the city of Philadelphia in October, 1837. At the close of a long and active career he passed away at his home in Champaign, November 4, 1914, aged seventy-seven. His parents were Jonathan and Sarah (Burt) Russell, the former … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Nyland W. Rice

Dr. Nyland W. Rice, deceased, was born in Wilmington, Delaware, in 1850. His literary education received at Claveric University, and his medical education at Hahnemann, Philadelphia. At the latter place the first honors of his class were bestowed upon him, by which he was appointed to practice two years in the college hospital. After this he went to Aurora, Illinois, and then, his health failing, he came to San Bernardino. Here he began to practice as the pioneer homoeopathist in the city. He was a man who possessed much personal magnetism and was a general favorite with all. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Miss Anna L. Fuller

Miss Anna L. Fuller, of Azusa, is the daughter of Harrison Fuller, of Azusa, Los Angeles County. She is a native of Maryland, from whence her parents moved to Iowa, and from thence to California in 1883. Miss Fuller took an interest in music from earliest childhood, and studied it whilst yet in her teens, under excellent teachers in Philadelphia and New York. She was first soprano at St. Stephen’s church in Philadelphia, three years, which position she resigned in 1886, to go abroad to study music. In Florence, Italy, she studied under Vannucini; in London, under Randegger (oratorio), and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas P. Ballard

Ballard, Thomas P.; real estate; born, Canton, O., Apr. 27, 1854; son of Martin and Sophia Ball Ballard; educated, A. B. Amherst College, 1876 and A. M. 1879; married, Columbus, O., Jan. 20, 1886, Isabella Clerk (deceased) ; one son, Clifford B. Ballard; married, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 29, 1907, Frances Anne Keay; one son, Hyde Whitcomb Ballard; 1877-79, supt. schools Navarre, O.; 1879-80, prin. Unadilla N. Y. Academy; 1880-90, agt. for Ginn & Co. of Boston at Columbus, O.; 1890, admitted as partner of Ginn & Co., 1892-99, Chicago office of Ginn & Co.; 1899-1906, social and settlement worker, Philadelphia; … Read more

Biography of W. L. Adams A.M., M.D.

W.L. ADAMS, A.M., M.D. – The subject of this biography, a pioneer who drove his own ox team across the plains in 1848, is one of the most unique of western characters; and history entitles him to be placed in the catalog of the illustrious men who bore prominent parts in settling Oregon, and in molding public sentiment. To give a full history of his life would require a large book; but our limited space would require a large book; but our limited space forbids anything but a rapid glance at a few waymarks along the road traveled for nearly … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Baker

George W. Baker, farmer; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Philadelphia, Penn., May 30, 1824. He married Miss Susan Bell Aug. 26, 1846; she was born in Floyd Co., Ind., March 12, 1830, and died March 9, 1863; they had six children, three living, viz., George B., Win. A. and John V.; his present wife was Mrs. Shaw, formerly Miss Jane Hancock; they were married Oct. 19, 1863; she was born in Floyd Co., Ind., Jan. 17, 1830; she had by former marriage five children, two living, viz., Flora J. Shaw and Sarah E. Shaw. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Gray

George Gray, of Scotland, emigrated to America previous to the revolution, and when that war began he joined the American army and served during the entire struggle. He had several brothers in the British army during the same war. Before leaving Scotland, he married Mary Stuart, and they settled first in Philadelphia, but afterward removed to North Carolina, and from there to Bryan’s Station in Kentucky. Here their son Joseph married Nary Finley, and settled in Warren County, Kentucky. In 1818 he removed to Missouri, and settled on Brush creek in Montgomery County, where he died in 1830. His children … Read more

Biography of William Stephen McDonald

William Stephen McDonald. The distinctive fact in Doctor McDonald’s record as a physician and surgeon at Fort Scott is not the twenty-five years he has practiced there, nor even the exceptional attainments and the skill he has gained in the profession, but more than all these the spirit of service which has animated him in all his work. Such a man never measures his success by fees, but by the satisfaction of doing all he can to alleviate human suffering and by the conscientious performance of his duties to the world and humanity. Doctor McDonald is of old New England … Read more

Biography of Hiram Rutherford

Hiram Rutherford, retired physician and surgeon, Oakland; one of the early settlers of Coles Co.; was born in Lancaster Co., Penn., Dec. 27, 1815; his great-grandfather emigrated from Ireland in 1729, and settled in Lancaster Co., Penn., upon a branch of the Susquehanna, where, with his wife, he lived until 1755, when he removed to Great Limestone Springs, two miles east of where the city of Harrisburg now stands, and near which place a large portion of his descendants now live; this grand old patriarch died 100 years ago, and lies buried in the Paxton Church-yard, the oldest burial-place in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oscar Richard Schmidt

Schmidt, Oscar Richard; dealer and mnfg. violins; born, Markneukirchen, Oct. 3, 1887; son of E. Reinhold and Augusta Lederer Schmidt; educated, first grade public schools in Markneukirchen, and business college in Meissen; 1902-1904, clerk in the employ of F. Louis Reilich, Meissen; 1904-1906, E. Rheinhold Schmidt, Markneukirchen, as salesman; 1907-1909, bookkeeper, Wm. Frankfurth Hardware Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; 1910, started in violin business with his brother, as the Schmidt Bros. Co., in Philadelphia, Pa.; moved to Cleveland, December, 1910; partner Schmidt Bros. Co.; member of Germania Turnverein Vornvarts.