Biography of Charles C. Davison

Charles C. Davison. who has been prominently connected with the milling industry in the state of New York for many years, is a son of Ozmer L. Davison, who came to New York from New England and spent the greater part of his life engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died at Odessa, New York, in 1900, and his wife died in 1896. Charles C., son of Ozmer L. Davison, was born in Odessa, Schuyler county, New York, June 22, 1868. He was graduated from the Odessa high school, then studied and was prepared for college at Cook’s Academy, and matriculated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Herendeen

Charles H., son of Welcome Wilkinson Herendeen, was born on the farm which he now (1910) owns and on which he resides, June 13, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of his native town and at Macedon Academy. During his youth he assisted his father on the homestead, and afterward his father gave him one hundred and thirty acres of land. Subsequently he succeeded to the remainder of his father’s farm, the old homestead. For four years he also represented the Walter A. Wood Company as selling agent for farming machinery. In politics he is a Democrat … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Cornford

(II) Thomas (2), eldest son of Thomas (1) and Margaret (Patterson) Cornford, was born in England, September 20, 1796. He married Urina Harmer, and they came to America in 1835. In order to show their respect and admiration for the land of their adoption, they named their two youngest sons, who were born in this country, in honor of two of the most illustrious figures in American history. Children : 1. Sylvan. born July 2, 1819. 2. David, June 26, 1821. 3. Thomas, April 2, 1823. 4. Mary Ann, August 31, 1825. 5. Margaret, October 30, 1828. 6. Jonathan, December … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Noah Aldrich

(IV) Noah, son of Jacob (2) Aldrich, was born in Mendon about 1720. He deeded lands in Mendon in 1772. He appears to have moved soon afterward to New Salem, Massachusetts, of which he was a soldier in the revolution in 1775 in Captain John King’s company, Colonel Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge’s regiment. In 1790, according to the first federal census, he was living in Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and had one son over sixteen and four females -in his family. He married Rachel.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Peck

(IX) Charles, son of Lewis and Sarah (Long) Peck, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, February 8, 1857. He received his education in the schools of Phelps and in Canandaigua Academy and then returned to the old homestead, where he engaged in farming. He is a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal church of Phelps, a charter member and at one time overseer of the grange and is one of the largest stockholders of the Phelps National Bank. In politics he is an Independent Republican. He has on his farm the only gas well in the county, and at … Read more

Biography of Andrew J. Short

Andrew J. Short, owner of “The Maples,” at Clifton Springs, Ontario county, New York, has been identified in a prominent manner with the matters connected with electrical engineering and kindred branches, for many years, and is the originator of many novel ideas in this field of industry. His family have been settled in the state of New York for a number of generations, and were connected with agricultural interests. Andrew Jackson Short, his father, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, in 1837, and lived for many years on the family homestead, “The Maples,” where his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Woolston

William, son of Joseph (2) Woolston, was born in Victor, Ontario county, New York. June 13, 1807. He received his education in the public schools and by private study at home and qualified himself to teach school. For several terms he taught in the district schools of the neighborhood. His main occupation through life, however, was farming. He died in March. 1888. He married Laura L. Andrus, born in Roxbury. Delaware county, New York, May 28, 1812, died in September, 1887. Her father’s farm adjoined the farm of Jay Gould’s father. Children: 1. Franklin, born April 24, 1836, on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Davis

(III) Benjamin, son of Thomas Davis, was born September 1, 1728. He married Lydia Nichols, of Salem. Children: Mary, died young; Lydia, married Preserved Eddy, of Swanzey; Mary, born 1756; Eunice, 1759; Sarah, married James Chase, of Somerset, died 1849; Harriet, married Collins Chase, died 1846; Benjamin, married Sarah Bowers, of Somerset, died 1814; Mercy, married (first) David Bowen, of Newport, (second) Colonel Joseph Kellogg, of Somerset, died June, 1803; Anna, mentioned elsewhere; Patience, married (first) Gideon Robinson, (second) Oliver Chase, died 1855

Biographical Sketch of Captain Timothy Buell

Captain Timothy Buell, son of Jonathan Buell, was born at Goshen, May 3. 1757. He served in the revolution, and in May, 1794, was appointed captain of the Fourth company of militia, Thirty-fifth regiment, Connecticut. In February, 1799, he removed with his family to East Bloomfield. He married, 1777, at Goshen, Connecticut, Olive, daughter of Colonel Ebenezer Norton. Children, all born in Goshen : Lucy, married (first) Daniel Steele, (second) Bayze Baker; Eunice, married (first) Azael Sprague, (second) Thomas Kellogg; Jonathan, see elsewhere; Theron, married Love Lee, daughter of Rev. Aaron Collins; Timothy, see elsewhere ; Eben Norton, married Rebecca, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John N. Brown

John N., son of Jesse and Roxanna (Grant) Brown, was born in Milford, Otsego county, New York, August 10, 1818, died August 4, 1895. After pursuing a classical and theological course, he became a minister of the Methodist denomination and held the following charges: Big Flats, Hector, Mecklenburg, Lodi, Dundee, Palmyra, Rochester, Phelps and Clyde, in all of which his services were highly appreciated and were instrumental in the saving of many souls. He also served for three years as private and chaplain in the One Hundred and Eleventh New York Volunteer Regiment during the civil war, and after the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

Biographical Sketch of John Alburtis

John (2) Alburtis, son of John (1) and Elizabeth (Snediker) Alburtis. was baptized in Jamaica, June 13, 1713. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church founded in 1644 in Hempstead, Long Island, called by its minister, “Christ’s First Church in America.” He built a chapel on his farm at Foster’s Meadow in 1770 which was occupied by the British troops during the revolution, as well as the meeting house in the village. The chapel was moved to the village and the timber used to make tents for the British troops, and the meeting house was used as a stable … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XII) John (6), son of John (5) Carpenter, was born in Connecticut, in 1658. His will was proved July 30, 1732. He lived in Jamaica, and took the oath as captain of troops there, November 22, 1703. He married Mary – . Children; born at Jamaica: Nehemiah, about 1685; John, about 1685; Solomon, about 1685; Joseph, about 1687; Increase, about 1688, mentioned elsewhere; Mary; Hannah; Susanna; Phebe.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert C. Flood

Herbert C., son of Luther Flood, was born in Coldwater, Michigan, February 18, 1860, and was educated there in the public schools. He came to Phelps, New York, when a young child and received his education in the public schools. He commenced his business life as a farm hand. Afterwards he leased a farm on shares and in 1903 bought it. He is one of the most industrious and prosperous farmers of the town, making a specialty of his dairy. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Phelps, and a member of its official board. In politics … Read more

Biography of Azel Throop

Azel, son of Benjamin and Rachel (Brown) Throop, was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, January z8, 1792, died in Ontario county, New York. He was educated in the Lebanon school, and at home, and later taught school himself for several winters and was afterwards inspector and superintendent of schools for a number of years. He married. May 20, 1819, Fanny, sister to the Hon. A. L. Van Dusen, of Hillsdale. New York, who was born in 1798. Children. 1. Lucy Ann. born February 19, 1820, died July 21, 1849: married, December 22, 1846, D. D. Sprague. 2. Ruth. born July 18, … Read more

Biography of Patrick O’Malley, Hon.

Hon. Patrick O’Malley was born in Lyons, New York, February 25, 1858, and attended the public schools of Lyons and Geneva, New York, and the Geneva high school. He came with the family from Lyons to Geneva when he was a boy of nine and his first work was in the employ of Maxwell Brothers, nurserymen, weeding for the modest wages of fifty cents a day. He worked in various nurseries in Geneva until he was sixteen, when he became clerk in the grocery store of Flynn & Dorsey for a year. He then entered the employ of Mr. Higgins … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gifford

William Gifford who. according to Huntington’s “History of Stamford, Connecticut,” was sentenced by the court of that settlement to be whipped and banished in 1647 or prior to that time. He is in all probability the same of the name living in Sandwich, Massachusetts, and a member of the grand inquest at Plymouth in 1650. He was one of the first proprietors and settlers of Monmouth, New Jersey, residing there from 1665 to 1670, but with the exception of these years lived in Sandwich until his death. As a firm adherent to the Society of Friends he suffered severely from … Read more

Biography of Clarence Case Goddard, M. D.

Clarence Case Goddard, M. D. While Doctor Goddard now gives all his time and attention to the Evergreen Place Hospital at Leavenworth, a high class sanitarium for nervous and mental troubles, liquor and drug habits, he had occupied such a disguished position in Kansas medical circles for so many years that hardly any name in the profession is more widely known and more highly honored. In 1911 he was elected president of the Kansas State Medical Society. He served four terms as president of the County Medical Society, had been the president of the District Society, had been a delegate … Read more

Biography of William Henry Truesdale

William Henry, fourth son of Samuel and Charity (Cummings) Truesdale, was born near Rochester, New York, October 30, 1844. His elementary education was acquired in the district school and at private academies, and he then prepared for college in the Benedict Classical School in Rochester. He took the arts course in the University of Rochester, was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and two years later the degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him. He then commenced the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1869. He never practiced law but devoted himself … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Watson Griffith

John Watson, son of John Griffith, was born in Phelps, died there in 1897. He married Charlotte Malette, who died in 1894, daughter of Isaac Malette. He was also a farmer in Phelps. Children, born in Phelps: I-Ion. Frederick W., resides at Palmyra, New York. a state senator from his district; John C.; James M.; Willie W.; Mary E., married Carlton T. Chapman; Helena May, married Harry Wing, of Palmyra; Frank Allyn, mentioned elsewhere.