Biographical Sketch of Francis Flynn

The excise department of the state of New York is ably represented in Ontario county by Francis Flynn, of Geneva county, a sturdy and progressive Irish-American, who has served the public in various responsible capacities and won the confidence of his fellow-citizens by his integrity and strict attention to duty. The Flynns are of ancient and honorable lineage, and the founder in America of the family now (1910) in hand was Francis Flynn, who was born in the parish of Fanith. Ireland, March 22, 1815. Emigrating to the United States in 1835 he readily adapted himself to the new conditions … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry B. Whitney

Henry B., son of Oscar J. Whitney, was born in Phelps, New York, June it, 1868. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, at the Geneva high school and at Cornell University. In 1900 he engaged in the manufacture of baskets at Phelps and continued for eight years. In partnership with A. S. Vincent in 1904 he built the pickle and sour-kraut factory at Phelps. The firm was dissolved and the business sold in 1907. He was appointed postmaster of Phelps, January 10, 1898, and reappointed at the end of his term, serving in this office … Read more

Biography of Homer Eugene Snyder

Homer Eugene Snyder, postmaster of Victor, Ontario county, New York, and prominently identified with the commercial interests of the county, is the son of Martin V. B. Snyder, a native of Victor, who was engaged in farming for many years, and is now (1910) living in retirement in the village in the town in which he was born. He married Hattie Warren, and had nine children, all of whom are living at the present time: Hattie M., Charles H., Marion J., Homer Eugene (see elsewhere), Lena A., Lillian J., Josiah E., Cora V. and Ira M. Homer Eugene Snyder was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene C. Denton

Eugene C. Denton, well known in legal and business circles in the state of New York, is the son of Stephen E. and Ann E. Denton, both natives of Orange county, New York, the former having been a paper manufacturer in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, until his death in 1868. Eugene C. Denton was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, December 10, 1865. He was a pupil in the public schools of Canandaigua, New York, 1875-99, then attended the Canandaigua Academy, from which he was graduated in 1883. He next matriculated at the University of Rochester, New York, and was graduated from the classical … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Preston

Samuel (2), son of Samuel (1) Preston, was born at Andover, March 16, 1672. He married Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Howe) Bridges. She married (second) William Price. Children of Samuel and Sarah (Bridges) Preston, born at Andover: 1. Sarah, February 5, 1694-95. 2. Levi, October 25, 1696. 3. Mary, March 31,1699. 4. Jemima, 1701. 5. Samuel, mentioned elsewhere. 6. Child, born October 1, 1710. 7-8. Phoebe and Isaac, twins, born 1711. 9. Ruth, July 25, 1713. 10-11. Caleb and Joshua, twins, April 3. 1716.

Biographical Sketch of James I. Stryker

James I. Stryker, grandfather of Winfield S. Stryker, was a farmer, also engaging in business as a tanner and currier and following the trade of a harnessmaker. He lived for many years at Sand Beach, and took a prominent part in the affairs of his day. He and his family were members of the Dutch Reformed church, but later became identified with the Presbyterian denomination. He married Anna M. Freese, and they were the parents of the following children: Daniel P., died March 23, 1844, aged thirty-eight; Adam F., also a tanner and currier, born April 26, 1808, died August … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Collins Hart

Samuel Collins, son of Theodore Ephraim and Eliza (Collins) Hart, was born at Harford, 1828. He was teller of the Bank of Canandaigua from 1852 to 1863, then in the United States revenue service in Canandaigua and northeastern Texas. He married, May 20, 1861, Katharine Maria Buell (see Buell line forward). Children: Caroline Maria, born in Rochester, married, October I, 1910, Louis H. Luqueer, of New York; Edna Augusta, born in Canandaigua; Olive Eliza Daggett, born in Canandaigua; Miriam Louise, born in Canandaigua, died at the age of three years.

Biographical Sketch of William Woolston

William, son of Joseph (2) Woolston, was born in Victor, Ontario county, New York. June 13, 1807. He received his education in the public schools and by private study at home and qualified himself to teach school. For several terms he taught in the district schools of the neighborhood. His main occupation through life, however, was farming. He died in March. 1888. He married Laura L. Andrus, born in Roxbury. Delaware county, New York, May 28, 1812, died in September, 1887. Her father’s farm adjoined the farm of Jay Gould’s father. Children: 1. Franklin, born April 24, 1836, on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Andruss

(VIII) George, third son of Zebina C. and Almira (Garlick) Andruss, was born at Bluff’ Point, Jerusalem, New York, January 4, 1824; died at Canadice, New York, April 2, 1870. He was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. As a member of the Republican party, he served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, and was supervisor of the town of Canadice for several years. He married, at Canadice, New York, July r1, 1844, Sarah, born in Barrington, New York, March 12, 1827, daughter of Cornelius and Esther (Angel) Ter Bush, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan Whitney

Nathan, son of Captain Jonathan (3) Whitney, was born at Conway, October 18, 1761, and married there (first), November 1, 1780, Olive Whitney, daughter of Lieutenant Jesse, born February 19, 1758, died November 17, 1828. He married (second) Thankful Caldwell. He lived in Conway until 1792, when he emigrated to Seneca Castle, New York. one of the first pioneers. He was a farmer by occupation. Nearly all his children were remarkable for their longevity. He died April 19, 1838. Children: 1. Luther, August 20. 1782, married Hannah Witter and Hannah L. Smalley. 2. Theodore, March 4, 1785, died June 29, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cornelius Westfall

Cornelius Westfall, descendant of Juriaen Westvall, was born October 7, 1753, died May 13, 1826. He came from Orange county to Phelps, Ontario county, New York, among the early settlers and took up a very large tract of land. He brought negro slaves with him to clear the land and work the plantation. In the census of 1790 he was reported in Montgomery county, New York, with two sons under sixteen and one female in his family. In that census there were in Orange county and elsewhere, the following heads of family: Abraham, Benjamin, Frederick, Jacobus, Johannes, Peter, Petrus. Simon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Young

William Young, the first of the family in this line of whom we have record, was of Providence, Rhode Island, and served in the continental army during the revolution. He had eleven sons.

Biographical Sketch of Abram Vanderhoof

Abram, son of Jacob (2) Vanderhoof, was born in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, where his father settled. He died there in May, 1887. He was always a farmer, and a prominent citizen. He was a noted singer in his day and a member of various church choirs. He was one of the early members of the local grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He married Johanna Van Dusen. who died in 1867, daughter of Martin and Gertrude Van Dusen. Children: Jacob W., mentioned elsewhere; Levi, born 1838, died in 1910.

Biographical Sketch of William Stoutenburg

William, son of Jacobus and Margrietje (Teller) Stoutenburg, was baptized June 3, 1722. He received from his father a large homestead farm, and built on it in 1765, a large stone house, near Union Corners, New York. He married, July 5, 1753, Maria, daughter of Abraham and Maria (Kip) Van Vleck, baptized July 25, 1725. Children: 1. James, died in 1807, married (first), December 31, 1782, Mary Moss and (second), December 30, 1790, Hannah Marshall and (third) Comfort Bell. 2. Abraham W., married Margaret Van Vleck. 3. William W., born about 1759, died August 19, 1829; married, January 28, 1783, … Read more

Biography of Frank Harwood Hamlin

(VIII) Frank Harwood, second son and third child of Henry William and Sibyll Blackmail (Sears) Hamlin, was born in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, March 29, 1846. He prepared for college at Fast Bloomfield Academy, entered Yale University where he was graduated A. B., 1869. He decided upon the profession of law and entered Albany Law School, where he was graduated LL. B. in class of 1870, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He engaged in the practice of law for a short time in Albany, New York, then he moved to Canandaigua, New York, where he formed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Sheldon

Isaac (2), son of Isaac (1) Sheldon, was born in England. 1627, died at Windsor, Connecticut. July 27, 1708. He settled at Windsor and Northampton. He married (first) Mary, daughter of Thomas Woodford. She died April 17, 1684, and he married (second) Mehitable (Ensign) Gunn, divorced wife of Thomas Gunn, daughter of David Ensign. Children: Mary, born 1654; Isaac, September 4, 1656; John, December 5, 1658, mentioned elsewhere: Thomas, August 8. 1661; Ruth. (twin) August 27. 1663: Thankful, (twin) ; Mindwell, February 24, 1666; Joseph, February 1, 1668, died ill Boston ; Hannah, June 29, 1670: Eleazer, 1672. died young; … Read more

Biography of Dr. John W. Short

Dr. John W. Short, who has been established in the practice of the medical profession in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. since 1909, while young in years has had an amount of experience which many of his older colleagues have not been able to attain in twice the number of years of practice. Thoroughly conversant with the details of his profession, energetic in all his business transactions as well as honorable and high-minded in all the different phases of life, Dr. Short occupies an enviable position among his fellow citizens, who willingly accord to him a place in their first … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Throope

Daniel. son of William and Mary (Chapman) Throope, was born about 1670. He married (first) at Bristol, Rhode Island, August 23, 1689, Dorcas, daughter of Jacob and Ann (Witt) Barney, and granddaughter of John Witt, of Lynn, Massachusetts, who was born at Salem, Massachusetts, April 22, 1671, died at Bristol, Rhode Island, September 19, 1697. He married (second) at Bristol, January 5, 1698, Deborah Marne. He married (third) between March 23, 1712-13, and June 3, 1713, Deborah, daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Tucker) Church, of Little Compton, Rhode Island, and widow of Samuel Gray, who died March 23, 1712-13, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Cook

Edward Cook, born in England in the latter part of the eighteenth century, was a prosperous yeoman, owning a large dairy farm in Somersetshire. He was married at Kingston, April 5, 1807, to Ann Jones, who was born in England in 1772. She became the mother of fifteen children, twelve of whom lived to maturity. In their old age Edward and Ann Cook came to America. Edward died in Texas and was buried there, and the remains of his wife were interred in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Biography of Elijah Hamlin

(VI) Elijah, eldest son and second child of Captain Seth and Mary (Pitcher) Hamlin, was born in Alford, Massachusetts, February 8, 1767, died April 12, 1858, and was buried at Clarkson, New York. He witnessed as a boy many of the stirring scenes of the revolution and related to his grandchildren many interesting incidents of those clays of hardship and danger. He removed to Barre, Massachusetts, and from there to East Bloomfield, New York, about 1791. He purchased and operated a farm there which is now (1910) owned by his grandsons, John S. and Frank H. Hamlin. He was a … Read more