Biography of Lieutenant Ephraim Cotton

Lieutenant Ephraim (2) Cotton, son of Ephraim (1) Cotton, was born at Springfield, later called Longmeadow, February 8, 1672, died September 12, 1753. He married, December 29, 1699, Mary Noble. Children, born at Longmeadow : Mary, December 25, 1700; Ephraim, May 9, 1705; Deborah, February 25, 1708; Jerusha, February 22, 1711 ; Son, born and died November 7, 1712, and twin son died November 13, 1712; Demaris, August 18, 1714; Job, July 20, 1717; Hannah, February 21, 1724; Samuel, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Aldrich

(II) Jacob, son of George Aldrich, was born in Braintree, February 28, 1653. He settled in Mendon, and was a farmer there on the homestead all his life. He died October 22, 1695. He married, November 3, 1675, Huldah Thayer. Children, born at Mendon: Jacob, May 28, 1676, mentioned elsewhere; Abel, January 27, 1677; Seth, July 6, 1699; Huldah, 1680; Rachel, 1682, died young; Sarah, 1683; David, May 23, 1685; Peter, October 17, 1686; John, November 17, 1688; Moses, April 1, 1691 ; Mercy, February 17, 1692, died same year; Rachel, December 27, 1694.

Biographical Sketch of Adoniram Judson Throop

Adoniram Judson, son of Azel and Fanny (Van Dusen) Throop, was born in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York, November 28. 1844, and is now (1910) living at Port Gibson. in the same county. He was educated in the township public schools and the East Bloomfield Academy, and then began working on a farm. After doing this for several years, he was appointed, February 1, 1871, United States postal clerk, and given the run between Syracuse and New York City. In 1901 he was promoted head postal clerk and has held this position ever since. Since his appointment … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Mead

William (2), son of David Mead, was born in 1716. Children : John L., born about 1743; Gilbert, born about 1745; Nathaniel, mentioned elsewhere; William, born about 1749; Charity, born about 1751; Hannah, born about 1753; Mary, born about 1756.

Biographical Sketch of Walter Hoyt

Walter, son of Simon Hoyt, was born about 1618, died about 688. He is named in the deed of his father’s land at Windsor in 1640, but soon afterwards removed to Norwalk, Connecticut. where he was selectman, deputy to the general court and sergeant of the train band. His wife’s name is unknown. Children, of record: 1. John, born July 13, 1644, died about 1711; married (first) September 14, 1666, Mary Lindall; (second) Hannah . 2. Elizabeth, married Samuel Sention. 3. Hannah, married Judah Gregory. 4. Zerubbabel, referred to elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Elijah Hoyt

Elijah, son of Benajah and Dinah Hoyt, was born in Norwalk, Connecticut, May 1, 1734, died October 8, 1804. After 1775 he removed to Pawlingstown, Dutchess county, New York. He married (first) in June, 1757, Mary Raymond; (second) in February, 1768, Abigail Bishop. Children, five by first marriage: 1. William, born April 12, 1758, died about 1838; married (first) Lydia Crofoot; (second) Anna Jackson. z. James, born November 22, 1759, died in May, 1777. 3. Dinah, born January 7, 1762, died February 3, 1846; married, January 1, 1784, Seymour Fitch Jr. 4. Rachel, born August 6, 1764, died young. 5. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William Marion Cotton

Dr. William Marion Cotton, son of Leonard Cotton, was born at Farmington, November 25. 1851. He attended the district schools of his native town. In early life he followed farming. Having studied veterinary surgery he engaged in practice at Mendon, New York, in partnership with Thomas Gardner. After the partnership was dissolved he continued in practice alone at Williamson, New York, for two years, at Wolworth. New York, for five years, and at Victor, New York, for the past eleven years. He stands high in his profession and is well known and greatly esteemed in the community in which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abram Garlock

(II) Abram, son of Peter Garlock, was a farmer in Manchester, New York. He married Catharine, daughter of Peter Cook, who was a native of New Jersey. The children of Abram and Catharine (Cook) Garlock were nine, including Cyrus, referred to below; Dr. Alfred, who lived in Michigan; and Peter, born in Phelps, October 6, 1832, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Richard Knowles

(II) Richard Knowles, progenitor of the Plymouth county family, son of Rev. John Knowles, was probably born in England, before his father, Rev. John, came to this country. He commanded a barque engaged in transporting military supplies for the government. Before 1653 he was located at Eastham, Massachusetts. Children: 1. Mercy, married- , February 5,1663. 2. Colonel John, married, December 28, 1670, Apphia Bangs; he was killed by the Indians in King Philip’s war and his widow married Joseph Atwood. 3. Samuel, born September 17, 1651, mentioned elsewhere. 4. Mehitable, May 20, 1653, died young. 5. Mehitable, 1655. 6. Barbara, … Read more

Biography of Dudley Marvin Dixon

Prominent among the highly successful and enterprising business men of Hall. New York, are Dudley Marvin and Edward Baxter Dixon, brothers, sons of Edward and Isabella (Crosier) Dixon, the latter named a daughter of Major Crosier. They belong to that honorable class of men in whom every city takes a peculiar pride, men who by force of character, strength of will and firmness of purpose, joined to natural ability, have come to deserve the distinctive title of self-made. Dudley Marvin Dixon was born in Hall. Ontario county, New York, March 29, 1870. He obtained a practical education in the public … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Andruss

(VIII) George, third son of Zebina C. and Almira (Garlick) Andruss, was born at Bluff’ Point, Jerusalem, New York, January 4, 1824; died at Canadice, New York, April 2, 1870. He was a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. As a member of the Republican party, he served as justice of the peace for a period of sixteen years, and was supervisor of the town of Canadice for several years. He married, at Canadice, New York, July r1, 1844, Sarah, born in Barrington, New York, March 12, 1827, daughter of Cornelius and Esther (Angel) Ter Bush, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Boughton, Sr.

John Bouton Sr., a French Huguenot, sailed from England in July, 1635, and arrived in Boston in December of the same year. He lived successively in Boston, Watertown, Massachusetts; and Hartford and Norwalk, Connecticut. He held many official positions. He married (first) Joan Turney; (second) Abigail Marvin; (third) Widow Mary Stevenson. Children by first marriage: Richard; Bridget, married Daniel Kellogg, probably of Norwalk. Children of second marriage: John, see elsewhere; Matthew; Rachel, married Matthias St. John; Abigail, married Smith; Mary, married David Waterbury. Children of third marriage: Joseph, married Mary Thomas; Elizabeth, married Edmund Waring.

Biographical Sketch of Zebina C. Andruss

(VII) Zebina C., third son of Benajah and Abigail (Nash) Andruss, was born at Butternuts, now (1910) Gilbertsville, New York, August 12, 1794. His occupation was that of farming. He took an active interest in political affairs, was at first a member of the Whig party, later of the Republican; served as magistrate for many years and also as judge of Yates county court. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He married, September 20, 1818, Almira Garlick, born at Norwich, New York, February 10, 1799. Children: John Pellett, Miles Benajah, George, see forward, and Charles York.

Biography of Isaac Esty

(II) Isaac, son of Jeffrey Esty, was born probably in England before 1630, and came to Salem with his father when very young. He was a cooper by trade, and is designated as such in the first record of him, dated April 5, 1653. At that time, he bought a house and land in Salem. Before 1660, he settled in Topsfield, Massachusetts. In 1661, he was one of the commoners appointed to share in the common land on the south side of Ipswich river. In 1664, he was rated at nineteen shillings, six pence, which was the minister’s rate for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. A. Clark

Frederick P. A., son of Cephus and Deborah (Wilbur) Clark, was born in Glover, Vermont. May 2l, 1819, and was engaged in farming throughout the active years of his life. He married, December 9, 1845, Eliza J. King, who was born in Glover, Vermont, November 6, 1823. Her great-great-grandfather was the son of a slave owner in the south, migrated to the north and took part in the revolutionary war, during the progress of which he was killed.

Biographical Sketch of Cornelius Westfall

Cornelius Westfall, descendant of Juriaen Westvall, was born October 7, 1753, died May 13, 1826. He came from Orange county to Phelps, Ontario county, New York, among the early settlers and took up a very large tract of land. He brought negro slaves with him to clear the land and work the plantation. In the census of 1790 he was reported in Montgomery county, New York, with two sons under sixteen and one female in his family. In that census there were in Orange county and elsewhere, the following heads of family: Abraham, Benjamin, Frederick, Jacobus, Johannes, Peter, Petrus. Simon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Clayton

Joseph, son of William (3) Clayton, was born at New Salem, Ontario county, New York, May 25, 18J3, and was educated there in the public schools and at a select school of the Friends. He worked on a farm until he was twenty years old. He learned the trade of tanner at Proctor, Pennsylvania. He then returned to Canandaigua and for two years conducted a dry goods store. In 1899 he came to the town of Phelps, Ontario county, and bought the Bigelow Planing Mill. After two years he sold out and removed to Marion, Indiana, where he engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hawkins Hart

Hawkins, son of Captain Thomas and Ruth (Hawkins) Hart, was born in Farmington, 1677, and died at Wallingford. May 2a, 1735. He removed to Wallingford, which he represented in the general court nine sessions. 1714-1732. and held the military rank of a lieutenant. He married (first) Sarah Roys or Royce, born and died in Wallingford; (second) Widow Mary Street, daughter of Rev. Joseph Eliot, of Guilford, and granddaughter of Rev. John Eliot, the author of the celebrated Indian translation of the Bible. Children, all by the first wife, with the exception of the youngest, who was a posthumous child : … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Throope

Daniel (2), son of Daniel (1) and Deborah (Church-Gray) Throope, was born in Bristol, Rhode Island, July 31, 1715, died in Lebanon, Connecticut, December 27, 1771. He was quartermaster at Lebanon in 1741, selectman from 1750 to 1766, and captain of the train band in 1751. He and his first wife owned covenant in the Lebanon church, February 18, 1739, and their gravestones are in the oldest cemetery in the town. He married (first) at Bristol, Rhode Island, October 27, 1737, Susanna Cary. who died November 20, 1754, in her thirtyeighth year. The Cart’s of Bristol, Bridgewater and Charlestown came … Read more

Biography of Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline

Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline, who has filled a number of public offices in connection with his professional career, is of the first generation of his family to have been born in this country, his ancestors having lived in Germany. John Eiseline, father of Dr. Eiseline, was born in Bavaria, Germany, from which country he came to America in 1867, bringing his wife with him, and located at Canandaigua. He was a shoemaker by trade and followed that occupation until his death, in 1897. He married Elizabeth S. Lindner, and had six children, of whom three died in infancy. Those living … Read more