Biographical Sketch of Elisha Brace

(II) Elisha Brace, son of John Brace, and probably nephew of Captain Henry Brace, aforementioned, was born in Hartford, died in 1752. He left an estate valued at six hundred and thirty-one pounds. He married Jerusha . Among his children were: John, Jared, Elisha, Joseph. Jonathan, guardian of Elisha, was probably an elder brother.

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Severance

(V) Jesse, son of Joseph (2) Severance, was born about 1751. his birth is not on record, but he was doubtless of this family. He died November 21, 1831, aged eighty years. In 1774 he was of Deerfield and of Shelburne in 1781. He settled in Conway and was selectman in 1784, and deputy sheriff in 1791. Before 1806 he returned to Deerfield and was a tavern keeper at Bloody Brook in 1810. In 1790 he was of Conway, according to the first federal census and had in his family four sons under sixteen and five females. He married Eunice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Tuttle

(V) Benjamin, son of Joseph (3) Tuttle, was born at East Haven, Connecticut, or vicinity. He settled in Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York. In 1790 he was the only head of family of this name in Ontario county, and he had two males over sixteen, one under that age, and four females in his family. He was overseer of highways at Seneca, Ontario county, in 1793

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Barden

Thomas (3), son of Thomas (2) and Susanna (Riggs) Barden, was born in Attleboro, February 24, 1765. In 1788-89 he disappeared permanently from his hone in Attleboro, and never returned, nor was he ever heard from. It was thought at the time that he might have gone to the then district of Maine, where many young men from Massachusetts were settling as pioneers at that time, but this supposition was never verified. The Thomas Barden previously referred to as the ancestor of the Ontario county family, was, according to information at hand, born near Boston and settled in the town … Read more

Biograhical Sketch of Thaddeus Collins

(I) Thaddeus, grandfather of Louis D. Collins, served during the revolutionary war, entering the army at the age of sixteen years and enlisting a number of times. He also served during the war of 1812. He went to Ontario county, New York, in 1998, took tip a tract of land and engaged in farming.

Biographical Sketch of William Waddell Skinner

William Waddell Skinner is a native of Marengo. Illinois, born January 14, 1860. His preliminary education was obtained in the public schools of Prattsburg. and later he attended the Buffalo university, graduating from the medical department in 1887. In 1880, prior to taking up the study of medicine, he served in the capacity of teacher in the schools of Prattsburg. After his graduation he entered upon the active practice of his chosen calling, locating in Geneva. In addition to his private practice. Dr. Skinner serves as surgeon of the New York Central & Hudson River railroad, consulting surgeon of the … Read more

Biography of Henry William Hamlin

(VII) Henry William, fifth son and tenth child of Elijah and Lydia (Pope) Hamlin, was born in East Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, October 20, 1807, died there November 30, 1881. He was a leading citizen and prominent business man of Ontario county and for many years was engaged in various lines of activity; was farmer, trader, merchant, banker and successful in all his undertakings. He established a character for rectitude and uprightness that stands unsurpassed in any community. Of him the well-worn saying that “His word was as good as his bond” was literally true. His advice and counsel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sawyer

Joseph (2), son of Captain Thomas (4) Sawyer, was born on “Saber-day,” March 30, 1777, at Winchendon. He married (first) Desire Root in 1802. She died in 1807. He married (second) December 25, 1807, Anna Coats. Children by first wife: Henry, born April 25, 1803; Thusebe, April 25. 1805. Children by second wife : Desire, October 23, 1809; Abelina. December 15. 1811; Joseph Norris. April 4, 1814, mentioned elsewhere; Eliza A., October 19, 1816; Lorenzo Wesley, June 29, 1819; James Paddock, April 7, 1821, died June 26, 1822; James Mosely, June 16. 1823: Louisa M.. August 21, 1825; Schuyler Seager, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Herendeen

Charles H., son of Welcome Wilkinson Herendeen, was born on the farm which he now (1910) owns and on which he resides, June 13, 1840. He received his education in the public schools of his native town and at Macedon Academy. During his youth he assisted his father on the homestead, and afterward his father gave him one hundred and thirty acres of land. Subsequently he succeeded to the remainder of his father’s farm, the old homestead. For four years he also represented the Walter A. Wood Company as selling agent for farming machinery. In politics he is a Democrat … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Henry Sweeney

Charles Henry, son of Thomas Henry and Honora Frances (Donnelly) Sweeney, attended the St. Francis de Sales School at Geneva, New York. At the age of fourteen he began his active career, entering his father’s office, engaged in real estate and general insurance. He is now (1910) the head of the firm of T. H. Sweeney & Sons, the other members being his brothers, William Edward and Stephen Joseph Sweeney, and in addition to a general insurance business, they handle all kinds of real estate and make extensive loans. It is the oldest established real estate agency in eastern Ontario … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Noah Aldrich

(IV) Noah, son of Jacob (2) Aldrich, was born in Mendon about 1720. He deeded lands in Mendon in 1772. He appears to have moved soon afterward to New Salem, Massachusetts, of which he was a soldier in the revolution in 1775 in Captain John King’s company, Colonel Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge’s regiment. In 1790, according to the first federal census, he was living in Adams, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, and had one son over sixteen and four females -in his family. He married Rachel.

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Ebenzer Hamlin

(III) Deacon Ebenezer, eighth child and fifth son of James and Mary (Dunham) Hamlin, was born July 29, 1674. He occupied the homestead farm at Coggin’s Pond until about the time of his second marriage when he removed to Rochester, Massachusetts, now (1910) Wareham. He was one of the original members of the Wareham church which was organized December 25, 1739. He was chosen deacon, February 18, 1740. He was dismissed to the church at Sharon, Connecticut, May 30, 1742, which is about the date of his removal to that town and state. In his will he bequeathed “twenty-four pounds, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Enos D. Williams

Enos D., son of Ebenezer (2) Williams, was born at Amherst, in 1822 and died in October, 1866. He was educated in the public schools and at Amherst Academy. He began life as a merchant in a small way and became a wholesale flour dealer, owning large flour mills. In politics he was a Republican in his later years, and he represented his district in the general court in 1856 and 1857. He was a director of the First National Bank of Amherst for many years. He married in 1846, Caroline Ruth Hawley, who was born in Plainfield, Massachusetts, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Hoyt

John F., son of Rev. Benjamin F. and Elizabeth (Haney) Hoyt, was born in Ohio in 1830, died in August, 1905. Going to St. Paul with his father in 1848, he afterwards studied law three years in the east, and later in St. Paul and was admitted to the Minnesota bar, but never practised. He was judge of probate for two terms, and also served as county auditor and county commissioner. He was a charter member of the St. Paul Library Association, a member of the Board of Public Works and water commissioner. For several years he was engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Hutchens

Henry Hutchens, grandfather of Nodiah F. Hutchens, was born in Canandaigua, where he was engaged in farming throughout his life. He was a staunch supporter of the Republican party and a member of the Baptist church. He married Polly U. Livermore. Children: Hiram L., deceased; Floyd, deceased; Nodiah; John; Sarah, deceased; Charles H., see elsewhere; Amanda, died in childhood.

Biographical Sketch of Frederic D. Whitwell

(III) Frederic D., son of William and Caroline A. (Davenport) Whitwell, was born in Geneva, New York, September 2, 1876. He was a student at the Geneva high school, then at Hobart College and was graduated with honor from both institutions. Admitted to the bar, November 17, 1903, he immediately established himself in practice in Geneva, where he is rapidly acquiring a large clientele. Prior to commencing the study of law he was a tutor of Latin and Greek in the Geneva high school. He is an active worker in the interests of the Republican party, has served as a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cornelius Conover

Cornelius Conover lived in the town of Mohawk, Montgomery county, New York, and came thence to Victor, Ontario county. He married Margaret Bowers and they had nine children, two of whom were born in Mohawk, the others in Monroe and Ontario counties, viz: Vincent, Catherine, Benjamin, Betsey, William, Mary J., Angeline, John, mentioned elsewhere, Hannah.

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Conover

Theodore, son of John Conover, was born in Victor, November 22, 1858. He was educated in the district schools of his native town and at Canandaigua Academy and Rochester Business College. From 1888 to 1903 he was employed in a plaster mill, just outside the village of Victor, and since that he has been engaged in general farming in his native town. He has an excellent farm of one hundred and seventy acres. In politics he is a Republican. He married, September 20, 1881, Clara Mink, of Rochester, born in Illinois, August 10, 1857, daughter of Dr. Ezra and Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Smith Ellis

Smith Ellis, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in the Mohawk Valley, New York, and removed to the town of Gainesville, Wyoming county. New York, early in the nineteenth century. He was one of the early settlers in that town and, some years later, removed to Pike in the same county. He was an active participant in the war of 1812 and saw service at Sacketts Harbor. He married Christine Helmer, who was also a native of Mohawk Valley.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Marsh

Frederick, son of Lewis Marsh, settled in the town of Hopewell, Ontario county. New York. He married Frances, daughter of John and Maria Wilson. Her parents also had Adelaide, Julia, Elizabeth, Helen, John and Robert Wilson. Children of Frederick and Frances Marsh : Lewis. born March 8, 1878; John N., mentioned elsewhere; Robert, January 26. 1882; Herbert, July 1S, 1891.