Roll Of Capt. Charles Hilliard’s Company

(Probably from Miami County) Served from February 22, until August 21, 1813. Capt. Charles Hilliard Lieut. John Hill Ensign John Kiser Sergt. James Frost Sergt. Thomas Ross Sergt. Thomas Gilbert Sergt. Samuel Clark Sergt. Benjamin Nogle Corp. Benjamin B. Winans Corp. Lewis Winans Corp. William Ramsey Musician, Samuel Haney Musician, John Manning Corp. William Brown Privates Anderson, Samuel Battroll, John Bayman, Thomas Blue, Barnabus Brown, Abraham Browning, Abraham Cary, David Cary, Thomas Castle, Ralph Castle, Ralph, Sr. Cox, John Crawford, James Dunn, Terwin Eller, Adam Favorite, Abraham Foster, Elijah Green, James Hance, Benjamin Harter, Jacob Ingle, Michael Jackson, John James, … Read more

Genealogy of Lydia French and James Fordyce

7 LYDIA FRENCH (Aaron1), b. about 1777, Essex Co., New Jersey; d. about 1856-7, Miami Co., Ohio; m. June 28, 1802, Amity, Pennsylvania, James Fordyce, Jr. (b. Sep. 17, 1 2; d. Aug., 1852) ; moved from Pennsylvania to Miami Co., Ohio, 1811. Children: 58 ELIZABETH FORDYCE, b. Apr. 8, 1803; d. Apr., 1806. 59 URI FORDYCE, b. Feb. 18, 1805; d. Mar. 4, 1876; m. Mar. 17, 1829, Margaret Ann Long; 10 ch., including RUHAMA ANN (b. Nov. 21,1831; d. May 13, 1809, N. Y. City; m. Thomas Bowdle); MARGARET ELLEN (b. May 15, 1838; lives at West Milton, … Read more

Biography of Amos S. Lapham

Amos S. Lapham. There are but few members of the bar of Southeastern Kansas who have exceeded the record of Amos S. Lapham, of Chanute, for length and continuity of service, for devotion to the best ethics of the profession and for connection with important litigation. His standing is that of one of the foremost members of the bar of this part of the state. Judge Lapham was born on a farm in Champaign County, Ohio, April 6, 1845, and is a son of Oziel and Mahala (Steere) Lapham, and belongs to one of America’s old and honored families. John … Read more

Biography of George W. Robinson

George W. Robinson of Wichita has been a Kansan forty years. His first work in this state was as an educator at Winfield, continuing from June, 1876, to June, 1879. He soon turned to the more congenial work of a business career. The field in which his energies have found their most successful issues has been in banking, and there are a number of flourishing institutions in the state which were organized or at some time in their career have received the benefit of his excellent judgment and financial ability. Born February 20, 1855, in Piqua, Ohio, he went to … Read more

Biography of Nelson H. George

Nelson H. George is one of the veterans in the service of the Santa Fe Railroad in Kansas. He had been connected with the railroad in different capacities for twenty-five consecutive years, and when he first came to Kansas over thirty years ago he entered the employ of the railway company, though afterwards for some seven or eight years he had a most diversified experience as a West Kansas homesteader. He now had the heavy responsibilities of general yardmaster of the Santa Fe Railway at Arkansas City. His name is familiar to railroad men throughout the southwest, and his efficiency … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Taylor, M. D.

Dr. Thomas W. Taylor, a well known urologist of St. Louis, was born at Newcastle in Staffordshire, England, March 4, 1880, his parents being James and Elizabeth (Onions) Taylor, who likewise were natives of the Merrie Isle. It was in the year 1882 that the father brought the family to the new world, settling originally in New Castle, Pennsylvania, while later he removed to Piqua, Ohio, where he successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits for many years. He passed away December 16, 1915, at the advanced age of eighty, while his wife died in Piqua, in 1914, at the age of … Read more

Threads of ancestors, Telford – Ritchie – Mize

Threads of ancestors, Telford - Ritchie - Mize: a link among the days which binds the generations each with each

“Threads of Ancestors: Telford – Ritchie – Mize: A Link Among the Days Which Binds the Generations Each with Each,” authored by Leila Ritchie Mize and Jessie Julia Mize, explores the intricate tapestry of family lineage and migration across continents and centuries. Tracing roots back to Alexander Telford Sr., who settled near Rockbridge, Virginia around 1760, this book delves into the journeys and settlements of his descendants across the United States. Highlighting the Scotch-Irish origins of these families, the authors meticulously draw upon an extensive array of sources, including family Bibles, historical records, and personal diaries, to provide a detailed account of the Telford, Ritchie, and Mize families. Their narrative not only charts the genealogical paths of these families but also illuminates their substantial roles in the historical and cultural development of the regions they inhabited. This work stands as a testament to the enduring bonds and shared heritage that link successive generations, forming a foundational piece for both family members and historians interested in the Scotch-Irish contribution to American history.

Genealogy of Susannah French and John Shideler

9 SUSANNAH FRENCH (Aaron1), b. 1785, Essex Co., New Jersey; d. Nov. 9, 1863, near Troy, Ohio; m. John Shideler (d. Sep. 15, 1844, age 61 yrs., 7 mos., 28 ds.), s. of Peter Shideler of Washington Co., Pennsylvania. John and Susannah (French) Shideler settled in Miami Co., Ohio, soon after marriage. Children: 91 AARON SHIDELER, d.; m. Hannah 92 SUSANNAH SHIDELER, d.; m. Lewis Winters. 93 JOHN SHIDELER, d.; m. Isabelle Long. Ch.: (Hon.) WILLIAM LONG SHIDELER (Dayton, Tenn.), m. JOHN LEWIS SHIDELER, m. MARY, d. SUSANNAH BELLE, d. m.. MARTHA, d. m. GEORGE HUGHES SHIDELER, m. 94 PETER … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Charles Wolverton’s Company

(Probably from Miami County) Served from August 24 until September 23, 1812. Capt. Charles Wolverton Lieut. James Blue Ensign, Reuben Westfall Sergt. Samuel Kyle Sergt. Ezekial Kirtley Sergt. James Morrow Sergt. James Brown Corp. John Pelford Corp. John McClary Corp. James Marshall Corp. Nathaniel Garard Privates Barnes, Robert Bedle, Abraham Bedle, Samuel Bedle, Solomon Bull, John Bull, Thomas Campbell, John Crossley, Joseph Crowder, William Dumont, Peter Dye, William Frost, William Garard, Abner Garard, Henry Garard, James Gibson, Andrew Hamil, Hugh Hay, James Hayes, James Howell, Samuel Hunt, George Ingerson, Benjamin Jackson, James Junkin, George Junkins, Lancelot Layton, Joseph Leland, Simon … Read more

Roll Of Capt. Reuben Westfall’s Company

(Probably from Miami County) Served from May 1, until May 15, 1812, and from October 24, until November 13, 1812. Capt. Reuben Westfall Lieut. Amos Petite Sergt. Jesse Miller Sergt. Moses Garard Corp. Elias Garard Privates Alexander, James Arnold, David Ballenger, Daniel Ballinger, Even Bennett, Benjamin Brown, John Coats, James Cothran, James Curtis, James Edwards, James Hunter, William Kern, Henry Kern, John Kyle, Samuel Layton, Joseph McJimsey, Robert McJimsey, William North, Richard Orbison, John Richardson, John Robbins, Richard Smith, Henry Smith, Jonathan Swailes, Rice Thomas, Adam Thomas, Samuel Thornsburg, Uriah Trader, Tegal Westfall, Joel Westfall, Levi White, Robert

Roll Of Capt. George Buchanan’s Company

(Probably from Miami Co.) Served from May 5, until August 13, 1812. Capt. George Buchanan Lieut. James C. Caldwell Ensign, Gardner Bobo Sergt. Andrew Tilford Sergt. Joseph Hale Sergt. Benjamin Saunders Sergt. James Barnett Sergt. David McClung Privates Allen, Nathan Balbee, William Beedle, Abraham Beedle, Jacob Beedle, Joseph Bimgardner, Jacob Black, Jacob Blue, Michael Brown, James Duprey, Stephen Foster, Elijah Freeman, Noah Fugate, Edward Fulkirth, William Garard, John Hamer, George Haney, Jacob Hickman, David Hurley, Cornelius Hurley, Zechariah Huston, Joseph Jackson, Jacob Jackson, John Jenkins, George Johnson, Giles Knoop, John Leonox, Richard Lupton, John Mackey, Samuel McClary, John McPhaddon, James … Read more

Biography of Harrison Clay Taylor

Harrison Clay Taylor was one of the first settlers in Rice County, and he had had a very interesting career and one filled with business achievement that places him among the notable men of Lyons. He is a veteran merchant of that city and in the passing years had done much for its improvement and welfare. Mr. Taylor was born at Piqua in Miami County, Ohio, November 12, 1849. He is of English ancestry, his forefathers having settled in New Jersey in Colonial times. His grandfather was a native of Pennsylvania, was a member of the Quaker Church, and during … Read more

Genealogy of Asa French

8 ASA FRENCH (Aaron1), b. July 8, 1780, Essex Co., N. J.; d. Aug. 9, 1845, Miami Co., O.; m. (1st), 1301, Sarah Jackson (b. Apr. 24, 1780; d. Mar. 26,1820); m. (2nd). Miami Co., O., Hannah Davis (b. Feb. 19, 1800, near Lexington, Ky.; d. Mar. 5, 1883, near Troy, O.). Asa French moved from Greene Co., Pa., to Miami Co., O., 1811. Children of first marriage: 68 EZEKIEL FRENCH, b. Aug. 20, 1802, near Amity, Pa.; d. Feb. 2, 1889, S. Bend, Ind.; m. Elizabeth Hilliard. Ch.: CHARLES HILLIARD, d. (m. Mary Eliza Stillman). SARAH d. (m. Francis … Read more

Biography of J. Arthur Knoop M.D.

J. Arthur Knoop, M. D. In the family of Knoop the traditions of ability, honor and worth left by those who have gone beyond set a worthy precedent which the present generation and that from which it sprang, have followed, to which they have added a life chapter that must prove an inspiration and a positive incentive to those destined to come after. Among the exponents of the family’s integrity and professional ability is Dr. J. Arthur Knoop, a well known member of the Crawford County medical fraternity and a citizen who is doing his share in the movements that … Read more

Biography of Hon. Horace B. Durant

Hon. Horace B. Durant, a prominent representative of the Ottawa County bar who is practicing his profession at Miami, is also active in public affairs, representing his district in the state senate. He was born at Troy, Miami county, Ohio, July 31, 1868, his parents being Horace H. and Caroline (Brandriff) Durant, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Ohio. Removing to Ohio, the father for a time engaged in the dry goods business at Troy, while later he conducted a drug store at Piqua, that state, becoming recognized as one of the successful business men of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. H. Green

J. H. Green, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Miami Co., Ohio, Oct. 27, 1826; he is a son of James and Elizabeth (Heminway) Green, both of whom were natives of King and Queen Co., Va.; both removed to Kentucky when young, married and moved to Ohio; in 1840, his parents removed to Coles Co., but returned in a few years to Ohio; Mr. Green removed permanently to the county in the fall of 1855, and settled on his present farm; he purchased 120 acres of land, paying there for $18 an acre; he owed on this … Read more

Shawnee Indians

The Shawnee Tribe, meaning “southerners,” is recognized for its significant role in the history of numerous regions across the United States, with its name reflected in places from Pennsylvania to Georgia. The Shawnee were part of the Algonquian linguistic group, closely related to tribes such as the Fox, Sauk, and Kickapoo. Known for their frequent migrations, the Shawnee had historic settlements in locations like the Cumberland River Valley and Ohio, forming five primary divisions, including Chillicothe and Piqua. Their complex history of relocation, resistance against European settlers, and leadership under figures like Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa has made them a central part of early American history. Shawnee populations were dispersed over time, eventually settling primarily in Oklahoma by the 20th century.

Roll Of Capt. Timothy Titus’ Company

(Probably from Miami County) Served from September 4, 1813, until March 14, 1814. Capt. Timothy Titus Lieut. Daniel West Ensign. Adam Milmon Sergt. Severs Hudson Sergt. Daniel Mills Sergt. Philip Everman Sergt. George Whitmore Corp. John Fate Corp. Michael Tierman Corp. John Devors Corp. Job Severs Drummer, Ashbel Crane Fifer, William McKee Privates Baird, George Baldwin, Daniel Boner, Patrick Buchels, David C Buckles, David B. Bunnel, Noah Burrows, John Bushels, Henry Cast, Archibald Cast, John Crook, John Crosin, Edward Davis, George Dill, Solomon Dollison, Rezing Downs, David Emmet, John Garwood, Hosea Garwood, William Gaskil, Samuel Goodpaster, John Gray, Thomas Hayes, … Read more

Roll Of Lieut. Garner Bobo’s Company

(Probably from Miami Co.) Served from September 26, 1812, until March 26, 1813. Lieut. Garner Bobo Sergt. Jonothan Couch Corp. David Knight Corp. Thomas Green Privates Adams, Joseph Baker, Peter Ballinger, James Bedle, Daniel Dickson, Nicholas Dye, Samuel French, Ezektal Harrison, Richard Mann, Barnabus Mann, John Mason, Peter McConnoughey, David Mellinger, John Redinger, Andrew Shaver, Simon Simons, Adam Statler, Christopher Stranbarger, Joseph Vaneman, James Woodruff, Hampton

Eel River Indians

The Eel River Indians were a part of the Miami, formerly living in Indiana. Their village was at Thorntown, Boone County, where they had a reservation, which was sold in 1828, the band removing to the Miami Reservation between the Wabash and Eel rivers, in Miami County. They afterward shared the general fortunes of the tribe.