Biographical Sketch of J. H. Green

J. H. Green, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in Miami Co., Ohio, Oct. 27, 1826; he is a son of James and Elizabeth (Heminway) Green, both of whom were natives of King and Queen Co., Va.; both removed to Kentucky when young, married and moved to Ohio; in 1840, his parents removed to Coles Co., but returned in a few years to Ohio; Mr. Green removed permanently to the county in the fall of 1855, and settled on his present farm; he purchased 120 acres of land, paying there for $18 an acre; he owed on this place, $1,500; he now owns 513 acres of land, well improved, and is out of debt; he keeps usually about 100 head of cattle; he owes his success in life to the fact that he has always been a temperance man, never drinking a glass of whisky or beer; has always kept his agreements; and when he promised to pay a man money, has paid it on the very day agreed upon. He was married on the 12th of October, 1851, to Miss Mary F. Pottenger, a daughter of Dennis R. Pottenger, of Preble Co., Ohio; she was born there Aug. 1, 1834; they have had twelve children, eleven of whom are E. (wife of Lafayette Bates of Hutton Tp.), William S., Granville D., Commodore D., Hester S., Seymore, Sherman, May, Norman, Ettie and Ernest. Mr. Green has served several terms as School Director.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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