Biography of J. Arthur Knoop M.D.

Last Updated on June 27, 2011 by

J. Arthur Knoop, M. D. In the family of Knoop the traditions of ability, honor and worth left by those who have gone beyond set a worthy precedent which the present generation and that from which it sprang, have followed, to which they have added a life chapter that must prove an inspiration and a positive incentive to those destined to come after. Among the exponents of the family’s integrity and professional ability is Dr. J. Arthur Knoop, a well known member of the Crawford County medical fraternity and a citizen who is doing his share in the movements that are making for a bigger and better McCune.

Doctor Knoop was born in Miami County, Ohio, March 12, 1883, and is a son of Thomas and Hattie (Caton) Knoop. The family originated in Germany, from which country the American progenitor emigrated prior to the Revolutionary war, settling in Pennsylvania. From that state the family branched out, the greater number of its members selecting Ohio for their homes. Thomas Knoop, the father of Doctor Knoop, was born in Miami County, Ohio, in 1845, and was there reared and educated. In 1862, when only seventeen years of age, he enlisted for service in the Union army during the Civil war, joining the Forty-fourth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for a term of three years. He participated in all the battles of his regiment and was wounded in action, but after a short stay in the hospital rejoined his company and completed his term of service, at the expiration of which he was given his honorable discharge. After the war he engaged in farming in his native state for some years, but eventually came to Kansas, where he was married to Hattie Caton, who was born in Illinois in 1855. They then returned to Ohio, where Mr. Knoop continued to be engaged in farming until 1893, at that time returning to Kansas to make his permanent residence here. He followed farming for some years in Miami County, but is now retired from active labor and resided at Paola. He is independent in politics. His religious faith is that of the Christian Church. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Knoop, namely: W. M., a graduate of the Kansas City School of Law, LL. B., and now a successful practicing attorney of Kansas City, Missouri; O. M., of Pekin, China, for seven years a member of the United States marines; F. M., a farmer of Miami County, Kansas; Dr. J. Arthur; Vernic, who is engaged in farming in Miami County; and Viola, a trained nurse, who lives at Wichita, Kansas.

Dr. J. Arthur Knoop received his preliminary educational training in the graded and high schools of Paola, graduating from the latter with the class of 1905: He then entered the University Medical College, at Kansas City, Missouri, from which he was graduated in 1909 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and since that time had returned to Kansas City for special work. Doctor Knoop began practice in Miami County in 1909 and continued there until the spring of 1916, when he came to his present field of practice, McCune, where, associated with Dr. G. W. Traylor, he had since built up a large business in general medicine and surgery. He belongs to the Crawford County Medical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society, the Southeastern Kansas Medical Society and the American Medical Association, and to the McCune Commercial Club. A well read man, his great pleasure is found in the further study of medicine and allied sciences. He holds to high ideals in his profession and is constantly seeking to broaden his knowledge that his labors may be more effective. His political support is given to the candidates of the republican party.

Doctor Knoop was married in 1907, in Miami County, Kansas, to Miss Netah Staley, daughter of C. W. and Fannie (Heflebower) Staley, farming people of Miami County, and granddaughter of D. H. Heflebower, former state treasurer, who died in 1912. Doctor and Mrs. Knoop have one child: Hirschl, born July 5, 1911.

Biography, Knoop,

Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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